New Chinese Immigrants in New Zealand: Floating families?
Liu, L. S., & Ran, G. J. (2021). New Chinese Immigrants in New Zealand: Floating families?. Routledge.
The role of online social networks in the wellbeing of highly skilled migrants: a case-study of an online forum for Russian-speaking migrants in the UK (2019)
Loginova MacFarlane, N. The role of online social networks in the wellbeing of highly skilled migrants: a case-study of an online forum for Russian-speaking migrants in the UK. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. study aims to investigate the role of online social networks in highly skilled migrants’ wellbeing. The research focused on Russian-speaking migrants in the UK. It was designed around a case study of a Russian-speaking online forum for migrants... Read More about The role of online social networks in the wellbeing of highly skilled migrants: a case-study of an online forum for Russian-speaking migrants in the UK.
Crafting a DIY Campervan and Crafting Embodied, Gendered Identity Performances in a Hyper-masculine Environment (2019)
Journal Article
Stanley, P. (2019). Crafting a DIY Campervan and Crafting Embodied, Gendered Identity Performances in a Hyper-masculine Environment. Art/Research International, 4(1), 351-380. paper presents a multi-media textual collage that shows rather than tells the lived experiences of my conversion of a DIY campervan over several months in a diesel mechanic workshop in Sydney, Australia. This is a " small culture, " (Holliday, 1... Read More about Crafting a DIY Campervan and Crafting Embodied, Gendered Identity Performances in a Hyper-masculine Environment.
Moving masculinities: exploring gender identity through a female interviewer/male interviewee dynamic. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Young, J. (2018, January). Moving masculinities: exploring gender identity through a female interviewer/male interviewee dynamic. Presented at 4th Annual Qualitative Research SymposiumNo abstract available.
Ethnography and Ethics in Your Own Workplace: Reconceptualising Dialysis Care from an Insider Nurse Researcher (2018)
Book Chapter
Wood, A. (2018). Ethnography and Ethics in Your Own Workplace: Reconceptualising Dialysis Care from an Insider Nurse Researcher. In E. Garnett, J. Reynolds, & S. Milton (Eds.), Ethnographies and Health (51-66). Palgrave Macmillan. chapter presents reflections on the author’s experience in conducting ethnographic research in a setting in which they had an existing professional role as a registered and practising nurse. The position held and how this was negotiated within t... Read More about Ethnography and Ethics in Your Own Workplace: Reconceptualising Dialysis Care from an Insider Nurse Researcher.
Equality is not just about ticking boxes – tapping into our talent benefits us all (2018)
Newspaper / Magazine
Merchant, J., & O'Connor, S. (2018). Equality is not just about ticking boxes – tapping into our talent benefits us allNo abstract available.
Questions of culture in autoethnography (2018)
Stanley, P., & Vass, G. (Eds.). (2018). Questions of culture in autoethnography. Routledge. allows researchers to make sense of the ‘ethno’ – the cultural – by studying their own experiences – the ‘auto’. It links the self to the cultural, allowing for an inductive grounding of theoretical insight into researchers' lived exp... Read More about Questions of culture in autoethnography.
On the difficulties of writing about culture in autoethnography (2018)
Book Chapter
Stanley, P. (2018). On the difficulties of writing about culture in autoethnography. In P. Stanley, & G. Vass (Eds.), Questions of culture in autoethnography. RoutledgeNo abstract available.
Competitive camping. (2018)
Journal Article
Stanley, P. (2018). Competitive camping. New Philosopher, 20, 109-111in New Philosopher, Issue 20, pp.109-111. I recently fell down the social media rabbit hole that is the Vanlife hashtag. In it, girl-next-door models pose casually with expensive coffee pots in reclaimed-wood-lined campervans in front of iconic, Nort... Read More about Competitive camping..
The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow (2018)
Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018). The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. Identities, 26(6), 668-687. paper critically examines the processes of categorisation of Roma migrants in Glasgow, contributing to debates on the (unsuccessful) attempts of the EU and individual European states to tackle the social exclusion of various Roma populations liv... Read More about The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow.
