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Implementing continuity of midwife carer – just a friendly face? A realist evaluation (2020)
Journal Article
McInnes, R. J., Aitken-Arbuckle, A., Lake, S., Hollins Martin, C., & MacArthur, J. (2020). Implementing continuity of midwife carer – just a friendly face? A realist evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), Article 304 (2020).

Good quality midwifery care saves the lives of women and babies. Continuity of midwife carer (CMC), a key component of good quality midwifery care, results in better clinical outcomes, higher care satisfaction and enhanced caregiver exper... Read More about Implementing continuity of midwife carer – just a friendly face? A realist evaluation.

“Labelled High-Risk”: Exploring perception of risk during childbirth in women with a BMI>35kg/m² (2019)
Norris, G. “Labelled High-Risk”: Exploring perception of risk during childbirth in women with a BMI>35kg/m². (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis reports on a qualitative exploration of the lived experience of seven pregnant women, medically classified as severely obese, and subsequently labelled as a high-risk pregnancy.

To explore perception of risk during childbirth i... Read More about “Labelled High-Risk”: Exploring perception of risk during childbirth in women with a BMI>35kg/m².

The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers (2019)
Journal Article
Omani-Samani, R., Hollins Martin, C. J., Martin, C. R., Maroufizadeh, S., Ghaheri, A., & Navid, B. (2021). The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 34(11), 1827-1831.

Objective: Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI) is a short selfreport instrument designed to measure satisfaction of the childbearing women’s experiences of labour and its outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability... Read More about The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers.

Systematic mixed‐study review of nonpharmacological management of neonatal abstinence syndrome (2019)
Journal Article
MacVicar, S., & Kelly, L. E. (2019). Systematic mixed‐study review of nonpharmacological management of neonatal abstinence syndrome. Birth, 46(3), 428-438.

Background: Neonatal abstinence syndrome is a multi-system disorder resulting from exposure to maternal addictive substance use in pregnancy. Withdrawal is characterized by neonatal tremors, feeding difficulties and sleep disruption. The aim of this... Read More about Systematic mixed‐study review of nonpharmacological management of neonatal abstinence syndrome.

The views and experiences of suicidal children and young people of mental health support services: A meta-ethnography. (2019)
Journal Article
Gilmour, L., Ring, N., & Maxwell, M. (2019). The views and experiences of suicidal children and young people of mental health support services: A meta-ethnography. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 24(3), 217-229.

Background: Suicide is amongst the leading causes of death in young people globally and a health priority worldwide. For children and young people (CYP) attempting or considering suicide there is no agreed treatment model. Development of treatment... Read More about The views and experiences of suicidal children and young people of mental health support services: A meta-ethnography..

Mode of birth after caesarean section: individual prediction scores using Scottish population data (2019)
Journal Article
Denham, S. H., Humphrey, T., deLabrusse, C., & Dougall, N. (2019). Mode of birth after caesarean section: individual prediction scores using Scottish population data. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19, Article 84.

Rising caesarean section (CS) rates are a global health concern. Contemporary data indicates that almost 50% of CS are electively performed, with a high proportion of these being a repeat procedure. Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) is... Read More about Mode of birth after caesarean section: individual prediction scores using Scottish population data.

Serum Sodium Level Variability As A Prognosticator In Older Adults (2018)
Journal Article
Barma, M. A., Soiza, R. L., Donnan, P. T., McGilchrist, M. M., Frost, H., & Witham, M. D. (2018). Serum Sodium Level Variability As A Prognosticator In Older Adults. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 78(7-8), 632-638.

Our aim was to explore biological variation of serum sodium levels as a method of quantifying health risk in older adults. We investigated whether dynamic changes in serum sodium levels could provide additional prognostic information to standard pred... Read More about Serum Sodium Level Variability As A Prognosticator In Older Adults.

Spanish validation and factor structure of the birth satisfaction scale-revised (BSS-R). (2018)
Journal Article
Romero-Gonzalez, B., Peralta-Ramirez, M. I., Caparros-Gonzalez, R. A., Cambil-Ledesma, A., Hollins Martin, C. J., & Martin, C. R. (2019). Spanish validation and factor structure of the birth satisfaction scale-revised (BSS-R). Midwifery, 70, 31-37.

Objective: To translate and validate a Spanish-language version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) and describe key measurement properties.
Design: A cross-sectional instrument validation design examining factor structure, validity and... Read More about Spanish validation and factor structure of the birth satisfaction scale-revised (BSS-R)..

Qualitative exploration of the barriers to, and facilitators of, screening children for autism spectrum disorder in Oman (2018)
Journal Article
Al Maskari, T., Melville, C., Al Farsi, Y., Wahid, R., & Willis, D. (2020). Qualitative exploration of the barriers to, and facilitators of, screening children for autism spectrum disorder in Oman. Early Child Development and Care, 190(11), 1762-1777.

Few studies explored the challenges associated with screening of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Arab and Middle Eastern countries. This study aims to explore the facilitators of and barriers to screening for ASD in Oman. The study reported the ini... Read More about Qualitative exploration of the barriers to, and facilitators of, screening children for autism spectrum disorder in Oman.

Women's views about a free breast pump service: an online survey to inform intervention development. (2018)
Journal Article
McInnes, R. J., Gillespie, N., Crossland, N., Moran, V. H., & Hoddinott, P. (2019). Women's views about a free breast pump service: an online survey to inform intervention development. Maternal and Child Nutrition, Article e12745.

Improving breastfeeding outcomes is a global priority, however, in the UK continuation of breastfeeding remains low. Growing empirical evidence suggests a free breast pump service might be an acceptable and feasible incentive intervention to improve... Read More about Women's views about a free breast pump service: an online survey to inform intervention development..

