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Outputs (29)

Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission (2025)
Mackinnon, J., Turner, R. S., & White, P. J. C. (in press). Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission

We conducted a systematic literature review as part of a Forestry Commission (FC) contract to provide good practice technical guidance to manage impacts of mammals on trees, woods, establishing woodlands and treescapes. The review examined both the p... Read More about Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission.

Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles (2024)
Journal Article
Cirtwill, A. R., Wirta, H., Kaartinen, R., Ballantyne, G., Stone, G. N., Cunnold, H., Tiusanen, M., & Roslin, T. (2024). Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles. Oikos, 2024(4), Article e10301.

Most animal pollination results from plant–insect interactions, but how we perceive these interactions may differ with the sampling method adopted. The two most common methods are observations of visits by pollinators to plants and observations of po... Read More about Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles.

Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate (2022)
Journal Article
Cirtwill, A., Kaartinen, R., Rasmussen, C., Redr, D., Wirta, H., Olesen, J., Tiusanen, M., Ballantyne, G., Cunnold, H., Stone, G., Martin Schmidt, N., & Roslin, T. (2023). Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate. Ecological monographs, 93(1), Article e1551.

Insects provide key pollination services in most terrestrial biomes, but this service depends on a multi-step interaction between insect and plant. An insect needs to visit a flower, receive pollen from the anthers, move to another conspecific flower... Read More about Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate.

Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown of 2020 (2022)
Journal Article
Ollerton, J., Trunschke, J., Havens, K., Landaverde-González, P., Keller, A., Gilpin, A.-M., Rodrigo Rech, A., Baronio, G., Phillips, B., Mackin, C., Stanley, D., Treanore, E., Baker, E., Rotheray, E., Erickson, E., Fornoff, F., Brearley, F., Ballantyne, G., Iossa, G., Stone, G., …Arnold, S. (2022). Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown of 2020. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 31(9), 87-96.

During the main COVID-19 global pandemic lockdown period of 2020 an impromptu set of pollination ecologists came together via social media and personal contacts to carry out standardised surveys of the flower visits and plants in gardens. The surveys... Read More about Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown of 2020.

Bioturbation Intensity Modifies the Sediment Microbiome and Biochemistry and Supports Plant Growth in an Arid Mangrove System (2022)
Journal Article
Fusi, M., Booth, J. M., Marasco, R., Merlino, G., Garcias-Bonet, N., Barozzi, A., Garuglieri, E., Mbobo, T., Diele, K., Duarte, C. M., & Daffonchio, D. (2022). Bioturbation Intensity Modifies the Sediment Microbiome and Biochemistry and Supports Plant Growth in an Arid Mangrove System. Microbiology Spectrum, 10(3),

In intertidal systems, the type and role of interactions among sediment microorganisms, animals, plants and abiotic factors are complex and not well understood. Such interactions are known to promote nutrient provision and cycling, and their dynamics... Read More about Bioturbation Intensity Modifies the Sediment Microbiome and Biochemistry and Supports Plant Growth in an Arid Mangrove System.

Essential spawning grounds of Scottish herring: current knowledge and future challenges (2022)
Journal Article
Frost, M., & Diele, K. (2022). Essential spawning grounds of Scottish herring: current knowledge and future challenges. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 32, 721-744.

Scotland once had the largest herring fishery globally, generating local income, identity, and societal change. Following historic stock collapse, in spring 2018/2019 large herring shoals were observed on the west coast for the first time in decades,... Read More about Essential spawning grounds of Scottish herring: current knowledge and future challenges.

An investigation of the role of leadership in consensus decision-making (2022)
Journal Article
Perret, C., & Powers, S. T. (2022). An investigation of the role of leadership in consensus decision-making. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 543, Article 111094.

Leadership is a widespread phenomena in social organisms and it is recognised to facilitate coordination between individuals. While the role of leadership in group foraging or swarm movement is well understood, it is not clear if leaders would also b... Read More about An investigation of the role of leadership in consensus decision-making.

Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions (2022)
Journal Article
Lehmann, L., Powers, S. T., & van Schaik, C. P. (2022). Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4, Article e11.

This paper surveys five human societal types – mobile foragers, horticulturalists, pre-state agriculturalists, state-based agriculturalists and liberal democracies – from the perspective of three core social problems faced by interacting individuals:... Read More about Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions.

Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species‐interaction networks (2021)
Journal Article
O'Connell, D. P., Fusi, M., Djamaluddin, R., Rajagukguk, B. B., Bachmid, F., Kitson, J. J. N., Dunnett, Z., Trianto, A., Tjoa, A. B., Diele, K., & Evans, D. M. (2022). Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species‐interaction networks. Restoration Ecology, 30(4), Article e13546.

Mangroves are uniquely important ecosystems, for preserving biodiversity, sustaining livelihoods and mitigating against climate change. However they are degraded globally and are therefore a priority for ecosystem restoration. To date, the assessment... Read More about Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species‐interaction networks.

A functional analysis reveals extremely low redundancy in global mangrove invertebrate fauna (2021)
Journal Article
Cannicci, S., Lee, S. Y., Bravo, H., Cantera-Kintz, J. R., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Fratini, S., Fusi, M., Jimenez, P. J., Nordhaus, I., Porri, F., & Diele, K. (2021). A functional analysis reveals extremely low redundancy in global mangrove invertebrate fauna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(32), Article e2016913118.

