Police Scotland and enforcement of 20mph speed limits in the context of the Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) (Scotland) Bill: What do the police need to do to adequately enforce 20mph speed limits?
Davis, A. (2019). Police Scotland and enforcement of 20mph speed limits in the context of the Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) (Scotland) Bill: What do the police need to do to adequately enforce 20mph speed limits?. SIPR
Analysis of accident injury-severity outcomes: The zero-inflated hierarchical ordered probit model with correlated disturbances (2018)
Journal Article
Fountas, G., & Anastasopoulos, P. C. (2018). Analysis of accident injury-severity outcomes: The zero-inflated hierarchical ordered probit model with correlated disturbances. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 20, 30-45In accident injury-severity analysis, an inherent limitation of the traditional ordered probit approach arises from the a priori consideration of a homogeneous source for the accidents that result in a no-injury (or zero-injury) outcome. Conceptually... Read More about Analysis of accident injury-severity outcomes: The zero-inflated hierarchical ordered probit model with correlated disturbances.
Stop And Search Pilot Evaluation Report (2015)
O'Neill, M., Aston, L., & Krause, A. (2015). Stop And Search Pilot Evaluation Report. Scotland: Scottish Institute for Policing ResearchIn the context of increased attention and scrutiny regarding stop and search in Scotland, the introduction of Police Scotland’s stop and search pilot, which aims to improve data recording practices,
accountability and community confidence in the use... Read More about Stop And Search Pilot Evaluation Report.
Information sharing around child protection. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Lewis, R., Steyven, A., Fan, L., Thuemmler, C., Ekonomou, E., Lo, O., & Lawson, A. (2012, June). Information sharing around child protection. Paper presented at Information Sharing in the Public SectorBackground This presentation focuses on creating a scaleable, robust and secure information architecture for social and health care. At its core is the sa.FIRE (Secure Analysis and FIltering Risk Engine) architecture, which uses SPoC (Single Point of... Read More about Information sharing around child protection..
Self-regulation of health and safety in a local authority with particular reference to safety representatives, supervisors and safety committees (1984)
Levinson, A. Self-regulation of health and safety in a local authority with particular reference to safety representatives, supervisors and safety committees. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4487The Report of the Robens Committee (1972), the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (1977) provide the framework within which this study of certain aspects of health and safety is carri... Read More about Self-regulation of health and safety in a local authority with particular reference to safety representatives, supervisors and safety committees.