Midwifery continuity of carer: Developing a realist evaluation framework to evaluate the implementation of strategic change in Scotland (2018)
Journal Article
McInnes, R. J., Martin, C. J. H., & MacArthur, J. (2018). Midwifery continuity of carer: Developing a realist evaluation framework to evaluate the implementation of strategic change in Scotland. Midwifery, 66, 103-110.

Midwifery continuity of carer (MCC) models result in better clinical outcomes for women and offer midwives a superior way of working when compared to other models of maternity care. Implementing a MCC model, a key recommendation of the Scottish Gover... Read More about Midwifery continuity of carer: Developing a realist evaluation framework to evaluate the implementation of strategic change in Scotland.

The Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (BSS-R): should the subscale scores or the total score be used? (2018)
Journal Article
Martin, C. R., Hollins Martin, C. J., Burduli, E., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Donovan-Batson, C., & Fleming, S. E. (2018). The Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (BSS-R): should the subscale scores or the total score be used?. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 36(5), 530-535.

Objective and background: The 10-item Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) is increasingly being used internationally as the instrument of choice for the assessment of birth satisfaction. There remains conjecture over the most appropriate way t... Read More about The Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (BSS-R): should the subscale scores or the total score be used?.

Systematic review of tube-fed preterm infants in the home supported within a family-centered program (2018)
Journal Article
Menczykowski, L., MacVicar, S., Moylan, A., & Hollins Martin, C. J. (2018). Systematic review of tube-fed preterm infants in the home supported within a family-centered program. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 24(6), 297-305.

There is a growing need and demand to redesign neonatal services to place a focus on family-centered care provided locally. Early discharge training programs that prepare parents to tube-feed and care for their preterm infant at home may offer a viab... Read More about Systematic review of tube-fed preterm infants in the home supported within a family-centered program.

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of clinically very severely obese women during pregnancy and the postnatal period (2018)
Keely, A. A qualitative exploration of the experiences of clinically very severely obese women during pregnancy and the postnatal period. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Very severe maternal obesity (BMI >40kg/m2) increases significantly the risks of poor pregnancy outcomes for both mothers and babies. In light of the limited success of behavioural interventions to date in improving outcomes in very severely obese wo... Read More about A qualitative exploration of the experiences of clinically very severely obese women during pregnancy and the postnatal period.

Characterisation of GABAA receptors and cation-chloride cotransporters in the uterus and their role in pre-term labour (2018)
Sutherland, M. L. Characterisation of GABAA receptors and cation-chloride cotransporters in the uterus and their role in pre-term labour. (Thesis). Edinburgh napier University.

GABAA receptor (GABAAR) function may be inhibitory or excitatory in the brain depending on the chloride electrochemical gradient over the neuronal membrane. This gradient is tightly regulated by cation-chloride transporter (CCC) expression.
Prematur... Read More about Characterisation of GABAA receptors and cation-chloride cotransporters in the uterus and their role in pre-term labour.

Interpersonal trauma, substance misuse and pregnancy: A phenomenological exploration of pregnant women and midwives in Scotland (2018)
Waddell, N. M. Interpersonal trauma, substance misuse and pregnancy: A phenomenological exploration of pregnant women and midwives in Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Background: The relationship between interpersonal trauma (IPT) and substance misuse is complex and multi-factorial, but has not been examined fully in the existing few studies involving pregnant women who misuse substances. UK based midwifery educat... Read More about Interpersonal trauma, substance misuse and pregnancy: A phenomenological exploration of pregnant women and midwives in Scotland.

Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health (2018)
Book Chapter
Hollins Martin, C., & Martin, C. (2018). Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health. In C. R. Martin, & D. Larkin (Eds.), Probiotics in Mental Health (42-54). (1). CRC Press

Probiotics are living microorganisms which when dispensed in sufficient quantities are claimed to bestow benefits in terms of health on the host. The World Health Organization defines a probiotic as any living microorganism that produces a health ben... Read More about Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health.

Ageism in the Third Age (2018)
Book Chapter
Kydd, A., Fleming, A., Gardner, S., & Hafford-Letchfield, P. (2018). Ageism in the Third Age. In L. Ayalon, & C. Tesch-Roemer (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism. Springer.

In the developed world, later life has brought more opportunities to contribute to society and pursue personal goals outside the role of paid work, combined with less stigma and greater recognition of the worth of older people. These values do not ne... Read More about Ageism in the Third Age.

Construct and content validity of the Turkish Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (T-BSS-R) (2018)
Journal Article
Serhatlıoğlu, S. G., Karahan, N., Hollins Martin, C. J., & Martin, C. R. (2018). Construct and content validity of the Turkish Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (T-BSS-R). Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 36(3), 235-245.

Background: The Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (BSS-R) is a valid and reliable scale designed to assess women’s experiences of labour and childbirth.
Objective: To assess factor structure, validity, and reliability of the Turkish Birth Satisfac... Read More about Construct and content validity of the Turkish Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (T-BSS-R).

An inquiry into what organised difficult advance care planning conversations in a Scottish Residential Care Home using Institutional Ethnography (2018)
Journal Article
Reid, L., Kydd, A., & Slater, B. (2018). An inquiry into what organised difficult advance care planning conversations in a Scottish Residential Care Home using Institutional Ethnography. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23(2-3),

This paper provides an institutional ethnographic analysis of how discussions and advance decisions about serious illness, hospital admission and Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation forms have been systematically placed into the hands of Se... Read More about An inquiry into what organised difficult advance care planning conversations in a Scottish Residential Care Home using Institutional Ethnography.