Deforestation results in habitat fragmentation, decreasing diversity, and functional degradation. For mangroves, no data are available on the impact of deforestation on the diversity and functionality of the specialized invertebrate fauna, critical f... Read More about A functional analysis reveals extremely low redundancy in global mangrove invertebrate fauna.

Diel oxygen fluctuation drives the thermal response and metabolic performance of coastal marine ectotherms (2021)
Journal Article
Booth, J., Fusi, M., Giomi, F., Chapman, E., Diele, K., & McQuaid, C. (2021). Diel oxygen fluctuation drives the thermal response and metabolic performance of coastal marine ectotherms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1953),

Coastal marine systems are characterized by high levels of primary production that result in diel oxygen fluctuations from undersaturation to supersaturation. Constant normoxia, or 100% oxygen saturation, is therefore rare. Since the thermal sensitiv... Read More about Diel oxygen fluctuation drives the thermal response and metabolic performance of coastal marine ectotherms.

The sediment carbon stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in Scotland (2021)
Journal Article
Potouroglou, M., Whitlock, D., Milatovic, L., MacKinnon, G., Kennedy, H., Diele, K., & Huxham, M. (2021). The sediment carbon stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in Scotland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 258, Article 107442.

Seagrasses are highly productive ecosystems and hotspots for biodiversity, providing a plethora of benefits to the environment and to people. Their value in sequestering and storing carbon is increasingly being recognised, as the world searches for w... Read More about The sediment carbon stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in Scotland.

Social interactions in striped hyena inferred from camera trap data: is it more social than previously thought? (2020)
Journal Article
Tichon, J., Gilchrist, J. S., Rotem, G., Ward, P., & Spiegel, O. (2020). Social interactions in striped hyena inferred from camera trap data: is it more social than previously thought?. Current Zoology, 66(4), 345-353.

Understanding the drivers promoting sociality over solitariness in animal species is imperative for predicting future population trends and informing conservation and management. In this study we investigate the social structure of a desert dwelling... Read More about Social interactions in striped hyena inferred from camera trap data: is it more social than previously thought?.

Estimating pollinator performance of visitors to the self-incompatible crop-plant Brassica rapa by single visit deposition and pollen germination: a comparison of methods (2017)
Journal Article
Patchett, R., Ballantyne, G., & Willmer, P. (2017). Estimating pollinator performance of visitors to the self-incompatible crop-plant Brassica rapa by single visit deposition and pollen germination: a comparison of methods. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 21(3), 78-85

Estimating the pollen-deposition effectiveness of flower visitors is fundamental to understanding their performance as pollinators. While estimates of visitation rates, pollen loads, and single visit deposition (SVD) are all useful proxies for perfor... Read More about Estimating pollinator performance of visitors to the self-incompatible crop-plant Brassica rapa by single visit deposition and pollen germination: a comparison of methods.

Habitat preferences by individual humpback whale mothers in the Hawaiian breeding grounds vary with the age and size of their calves (2017)
Journal Article
Pack, A. A., Herman, L. M., Craig, A. S., Spitz, S. S., Waterman, J. O., Herman, E. Y., Deakos, M. H., Hakala, S., & Lowe, C. (2017). Habitat preferences by individual humpback whale mothers in the Hawaiian breeding grounds vary with the age and size of their calves. Animal Behaviour, 133, 131-144.

We investigated whether calf age and calf size influence habitat choice by humpback whale motherecalf pairs in their breeding grounds. During 1997e2008, we conducted focal follows of motherecalf pairs in Hawaiian waters. Tail-fluke identification pho... Read More about Habitat preferences by individual humpback whale mothers in the Hawaiian breeding grounds vary with the age and size of their calves.

An unexpected journey: Diurnal movement into deeper waters by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf pairs observed off Northwest Maui, Hawai’i (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pack, A., Craig, A., & Waterman, J. (2017, October). An unexpected journey: Diurnal movement into deeper waters by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf pairs observed off Northwest Maui, Hawai’i. Poster presented at 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Recent studies of humpback whale habitat use in the Hawaiian breeding grounds have revealed that mother-calf pairs favor shallow waters to avoid harassment from male humpbacks. However, human activity in these same shallow waters may, in theory, exe... Read More about An unexpected journey: Diurnal movement into deeper waters by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf pairs observed off Northwest Maui, Hawai’i.

Pollinator importance networks illustrate the crucial value of bees in a highly speciose plant community (2017)
Journal Article
Ballantyne, G., Baldock, K. C. R., Rendell, L., & Willmer, P. (2017). Pollinator importance networks illustrate the crucial value of bees in a highly speciose plant community. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 8389.

Accurate predictions of pollination service delivery require a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between plants and flower visitors. To improve measurements of pollinator performance underlying such predictions, we surveyed visitation f... Read More about Pollinator importance networks illustrate the crucial value of bees in a highly speciose plant community.

Insights from measuring pollen deposition: quantifying the pre-eminence of bees as flower visitors and effective pollinators (2017)
Journal Article
Willmer, P. G., Cunnold, H., & Ballantyne, G. (2017). Insights from measuring pollen deposition: quantifying the pre-eminence of bees as flower visitors and effective pollinators. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11(3), 411-425.

Using our accumulated datasets from Kenyan savanna, Mediterranean garigue, UK gardens and heathland, involving 76 plants from 30 families, we present detailed data to quantify the superiority of bees as pollinators of most flowering plants when compa... Read More about Insights from measuring pollen deposition: quantifying the pre-eminence of bees as flower visitors and effective pollinators.