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Culture of Murine Embryonic Metatarsals: A Physiological Model of Endochondral Ossification (2016)
Journal Article
Houston, D. A., Staines, K. A., MacRae, V. E., & Farquharson, C. (2016). Culture of Murine Embryonic Metatarsals: A Physiological Model of Endochondral Ossification. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 118(118), Article e54978.

The fundamental process of endochondral ossification is under tight regulation in the healthy individual so as to prevent disturbed development and/or longitudinal bone growth. As such, it is imperative that we further our understanding of the underp... Read More about Culture of Murine Embryonic Metatarsals: A Physiological Model of Endochondral Ossification.

An alternative transcript from the death-associated protein kinase 1 locus encoding a small protein selectively mediates membrane blebbing: Functional transcript expressed by DAPK-1 locus (2008)
Journal Article
Lin, Y., Stevens, C., Hrstka, R., Harrison, B., Fourtouna, A., Pathuri, S., Vojtesek, B., & Hupp, T. (2008). An alternative transcript from the death-associated protein kinase 1 locus encoding a small protein selectively mediates membrane blebbing: Functional transcript expressed by DAPK-1 locus. FEBS Journal, 275(10), 2574-2584.

Death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK-1) is a multidomain protein kinase with diverse roles in autophagic, apoptotic and survival pathways. Bioinformatic screens were used to identify a small internal mRNA from the DAPK-1 locus (named s-DAPK-1). Th... Read More about An alternative transcript from the death-associated protein kinase 1 locus encoding a small protein selectively mediates membrane blebbing: Functional transcript expressed by DAPK-1 locus.

Total lymphocyte CD8 expression is not a reliable marker of cytotoxic T-cell populations in human peripheral blood following an acute bout of high-intensity exercise (2007)
Journal Article
Campbell, J. P., Guy, K., Cosgrove, C., Florida-James, G. D., & Simpson, R. J. (2008). Total lymphocyte CD8 expression is not a reliable marker of cytotoxic T-cell populations in human peripheral blood following an acute bout of high-intensity exercise. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 22(3), 375-380.

Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes co-express the T-cell receptor, CD3 and the MHC I restricted antigen CD8. Although total CD8 expression is often used to identify CD8+ T-cells in blood, errors are associated with this method as some CD3 negative natural kille... Read More about Total lymphocyte CD8 expression is not a reliable marker of cytotoxic T-cell populations in human peripheral blood following an acute bout of high-intensity exercise.

Apoptosis Does not Contribute to the Blood Lymphocytopenia Observed After Intensive and Downhill Treadmill Running in Humans (2007)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G. D., Whyte, G. P., Black, J. R., Ross, J. A., & Guy, K. (2007). Apoptosis Does not Contribute to the Blood Lymphocytopenia Observed After Intensive and Downhill Treadmill Running in Humans. Research in Sports Medicine, 15(3), 157-174.

The lymphocytopenia that occurs during the recovery stage of exercise may be a result of apoptosis through an increased expression of CD95, a loss of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 and CD59, or both. Trained subjects completed intensive, mod... Read More about Apoptosis Does not Contribute to the Blood Lymphocytopenia Observed After Intensive and Downhill Treadmill Running in Humans.

Consequences for the male fetus: Time windows of testosterone action and susceptibility to disorders of ‘masculinisation’ (2007)
Journal Article
Sharpe, R. M., Scott, H. M., Hutchison, G., Walker, M., McKinnell, C., Saunders, P., & Welsh, M. (2007). Consequences for the male fetus: Time windows of testosterone action and susceptibility to disorders of ‘masculinisation’. Toxicology, 240(3), 144-145.

Conference abstract in Proceedings of the Annual Congress of The British Toxicology Society.

The effects of PM10 particles and oxidative stress on macrophages and lung epithelial cells: modulating effects of calcium-signaling antagonists (2007)
Journal Article
Brown, D. M., Hutchison, L., Donaldson, K., & Stone, V. (2007). The effects of PM10 particles and oxidative stress on macrophages and lung epithelial cells: modulating effects of calcium-signaling antagonists. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, 292(6), L1444-L1451.

We have previously examined the ability of air pollution particles (PM10) to promote release of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and demonstrated a role for calcium as a signalin... Read More about The effects of PM10 particles and oxidative stress on macrophages and lung epithelial cells: modulating effects of calcium-signaling antagonists.

The effect of oxidative stress on macrophages and lung epithelial cells: The role of phosphodiesterases 1 and 4 (2007)
Journal Article
Brown, D., Hutchison, L., Donaldson, K., MacKenzie, S., Dick, C., & Stone, V. (2007). The effect of oxidative stress on macrophages and lung epithelial cells: The role of phosphodiesterases 1 and 4. Toxicology Letters, 168(1), 1-6.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated in various pulmonary diseases by causing direct injury to lung epithelial cells. Signalling activity of cells through transcription factors such as nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and AP-1 have been s... Read More about The effect of oxidative stress on macrophages and lung epithelial cells: The role of phosphodiesterases 1 and 4.

The effects of macrophage migratory inhibitory factor on acute-phase protein production in primary human hepatocytes (2006)
Journal Article
Wheelhouse, N. M., Dowidar, N., Dejong, C. H. C., Garden, O. J., Powell, J. J., Barber, M. D., Sangster, K., Maingay, J. P., & Ross, J. A. (2006). The effects of macrophage migratory inhibitory factor on acute-phase protein production in primary human hepatocytes. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 18(5), 957-961.

Macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pituitary peptide released during the physiological stress response, a T-cell product secreted during the antigen-specific response and a pro-inflammatory macrophage cytokine secreted after LPS stimulation. It... Read More about The effects of macrophage migratory inhibitory factor on acute-phase protein production in primary human hepatocytes.

Physiological variables and performance markers of serving soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army (2006)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Gray, S. C., & Florida-James, G. D. (2006). Physiological variables and performance markers of serving soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(6), 597-604.

The aim of this study was to compare selected physiological variables and performance markers of soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army. Ten soldiers from each of the two units were recruited for this study (n = 20). All participants com... Read More about Physiological variables and performance markers of serving soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army.

Optimal power-to-mass ratios when predicting flat and hill-climbing time-trial cycling (2006)
Journal Article
Nevill, A. M., Jobson, S. A., Davison, R. C. R., & Jeukendrup, A. E. (2006). Optimal power-to-mass ratios when predicting flat and hill-climbing time-trial cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97(4), 424-431.

The purpose of this article was to establish whether previously reported oxygen-to-mass ratios, used to predict flat and hill-climbing cycling performance, extend to similar power-to-mass ratios incorporating other, often quick and convenient measure... Read More about Optimal power-to-mass ratios when predicting flat and hill-climbing time-trial cycling.

The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53 (2006)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G., Whyte, G. P., & Guy, K. (2006). The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97(1), 109-121.

This study examined the effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on blood lymphocyte expression of adhesion/activation (AA) molecules. Trained subjects completed three treadmill-running protocols of identical duration: (1) an int... Read More about The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53.

Ultrafine particles cause cytoskeletal dysfunctions in macrophages: role of intracellular calcium. (2005)
Journal Article
Moller, W., Brown, D. M., Kreyling, L., & Stone, V. (2005). Ultrafine particles cause cytoskeletal dysfunctions in macrophages: role of intracellular calcium. Particle and fibre toxicology, 2, 7.

Particulate air pollution is reported to cause adverse health effects in susceptible individuals. Since most of these particles are derived form combustion processes, the primary composition product is carbon with a very small diameter (u... Read More about Ultrafine particles cause cytoskeletal dysfunctions in macrophages: role of intracellular calcium..

Inflammation-associated gene expression is altered between normal human ovarian surface epithelial cells and cell lines derived from ovarian adenocarcinomas (2005)
Journal Article
Gubbay, O., Guo, W., Rae, M. T., Niven, D., Langdon, S. P., & Hillier, S. G. (2005). Inflammation-associated gene expression is altered between normal human ovarian surface epithelial cells and cell lines derived from ovarian adenocarcinomas. British Journal of Cancer, 92, 1927-1933.

Ovulation is believed to contribute to the development of ovarian cancers that derive from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE). The process of ovulation is synonymous with inflammation and inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1α (IL-1α) have r... Read More about Inflammation-associated gene expression is altered between normal human ovarian surface epithelial cells and cell lines derived from ovarian adenocarcinomas.

Removal of regulatory T cell activity reverses hyporesponsiveness and leads to filarial parasite clearance in vivo. (2005)
Journal Article
Taylor, M. D., LeGoff, L., Harris, A., Malone, E. M., Allen, J. E., & Maizels, R. M. (2005). Removal of regulatory T cell activity reverses hyporesponsiveness and leads to filarial parasite clearance in vivo. Journal of Immunology, 174, 4924-4933

Human filarial parasites cause chronic infection associated with long-term down-regulation of the host’s immune response. We show here that CD4+ T cell regulation is the main determinant of parasite survival. In a laboratory model of infection, using... Read More about Removal of regulatory T cell activity reverses hyporesponsiveness and leads to filarial parasite clearance in vivo..

Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners (2005)
Journal Article
Whyte, G. P., George, K., Shave, R., Dawsons, E., Stephenson, C., Edwards, B., Gaze, D., Oxborough, D., Forster, J., & Simpson, R. J. (2005). Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners. Clinical Science, 108(1), 73-80.

The present study examined the relationship between LV (left ventricular) function, markers of cardiac-specific damage and markers of oxidative stress in recreational runners following a marathon. Runners (n=52; 43 male and nine female; age, 35±10 ye... Read More about Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners.

Effects of PM10 in human peripheral blood monocytes and J774 macrophages (2004)
Journal Article
Brown, D., Donaldson, K., & Stone, V. (2004). Effects of PM10 in human peripheral blood monocytes and J774 macrophages. Respiratory Research, 5, Article 29.

The effects of PM10, one of the components of particulate air pollution, was investigated using human monocytes and a mouse macrophage cell line (J774). The study aimed to investigate the role of these nanoparticles on the release of the pro-inflamma... Read More about Effects of PM10 in human peripheral blood monocytes and J774 macrophages.

Steroid signalling in human ovarian surface epithelial cells: the response to interleukin-1alpha determined by microarray analysis. (2004)
Journal Article
Rae, M. T., Niven, D., Ross, A., Forster, T., Lathe, R., Critchley, H. O. D., Ghazal, P., & Hillier, S. G. (2004). Steroid signalling in human ovarian surface epithelial cells: the response to interleukin-1alpha determined by microarray analysis. Journal of Endocrinology, 183, 19-28.

The human ovarian surface epithelium (HOSE) is a common site of gynaecological disease including endometriosis and ovarian cancer, probably due to serial injury-repair events associated with successive ovulations. To comprehend the importance of ster... Read More about Steroid signalling in human ovarian surface epithelial cells: the response to interleukin-1alpha determined by microarray analysis..