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Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective (2019)
Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. (2019). Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective. Athens Journal of Sports, 6(4), 195-214.

Limited studies have investigated the experiences of athletes who did not "make it" to elite level. To target this research gap, this study accessed and investigated this hard to reach population in order to understand the development and transition... Read More about Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective.

Performance in enduro mountain biking: the influence of training status, recovery, and vibration (2019)
Kirkwood, L. A. Performance in enduro mountain biking: the influence of training status, recovery, and vibration. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Enduro mountain bike racing (enduro) consists of timed downhill race stages linked by non-competitive transition stages and general classification is determined by accumulated race stage time. Limited research is available on the physiological requir... Read More about Performance in enduro mountain biking: the influence of training status, recovery, and vibration.

Changes in lactate kinetics underpin soccer performance adaptations to cycling-based sprint interval training (2019)
Journal Article
Thom, G., Kavaliauskas, M., & Babraj, J. (2019). Changes in lactate kinetics underpin soccer performance adaptations to cycling-based sprint interval training. European Journal of Sport Science, 20(4), 486-494.

In adolescent soccer, 23% of the distance covers happens at speeds above onset of blood lactate accumulation which suggests that lactate kinetics may be important for soccer performance. We sought to determine the effectiveness of sprint interval tra... Read More about Changes in lactate kinetics underpin soccer performance adaptations to cycling-based sprint interval training.

The role of exercise and age on vitamin D metabolism (2019)
Lithgow, H. The role of exercise and age on vitamin D metabolism. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

A low vitamin D status (determined by 25(OH)D concentration) has been identified as an association risk factor in the aetiology of numerous chronic diseases, with older adults identified as generally more deficient than younger populations. Accumulat... Read More about The role of exercise and age on vitamin D metabolism.

Lead me to train better: Transformational leadership moderates the negative relationship between athlete personality and training behaviours. (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, S., Beatie, S., Pitkethly, A., & Dempsey, C. (2019). Lead me to train better: Transformational leadership moderates the negative relationship between athlete personality and training behaviours. Sport Psychologist, 33(2), 119-128.

High-quality training environments are essential for athletic peak performance. However, recent research highlighted that athletes' personality characteristics could undermine effective training. The current set of studies aimed to examine whether sp... Read More about Lead me to train better: Transformational leadership moderates the negative relationship between athlete personality and training behaviours..

Extremely short duration sprint interval training improves vascular health in older adults (2018)
Journal Article
Adamson, S., Kavaliauskas, M., Yamagishi, T., Phillips, S., Lorimer, R., & Babraj, J. (2019). Extremely short duration sprint interval training improves vascular health in older adults. Sport Sciences for Health,

Exercise improves health and physical function in older people, but very few older people participate although the trend is for increasing participation. This study sought to determine whether short duration sprint interval training (SIT) improves he... Read More about Extremely short duration sprint interval training improves vascular health in older adults.

Sport officials' strategies for managing interactions with players: Face-work on the front-stage (2018)
Journal Article
Cunningham, I., Simmons, P., & Mascarenhas, D. (2018). Sport officials' strategies for managing interactions with players: Face-work on the front-stage. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 39, 154-162.

Communication is central to managing perceptions of fairness and performance in sport officiating. Most of the few studies that focus on sport official communication have been limited to ‘one-way’ impressions and decision communication and tend to ne... Read More about Sport officials' strategies for managing interactions with players: Face-work on the front-stage.

Early Adaptations to a Two-Week Uphill Run Sprint Interval Training and Cycle Sprint Interval Training (2018)
Journal Article
Kavaliauskas, M., Jakeman, J., & Babraj, J. (2018). Early Adaptations to a Two-Week Uphill Run Sprint Interval Training and Cycle Sprint Interval Training. Sports, 6(3), 72.

This study sought to compare early physiological and performance adaptations between a two-week cycle sprint interval training (SIT) and uphill run sprint training (UST) programs. Seventeen recreationally active adult males (age = 28 ± 5 years; body... Read More about Early Adaptations to a Two-Week Uphill Run Sprint Interval Training and Cycle Sprint Interval Training.

Accuracy and precision of wearable inertia sensor during a free-weight back squat. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kavaliauskas, M., Morrison, A., & Potts, N. (2018, July). Accuracy and precision of wearable inertia sensor during a free-weight back squat. Poster presented at 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin

Previous research investigating the validity and reliability of the PUSH™ (PUSH Inc., Toronto, Canada) wearable inertia sensor during a back squat exercise has produced conflicting results (Balsalobre-Fernández et al., 2016; Banyard et... Read More about Accuracy and precision of wearable inertia sensor during a free-weight back squat..

The Importance and Influence of a Successful Environment on Athletes’ Transition towards Elite Level: The case of Triathlon (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Andronikos, G., Westbury, T., Kolyperas, D., & Martindale, R. (2018, June). The Importance and Influence of a Successful Environment on Athletes’ Transition towards Elite Level: The case of Triathlon. Paper presented at European Academy of Management 2018 (EURAM'18), Reykjavík, Iceland

Developing athlete talents into professional successful athletes has been a challenge across various nations, sports, and cultures. While research has flourished and strived to determine how talents are being identified and developed including the ch... Read More about The Importance and Influence of a Successful Environment on Athletes’ Transition towards Elite Level: The case of Triathlon.

