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Personality profile of child synaesthetes (2020)
Journal Article
Rinaldi, L., Smees, R., Carmichael, D., & Simner, J. (2020). Personality profile of child synaesthetes. Frontiers in Bioscience, 12, 162-182

Previous research into personality and synaesthesia has focused on adult populations and yielded mixed results. One particular challenge has been to distinguish traits associated with synaesthesia, from traits associated with the ways in which synaes... Read More about Personality profile of child synaesthetes.

The Rivers Centre in Scotland: An Attachment‐Based Service Model for People With Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2019)
Journal Article
Fyvie, C., Easton, P., Moreton, G., McKeever, J., & Karatzias, T. (2019). The Rivers Centre in Scotland: An Attachment‐Based Service Model for People With Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(6), 864-869.

The Rivers Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom) operated for nearly 20 years as a traditional specialist trauma service, delivering psychological therapies to an adult population affected by trauma. Embedded in a health and social care syst... Read More about The Rivers Centre in Scotland: An Attachment‐Based Service Model for People With Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

The efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention for the stabilisation of complex interpersonal trauma symptomatology in female offenders (2019)
Mahoney, A. The efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention for the stabilisation of complex interpersonal trauma symptomatology in female offenders. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Interpersonal trauma is endemic in female prisons. Implementing trauma informed interventions to assist the recovery of women in custody has long been advocated for. It has been argued that psychoeducation should constitute a critical first phase of... Read More about The efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention for the stabilisation of complex interpersonal trauma symptomatology in female offenders.

The impact of external facial features on the construction of facial composites (2018)
Journal Article
Brown, C., Portch, E., Skelton, F. C., Fodarella, C., Kuivaniemi-Smith, H., Herold, K., Hancock, P. J. . B., & Frowd, C. D. (2019). The impact of external facial features on the construction of facial composites. Ergonomics, 62(4), 575-592.

Witnesses may construct a composite face of a perpetrator using a computerised interface. Police practitioners guide witnesses through this unusual process, the goal being to produce an identifiable image. However, any changes a perpetrator makes to... Read More about The impact of external facial features on the construction of facial composites.

Worry is associated with inefficient functional activity and connectivity in prefrontal and cingulate cortices during emotional interference. (2018)
Journal Article
Barker, H., Munro, J., Orlov, N., Morgenroth, E., Moser, J., Eysenck, M. W., & Allen, P. (2018). Worry is associated with inefficient functional activity and connectivity in prefrontal and cingulate cortices during emotional interference. Brain and Behavior, 8(12), Article e01137.

Anxiety is known to impair attentional control particularly when Task demands are high. Neuroimaging studies generally support these behavioral findings, reporting that anxiety is associated with increased (inefficient) activity in dors... Read More about Worry is associated with inefficient functional activity and connectivity in prefrontal and cingulate cortices during emotional interference..

The paranoia as defence model of persecutory delusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Murphy, P., Bentall, R. P., Freeman, D., O'Rourke, S., & Hutton, P. (2018). The paranoia as defence model of persecutory delusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry, 5(11), 913-929.

An influential psychological model of persecutory delusions proposed they are caused by a bias towards holding others responsible for negative events, which serves to prevent underlying low self-esteem from reaching awareness. An early (1... Read More about The paranoia as defence model of persecutory delusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Music Generated Narratives: Elaborating the Da Capo Interview Technique (2018)
Journal Article
Cortazzi, M., Pilcher, N., & Jin, L. (2018). Music Generated Narratives: Elaborating the Da Capo Interview Technique. Qualitative Report, 23(10),

Qualitative researchers draw on multiple, creative ways to elicit participant narratives. Our previous use of playing researcher-selected music to participants to elicit narratives at the end of a traditional interview, in what we call the ‘Da Capo’... Read More about Music Generated Narratives: Elaborating the Da Capo Interview Technique.

Decision science: a new hope (2018)
Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Maclean, R., Murray, J., & Laybourn, P. (2019). Decision science: a new hope. Psychological Reports, 122(6), 2417-2439.

Decision science is an area of enquiry that crosses many disciplines, from psychology to economics, each with their own perspective of decision making. Traditionally, mathematicians have envisaged decision making as a purely rational endeavour, where... Read More about Decision science: a new hope.

The effect of reducing the 'jumping to conclusions' bias on treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: A randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Turner, D. T., MacBeth, A., Larkin, A., Moritz, S., Livingstone, K., Campbell, A., & Hutton, P. (2019). The effect of reducing the 'jumping to conclusions' bias on treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: A randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(4), 784-793.

Evidence-based psychological interventions to support treatment decision-making capacity (‘capacity’) in psychosis do not currently exist. This study sought to establish whether reducing the extent to which this group form conclusions bas... Read More about The effect of reducing the 'jumping to conclusions' bias on treatment decision-making capacity in psychosis: A randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis.

