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The verbal and the visual in language learning and teaching: insights from the ‘Selfie Project’ (2018)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2021). The verbal and the visual in language learning and teaching: insights from the ‘Selfie Project’. Language Learning Journal, 49(2), 93-104.

That ‘a picture can stimulate a thousand words’ aptly summarizes the role of the visual in the field of language learning and teaching. The power of the image to generate language output has been
widely acknowledged in the field of second/foreign la... Read More about The verbal and the visual in language learning and teaching: insights from the ‘Selfie Project’.

Shadowplay (2017)
Lam, L. (2017). Shadowplay. (1). Pan MacMillan

Micah Grey almost died when he fled the circus with Drystan - now he and the ex-clown seek to outrun disaster. Drystan persuades his old friend Jasper Maske, a once-renowned magician, to take them in. But when he agrees to teach them his trade, Maske... Read More about Shadowplay.

Seeking God by strange ways: Symbolism and the Irish Revival (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyall, S. (2017, December). Seeking God by strange ways: Symbolism and the Irish Revival. Paper presented at European Revivals Conference V - Cultural Mythologies around 1900, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

This paper will argue that the Irish Revival of the late nineteenth, early twentieth century was first-and-foremost a Symbolist movement. Focusing on the writing, thought and actions of, in particular, W. B. Yeats, George Russell (Ӕ), and Patrick Pea... Read More about Seeking God by strange ways: Symbolism and the Irish Revival.

Book review of "Culture and Identity through English as a Lingua Franca: Rethinking Concepts and Goals in Intercultural Communication" - Will Baker (2017)
Journal Article
Ratz, S. (2017). Book review of "Culture and Identity through English as a Lingua Franca: Rethinking Concepts and Goals in Intercultural Communication" - Will Baker. Asian EFL Journal, 19(4),

Book review of Culture and Identity through English as a Lingua Franca: Rethinking Concepts and Goals in Intercultural Communication - Will Baker. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015, pp xi + 284

Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2016, October). Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?. Presented at IATEFL ESP SIG International Conference, Athens, Greece

In our presentation for the IATEFL ESP-SIG in Athens our intention was to create ‘wobble’ and genuine dialogue around the issue of the importance of ‘context’ in relation to corpus linguistics. We believe we failed to achieve this, as illustrated by... Read More about Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?.

False Hearts (2017)
Lam, L. (2017). False Hearts. Pan MacMillan

One night Tila stumbles home, terrified and covered in blood. She's then arrested for murder, the first by a civilian in decades. The San Francisco police suspect involvement with Verve, a powerful drug, and offer her twin sister Taema a chilling dea... Read More about False Hearts.

Shattered Minds (2017)
Lam, L. (2017). Shattered Minds. (1). Pan MacMillan

Ex-neuroscientist Carina struggles with a drug problem, her conscience, and urges to kill. She satisfies her cravings in dreams, fuelled by the addictive drug ‘Zeal’. Now she’s heading for self-destruction – until she has a vision of a dead girl.... Read More about Shattered Minds.

Masquerade (2017)
Lam, L. (2017). Masquerade. Pan MacMillan

Micah's Chimaera powers are growing, until his dark visions overwhelm him. Drystan is forced to take him to Dr Pozzi, to save his life. But can they really trust the doctor, especially when a close friend is revealed to be his spy?

Meanwhile, viol... Read More about Masquerade.

The Homing Bird (2017)
Fraser, B. (2017). The Homing Bird. Indigo Dreams Publishing

No abstract available.

Challenging the power invested in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Why determining ‘English’ preparedness needs to be undertaken within the subject context (2017)
Journal Article
Pilcher, N., & Richards, K. (2017). Challenging the power invested in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Why determining ‘English’ preparedness needs to be undertaken within the subject context. Power and Education, 9(1), 3-17.

Higher Education (HE) institutions worldwide base international student recruitment on the assumption their preparedness in ‘English’ is assured if they reach a certain level in tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).... Read More about Challenging the power invested in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Why determining ‘English’ preparedness needs to be undertaken within the subject context.

Pantomime (2016)
Lam, L. (2016). Pantomime. Pan MacMillan

In a land of lost wonders, the past is stirring once more . . .

Gene's life resembles a debutante's dream. Yet she hides a secret that would see her shunned by the nobility. Gene is both male and female. Then she displays unwanted magical abilitie... Read More about Pantomime.

Translating Modernism: The Scottish Renaissance Movement and German-language Modernism (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyall, S. (2013, December). Translating Modernism: The Scottish Renaissance Movement and German-language Modernism. Paper presented at World-literatures, Discrepant Transnationalisms: Beyond Region and Nation?, Stuttgart, Germany

The Scottish Renaissance Movement of the 1920-30s was a response to what many literary artists of the period saw as Scotland’s provincialisation within the United Kingdom and the British Empire. Hugh MacDiarmid, arguably the main protagonist of the m... Read More about Translating Modernism: The Scottish Renaissance Movement and German-language Modernism.

Crime (2011)
Book Chapter
Schwan, A. (2011). Crime. In S. Ledger, & H. Furneaux (Eds.), Charles Dickens in Context (301-309). Cambridge University Press.

Reflecting on society's treatment of convicts in 1891, Oscar Wilde declared that ‘one is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed, but by the punishments that the good have inflicted; and a community is infinitely more br... Read More about Crime.