The Assessment of Isometric, Dynamic, and Sports-Specific Upper-Body Strength in Male and Female Competitive Surfers (2018)
Journal Article
Parsonage, J., Secomb, J., Dowse, R., Ferrier, B., Sheppard, J., & Nimphius, S. (2018). The Assessment of Isometric, Dynamic, and Sports-Specific Upper-Body Strength in Male and Female Competitive Surfers. Sports, 6(2), 53.

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in the dynamic strength index (DSI): an assessment of upper-body dynamic strength relative to maximal isometric strength. The secondary purpose was to investigate gender differen... Read More about The Assessment of Isometric, Dynamic, and Sports-Specific Upper-Body Strength in Male and Female Competitive Surfers.

The effects of structural change: An investigation into the South African cricket development pathway (2018)
Journal Article
English, C., Nash, C., & Martindale, R. (2018). The effects of structural change: An investigation into the South African cricket development pathway. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10(2), 371-391.

Sports organisations face immense challenge, both structurally and organisationally, in coordinating talent development processes. This complex interaction may be exacerbated by structural change and sports policy decision-making, not only changing... Read More about The effects of structural change: An investigation into the South African cricket development pathway.

Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment (2018)
Journal Article
Campbell, T. G., Westbury, T., Davison, R., & Florida-James, G. (2018). Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment. International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 2, Article 2

The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a distinct element of the diurnal pattern of cortisol release, believed to be partly driven by the anticipation of the demands of the upcoming day. Although evidence suggests that the response may be associate... Read More about Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment.

Scoring analysis of the men’s 2014, 2015 and 2016 world championship tour of surfing: the importance of aerial manoeuvres in competitive surfing. (2018)
Journal Article
Ferrier, B., Sheppard, J., Farley, O. R. L., Secomb, J. L., Parsonage, J., Newton, R. U., & Nimphius, S. (2018). Scoring analysis of the men’s 2014, 2015 and 2016 world championship tour of surfing: the importance of aerial manoeuvres in competitive surfing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-7.

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of aerial manoeuvres on scoring in professional surfing. 23631 waves were analysed for the number and types of aerial manoeuvres performed from the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Men's World Championship Tour.... Read More about Scoring analysis of the men’s 2014, 2015 and 2016 world championship tour of surfing: the importance of aerial manoeuvres in competitive surfing..

After Action (AAR) and Hot Reviewing in sport: An overview (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Westbury, T. (2017, December). After Action (AAR) and Hot Reviewing in sport: An overview. Paper presented at British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology

In a range of performance areas, it has become common practice to engage in 'huddles' or times out. The purpose being to reorient individual or team performance to the goals establishing in planning or preparation. However few contexts are so time co... Read More about After Action (AAR) and Hot Reviewing in sport: An overview.

Upper-Body Strength Measures and Pop-Up Performance of Stronger and Weaker Surfers (2017)
Journal Article
Parsonage, J., Secomb, J. L., Sheppard, J. M., Ferrier, B. K., Dowse, R. A., & Nimphius, S. (2020). Upper-Body Strength Measures and Pop-Up Performance of Stronger and Weaker Surfers. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 34(10), 2982-2989.

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of the isometric push-up (IPU), dynamic push-up (DPU), and force plate pop-up (FP POP) as measures of upper-body isometric and dynamic strength qualities in surfing athletes. Furthe... Read More about Upper-Body Strength Measures and Pop-Up Performance of Stronger and Weaker Surfers.

Faster, Fitter, Happier: 75 questions with a Sport Psychologist (2017)
Westbury, T. (2017). Faster, Fitter, Happier: 75 questions with a Sport Psychologist. Routledge

Faster, Fitter, Happier is the first book to bridge the gap between the practice of psychology across both professional and amateur sport, and the theoretical foundations on which the science is based. Author Tony Westbury has been working alongside... Read More about Faster, Fitter, Happier: 75 questions with a Sport Psychologist.

A qualitative exploration of the South African cricket development environment (2017)
English, C. V. A qualitative exploration of the South African cricket development environment. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

It may be argued that there are fewer sporting environments where politics and sport are so intertwined, however having undergone significant socio-political changes and development, South Africa (SA) remains a strong sporting nation with a rich and... Read More about A qualitative exploration of the South African cricket development environment.

Exploring the Nature of Psychological Resilience in Junior Rugby League Players: A Q-Method Approach (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fountain, H., Martindale, R., Westbury, T., & Lafferty, M. (2016, December). Exploring the Nature of Psychological Resilience in Junior Rugby League Players: A Q-Method Approach. Poster presented at BPS- Divison of Sport and Exercise Psychology Annual Conference

The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of psychological resilience in the context of junior Rugby League, using a novel Q-sort method.
A cross-sectional, quali-quantilogical design
Initially, 29 jun... Read More about Exploring the Nature of Psychological Resilience in Junior Rugby League Players: A Q-Method Approach.

Reframing Scottish Football: Strategy and the short-term nature of the football industry (2016)
Robertson, S. (in press). Reframing Scottish Football: Strategy and the short-term nature of the football industry. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Despite football being deeply entrenched in Scottish culture it is under-researched from a business perspective. This research develops a conceptual framework that views professional football clubs from a number of different perspectives. It draws on... Read More about Reframing Scottish Football: Strategy and the short-term nature of the football industry.