Faith in thy threshold (2018)
Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Murray, J., MacLean, R., Laybourn, P., & Brown, D. (2018). Faith in thy threshold. Medicine, Science and the Law, 002580241879106.

The current study focussed on the decision making processes of jurors. The study investigated how jurors make a decision, if they integrated information within their decision making process, and if cue utilisation thresholds promoted confirmation bia... Read More about Faith in thy threshold.

Design and evaluation of novel fluorogenic probes and prodrugs in cancer. (2017)
Mather, S. Design and evaluation of novel fluorogenic probes and prodrugs in cancer. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Despite major advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, there remains a paucity of biomarkers for early detection (poor selectivity and specificity). Legumain [asparaginyl endopeptidase (AEP); EC] is a potential cancer biomarker an... Read More about Design and evaluation of novel fluorogenic probes and prodrugs in cancer..

Assessment of occupational stress in higher education employees through the cortisol awakening response. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Campbell, T., Westbury, T., Davison, R., & Florida-James, G. (2017, July). Assessment of occupational stress in higher education employees through the cortisol awakening response. Poster presented at STAR Conference 2017

Purpose: Although the cortisol awakening response (CAR) has been used to investigate occupational stress among various professions there are limitations to the interpretation of findings obtained through cross-sectional approaches. The aim of this st... Read More about Assessment of occupational stress in higher education employees through the cortisol awakening response..

Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: the impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator (2017)
Journal Article
Marsh, J. E., Patel, K., Labonté, K., Battersby, K. L., Frowd, C. D., Ball, L. J., Vachon, F., Marsh, J., Patel, K., Labonte, K., Threadgold, E., Skelton, F. C., Fodarella, C., Thorley, R., Battersby, K., Frowd, C., Ball, L., & Vachon, F. (2017). Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: the impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(3), 183-190.

Cell-phone conversation is ubiquitous within public spaces. The current study investigates whether ignored cell-phone conversation impairs eyewitness memory for a perpetrator. Participants viewed a video of a staged crime in the presence of 1 side of... Read More about Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: the impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator.

Positive psychology and career development (2017)
Journal Article
Robertson, P. J. (2018). Positive psychology and career development. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 46(2), 241-254.

Positive psychology has been an influential movement within psychology in the early years of the 21st century. It is now timely to assess the value of its contribution to career education and guidance. This paper provides a critique of this perspecti... Read More about Positive psychology and career development.

Creativity and Attention: A Multi-Method Investigation (2016)
Carruthers, L. Creativity and Attention: A Multi-Method Investigation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Creativity is a valuable attribute that involves the generation of original ideas; attention is a vital function that facilitates information selection. Past research has related these cognitive constructs, having found that highly creative people te... Read More about Creativity and Attention: A Multi-Method Investigation.

Understanding bystanders’ willingness to Intervene in traditional and cyberbullying scenarios. (2016)
Journal Article
Walker, J. A., & Jeske, D. (2016). Understanding bystanders’ willingness to Intervene in traditional and cyberbullying scenarios. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 6(2), 22-38.

Bullying incidents in traditional and online settings are a cause for concern to many parties. The goal of the current study was to explore the extent to which a bystander would intervene in a bullying incident and the degree to which this behavior i... Read More about Understanding bystanders’ willingness to Intervene in traditional and cyberbullying scenarios..

Giving the benefit of the doubt: the role of vulnerability in the perception of Dark Triad behaviours. (2016)
Journal Article
Chung, K. L., & Charles, K. (2016). Giving the benefit of the doubt: the role of vulnerability in the perception of Dark Triad behaviours. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 208-213.

The 'Dark Triad' of socially aversive personality traits (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy) is typically associated with grandiosity, callousness, and exploitation. Despite this, people with such traits can be very successful in life, es... Read More about Giving the benefit of the doubt: the role of vulnerability in the perception of Dark Triad behaviours..

The impact of irrelevant auditory facial descriptions on memory for target faces: implications for eyewitness memory (2015)
Journal Article
Marsh, J. E., Demaine, J., Bell, R., Skelton, F. C., Frowd, C. D., Roer, J. P., & Buchner, A. (2015). The impact of irrelevant auditory facial descriptions on memory for target faces: implications for eyewitness memory. Journal of Forensic Practice, 17(4), 271-280.


– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential susceptibility of eyewitness memory to the presence of extraneous background speech that comprises a description consistent with, or at odds with, a target face.

Design/method... Read More about The impact of irrelevant auditory facial descriptions on memory for target faces: implications for eyewitness memory.

The benefit of context for facial-composite construction (2015)
Journal Article
Skelton, F. C., Frowd, C. D., & Speers, K. E. (2015). The benefit of context for facial-composite construction. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 17(4), 281-290.

Purpose - The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of a whole-face context during facial composite production facilitates construction of facial composite images.
Design/Methodology - In Experiment 1, constructors viewed a celeb... Read More about The benefit of context for facial-composite construction.