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Practice-based segmentation: taxonomy of C2C co-creation practice segments (2019)
Journal Article
Rihova, I. (2019). Practice-based segmentation: taxonomy of C2C co-creation practice segments. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(9), 3799-3818.

Purpose: This paper explores and evaluates practice-based segmentation as an alternative conceptual segmentation perspective that acknowledges the active role of consumers as value co-creators.
Design/methodology/approach: Data comprising various as... Read More about Practice-based segmentation: taxonomy of C2C co-creation practice segments.

Event Design in outdoor music festival audience behaviour (a critical transformative research note) (2018)
Journal Article
Robertson, M., Hutton, A., & Brown, S. (2018). Event Design in outdoor music festival audience behaviour (a critical transformative research note). Event Management, 22(6), 1073-1081.

This work, a conceptual forward-looking paper, examines the management of audiences at music festivals now and indicates a critical manoeuvre of focus for the future. The theoretical objectives and conclusions of a body of work by Robertson – discuss... Read More about Event Design in outdoor music festival audience behaviour (a critical transformative research note).

Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives (2018)
Journal Article
Robertson, M., Ong, F., Lockstone-Binney, L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2018). Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives. Event Management, 22(6), 865-874.

In considering critical event studies, a brief reference to critical pedagogy is made before an initial look at Critical Management Studies (CMS) prior to consideration of Crtical Event Studies (CES). As most students of education and teaching will k... Read More about Critical Event Studies: Issues and Perspectives.

Guest editorial (2018)
Journal Article
Platt, L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2018). Guest editorial. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3), 262-265.

Authors are guest editors of special issue of Journal to Place Management and Development.

Festival leaders and resilient futures: Coastal Arts and Local Education (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M. (2018, July). Festival leaders and resilient futures: Coastal Arts and Local Education. Paper presented at Association of Event Management Educators (AEME) 2018 Event Education & Research: Coming of Age

Visioning is a process which focusses on a preferred future condition (Bazzanella et al., 2012). In the context of a small to medium sized town, economic and social pressures can unduly determine the vision of the place (or lack thereof) in a way tha... Read More about Festival leaders and resilient futures: Coastal Arts and Local Education.

Event futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration (2018)
Journal Article
Jaimangal-Jones, D., Robertson, M., & Jackson, C. (2018). Event futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 9(2), 5.

This special issue has at its centre the theme Event Futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration. This theme was the basis of the Association for Events Management Education (AEME) annual forum hosted at Cardiff Metropolitan University, 5-7 Jul... Read More about Event futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration.

Special Issue: Grassroots Festivals and Place Making (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Special Issue: Grassroots Festivals and Place Making. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3),

Authors are editors of the special issue to Journal of Place Management and Development.

Event Venue Satisfaction and Its Impact On Sponsorship Outcomes (2017)
Journal Article
Michelini, L., Iasevoli, G., & Theodoraki, E. (2017). Event Venue Satisfaction and Its Impact On Sponsorship Outcomes. Event Management, 21(3), 319-331.

The importance of sponsorship as a marketing communications tool is well recognized in the event literature. Despite the growth in event sponsorship investments and the increasing importance of the role of the venue in event planning, there is still... Read More about Event Venue Satisfaction and Its Impact On Sponsorship Outcomes.

Review of transformative festival leadership – a learning and teaching discussion (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M. (2017, July). Review of transformative festival leadership – a learning and teaching discussion. Paper presented at Association of Event Management Educators (AEME) 2017 Event Futures – Innovation, Creativity, Collaboration

A discussion of the linkage between the critical review of research in festival leadership and sustainable management, and critical creativity in Honours year (level 6) learning activity

The event and festival life cycle – developing a new model for a new context (2017)
Journal Article
Holmes, K., & Ali-Knight, J. (2017). The event and festival life cycle – developing a new model for a new context. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(3), 986-1004.

The events and festivals literature relies on theories and models borrowed from tourism studies which may insufficiently account for the unique characteristics of events and festivals. Using four case studies from Australia, United Arab Emir... Read More about The event and festival life cycle – developing a new model for a new context.

Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management (2016)
Journal Article
Todd, L., Leask, A., & Ensor, J. (2017). Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management. Tourism Management, 59, 494-509.

This paper contributes insights into stakeholder theory in hallmark event tourism and the implications for engaging primary stakeholders in further tourism management settings. The tangible and symbolic tourism benefits instilled in destinations by h... Read More about Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management.

Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures (2016)
Robertson, M. J. Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

As a societal phenomenon, festivals and planned events are discussed in a wide policy context. They have entered a broader discussion with regard to sustainability in which the factors that contribute to being sustainable are part of a new paradigm o... Read More about Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures.

Collective memory and identity narratives at the 20th and 25th anniversary events of the fall of the Berlin Wall (2016)
Viol, M. Collective memory and identity narratives at the 20th and 25th anniversary events of the fall of the Berlin Wall. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Acts of commemoration construct narratives of collective memory and identity, shaped by organisers’ agendas. Existing literature presumes that organisers primarily use commemoration for national political, social and cultural outcomes. Contemporary c... Read More about Collective memory and identity narratives at the 20th and 25th anniversary events of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Leveraging the 2022 Qatar World Football Cup for the promotion of green and active living. A multiple stakeholder evaluation of strategic options. (2016)
Theodoraki, E., Musinguzi, D., Omar, M., Ali-Knight, J., & Gair, G. (2016). Leveraging the 2022 Qatar World Football Cup for the promotion of green and active living. A multiple stakeholder evaluation of strategic options. Qatar: Qatar National Research Foundation

The study captures ex ante (pre event) local stakeholder perceptions of resources for social leverage of the FIFA 2022 World Cup-Qatar for the promotion of green and active living. It does so by capturing lifestyle change related policies and activit... Read More about Leveraging the 2022 Qatar World Football Cup for the promotion of green and active living. A multiple stakeholder evaluation of strategic options..

Visioning the future city - a discussion on the narrative of sustainability through events and festivals (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M. (2015, July). Visioning the future city - a discussion on the narrative of sustainability through events and festivals. Paper presented at LSA 2015 Creating Leisure

This conceptual work discusses a visionary future of the city destination in which festival and events have a purposeful role in narrating sustainable development – a megatrend that infuses global society. It is a component of a larger work.
Approac... Read More about Visioning the future city - a discussion on the narrative of sustainability through events and festivals.

The Future of Events and Festivals (2014)
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., McMahon-Beattie, U., Backer, E., & Smith, K. A. (Eds.). (2014). The Future of Events and Festivals. Routledge

The growth of events and festivals has been significant over the last decade and a wide range of skills are essential to ensure those events are successful. This requirement has been instrumental in stimulating the creation of more tertiary education... Read More about The Future of Events and Festivals.

Product Innovation in the Scottish Event Sector (2013)
Book Chapter
Gordon, P. (2013). Product Innovation in the Scottish Event Sector. In Facilities Planning for Tourism, Hospitality and Events

Product Innovation in the Scottish event sector.