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Outputs (10)

’Bots on the Ground vs Boots on the Ground: The Future of Robots in Terrestrial Ecological Surveying (2025)
Journal Article
White, P., Le Goff, L., Emery, L., Abrahams, C., Findlay, M., Cook, J., Macleod, K., Deacon, L., Reason, P., Stanhope, K., Wale, M., Hart, E., & Diele, K. (2025). ’Bots on the Ground vs Boots on the Ground: The Future of Robots in Terrestrial Ecological Surveying. In Practice (CIEEM), 27, 47-52

At the 2023 CIEEM Modernising Ecology conference, a robot greeted the attendees as they arrived. Was it a glimpse into the future? As with other technologies, robots have the potential to revolutionise ecological surveying, yet this comes with both o... Read More about ’Bots on the Ground vs Boots on the Ground: The Future of Robots in Terrestrial Ecological Surveying.

Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission (2025)
Mackinnon, J., Turner, R. S., & White, P. J. C. (in press). Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission

We conducted a systematic literature review as part of a Forestry Commission (FC) contract to provide good practice technical guidance to manage impacts of mammals on trees, woods, establishing woodlands and treescapes. The review examined both the p... Read More about Impacts of mammals on trees and tree protection methods pertinent to English treescapes - a systematic literature review for Forestry Commission.

Surveying Birds in Open Habitats near Proposed Woodland Creation Schemes: What is the Effect of Having Fewer Visits? (2024)
Journal Article
Borthwick, M. D., Kerslake, L., Findlay, M., Briers, R. A., Tomlin, C., Riddle, N., & White, P. J. (2024). Surveying Birds in Open Habitats near Proposed Woodland Creation Schemes: What is the Effect of Having Fewer Visits?. In Practice (CIEEM), 124, 32-37

In relation to new woodland creation in England, the Forestry Commission (FC) may require breeding bird surveys of proposed sites to assess suitability for planting or natural colonisation. Previous protocols required six visits, but we wanted to tes... Read More about Surveying Birds in Open Habitats near Proposed Woodland Creation Schemes: What is the Effect of Having Fewer Visits?.

Do UK survey licenses for otter support best practice? (2024)
Journal Article
White, P., & Findlay, M. (2024). Do UK survey licenses for otter support best practice?. In Practice (CIEEM), 48-52

Under the Habitats Regulations, resting/breeding places of otters (Lutra lutra) are protected from damage and disturbance, and ecologists are expected to identify such structures. Following an extensive programme of research, we now believe there is... Read More about Do UK survey licenses for otter support best practice?.

The impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution – a report to the Forestry Commission (2024)
McGrory, R., Briers, R., Findlay, M., & White, P. (2024). The impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution – a report to the Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission

We were commissioned by Forestry Commission (FC) to utilise the large-scale Breeding Waders of English Upland Farmland (BWEUF) data and the wider literature to provide evidence for several questions posed by the Curlew Recovery Partnership relating t... Read More about The impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution – a report to the Forestry Commission.

Optimisation of Open-habitat Bird Surveys – a report to the Forestry Commission (2024)
Borthwick, M., Findlay, M., Briers, R., & White, P. (2024). Optimisation of Open-habitat Bird Surveys – a report to the Forestry Commission. Forestry Commission

In the process of offering financial grants to landowners seeking to create new areas of woodland in England, the Forestry Commission (FC) requires surveying of proposed woodland creation sites for breeding birds in order to assess the suitability of... Read More about Optimisation of Open-habitat Bird Surveys – a report to the Forestry Commission.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability: Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Pringle, S., Davies, Z. G., Goddard, M. A., Dallimer, M., Hart, E., Le Goff, L., & Langdale, S. J. Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability: Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity

Welcome to the UK-RAS White paper Series on Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS). This is one of the core activities of UK-RAS Network, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). By Bringing together academic centres o... Read More about Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability: Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity.

Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate (2022)
Journal Article
Cirtwill, A., Kaartinen, R., Rasmussen, C., Redr, D., Wirta, H., Olesen, J., Tiusanen, M., Ballantyne, G., Cunnold, H., Stone, G., Martin Schmidt, N., & Roslin, T. (2023). Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate. Ecological monographs, 93(1), Article e1551.

Insects provide key pollination services in most terrestrial biomes, but this service depends on a multi-step interaction between insect and plant. An insect needs to visit a flower, receive pollen from the anthers, move to another conspecific flower... Read More about Stable pollination service in a generalist High Arctic community despite the warming climate.

Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown of 2020 (2022)
Journal Article
Ollerton, J., Trunschke, J., Havens, K., Landaverde-González, P., Keller, A., Gilpin, A.-M., Rodrigo Rech, A., Baronio, G., Phillips, B., Mackin, C., Stanley, D., Treanore, E., Baker, E., Rotheray, E., Erickson, E., Fornoff, F., Brearley, F., Ballantyne, G., Iossa, G., Stone, G., …Arnold, S. (2022). Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown of 2020. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 31(9), 87-96.

During the main COVID-19 global pandemic lockdown period of 2020 an impromptu set of pollination ecologists came together via social media and personal contacts to carry out standardised surveys of the flower visits and plants in gardens. The surveys... Read More about Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the covid 19 pandemic lockdown of 2020.

Insect Pollination and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa (2020)
Journal Article
Tolera, K., & Ballantyne, G. (2021). Insect Pollination and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 27(2), 36-46

We are currently seeing an expansion of pollinator-dependent crops in many parts of the world, but also growing evidence for pollinator population declines and loss of pollinator habitat. Climate change and population growth will place additional dem... Read More about Insect Pollination and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.