Walking to heal or walking to heel? Contesting cultural narratives about fat women who hike and camp alone (2018)
Book Chapter
Stanley, P. (2018). Walking to heal or walking to heel? Contesting cultural narratives about fat women who hike and camp alone. In P. Stanley, & G. Vass (Eds.), Questions of culture in autoethnography (129-141). RoutledgeNo abstract available.
Ageism (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kydd, A., Fleming, A., Gardner, S., & Hafford-Letchfield, T. (2017, July). Ageism. Paper presented at International Association of Gerontology and GeriatricsThe developed world has an increasing number of people who are classed as the ‘old’, with the largest increase being those aged over eighty-five years. Population ageing is a worldwide phenomenon. The “oldest old” (people aged 85 or older) constitute... Read More about Ageism.
Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’ (2017)
Journal Article
McQueen, F. (2017). Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’. NORMA - Nordisk tidsskrift for maskulinitetsstudier, 12(3-4), 205-219. this article male affect within intimate relationships is examined as a product of the tension between two competing discourses: ‘it’s good to talk’ versus ‘boys don’t cry’. Central to this tension is how men perform ‘manliness’ within intimate re... Read More about Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’.
Sensational Interests (2017)
Book Chapter
Charles, K. E., & Egan, V. (2017). Sensational Interests. In R. J. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence (1-8). (2nd). Springer. essay examines the current status of sensational interests and their relationship with offending in adolescence. The essay describes sensational interests, their measurement and how they came to be associated with criminal behavior. New research... Read More about Sensational Interests.
Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa. (2017)
Journal Article
Tropp, L. R., Hawi, D. R., O'Brien, T. C., Gheorghiu, M., Zetes, A., & Butz, D. A. (2017). Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 23(3), 239-249. surveys of Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, and Whites and Blacks in South Africa, this research examines how both contact quality and exposure to intergroup conflict predict attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors relevant to intergroup... Read More about Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa..
The traveling researchers’ sisterhood: Four female voices from Latin America in a collaborative autoethnography (2016)
Journal Article
Zapata-Sepúlveda, P., Stanley, P., Ramírez-Pereira, M., & Espinoza-Lobos, M. (2016). The traveling researchers’ sisterhood: Four female voices from Latin America in a collaborative autoethnography. Qualitative Research Journal, 16(3), 251-262.
The purpose of this paper is to present a collaborative (auto)ethnography that has emerged from the meeting of four academic researchers working with and from the heart in various Latin American contexts.
Our “... Read More about The traveling researchers’ sisterhood: Four female voices from Latin America in a collaborative autoethnography.
‘The secret garden’: Artists, bohemia and gentrification in the Ouseburn Valley, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (2016)
Journal Article
Whiting, J., & Hannam, K. (2016). ‘The secret garden’: Artists, bohemia and gentrification in the Ouseburn Valley, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. European Urban and Regional Studies, 24(3), 318-334. has pointed to the importance of artists in the early stages of gentrification; however, few studies have examined specifically the meaning of gentrification and place-change from the perspective of artists themselves, and few studies have i... Read More about ‘The secret garden’: Artists, bohemia and gentrification in the Ouseburn Valley, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand (2016)
Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2016). Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand. Population, Space and Place, 23(5), e2011. paper explores the lifestyle mobilities of British retirees in Thailand, drawing on empirical research conducted in 2012. Thailand is a host to a significant number of British retirees motivated by a search for a better lifestyle in Asia. This p... Read More about Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand.
Netnography: observing and interacting with celebrity in the digital world (2015)
Journal Article
Logan, A. (2015). Netnography: observing and interacting with celebrity in the digital world. Celebrity Studies, 6(3), 378-381.
Performing the Scratch Orchestra's Nature Study Notes: creating and exploring a third sphere through improvised communal action. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hails, J. (2014, October). Performing the Scratch Orchestra's Nature Study Notes: creating and exploring a third sphere through improvised communal action. Presented at Music and shared imaginaries: nationalisms, communities, and choral singing, Aveiro, PortugalIn June 2014, a disparate group of trained and untrained performers gathered together at the Chisenhale Dance Space to perform items from the Scratch Orchestra’s 1969 Nature Study Notes. The performance was not a nostalgic recreation of past practice... Read More about Performing the Scratch Orchestra's Nature Study Notes: creating and exploring a third sphere through improvised communal action..
Showing 1 - 20 of 77 results