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Operational optimisation of water distribution networks (2009)
Lopez-Ibanez, M. Operational optimisation of water distribution networks. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Water distribution networks are a fundamental part of any modern city and their daily operations constitute a significant expenditure in terms of energy and maintenance costs. Careful scheduling of pump operations may lead to significant energy savin... Read More about Operational optimisation of water distribution networks.

Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems using neural network for data analysis (2006)
Yu, F. Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems using neural network for data analysis. (Thesis). Napier University.

Condition monitoring of engineering processes or equipment has become of paramount importance as there is a growing need for improved performance, reliability, safety and more efficient maintenance. Condition monitoring in railway industry as a whole... Read More about Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems using neural network for data analysis.

Partitioning and Bioavailability (2005)
Book Chapter
Philp, J., Stainsby, F., & Dunbar, S. (2005). Partitioning and Bioavailability. In Water encyclopedia. Wiley.

As soon as a chemical is spilled it becomes a pollutant, but the fate of that pollutant depends to a large degree on its chemistry, which determines how it will partition to various “compartments,” or phases, of the environment. This idea is enshrine... Read More about Partitioning and Bioavailability.

Eddy diffusion in the sea: reinterpreting an early experiment. (2005)
Journal Article
Summers, D. (2005). Eddy diffusion in the sea: reinterpreting an early experiment. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 461(2058), 1811-1827.

Over half a century has passed since L. F. Richardson and Henry Stommel conducted their experiment from the pier at Blairmore, Scotland. The relative separations of pairs of immersed floats (made of parsnip) were measured as these became passively tr... Read More about Eddy diffusion in the sea: reinterpreting an early experiment..

Multi-Objective genetic algorithms for the design of pipe networks. (2004)
Journal Article
Tumula, P., & Park, N. (2004). Multi-Objective genetic algorithms for the design of pipe networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 130(1), 73-82.

This paper presents a multiobjective genetic algorithm approach to the design of a water distribution network. The objectives considered are minimization of the network cost and maximization of a reliability measure. In this study, a new reliability... Read More about Multi-Objective genetic algorithms for the design of pipe networks..

A numerical study of the behaviour of a gas-liquid interface subjected to periodic vertical motion. (2002)
Journal Article
Valha, J., Lewis, J. S., & Kubie, J. (2002). A numerical study of the behaviour of a gas-liquid interface subjected to periodic vertical motion. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40, 697-721.

A numerical study has been undertaken to examine the behaviour of a gas liquid interface in a vertical cylindrical vessel subjected to a sinusoidal vertical motion. The computational method used is based on the simplified marker-and-cell method and i... Read More about A numerical study of the behaviour of a gas-liquid interface subjected to periodic vertical motion..

Energy and structure of inertial range turbulence deduced from an evolution of fluid impulse. (2002)
Journal Article
Summers, D. M., & Summers, D. (2002). Energy and structure of inertial range turbulence deduced from an evolution of fluid impulse. Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics, 65(3), 0363141-0363149.

We explore numerically a very simple idea that may provide a material explanation for inertial range turbulence. We base a Lagrangian model of viscous incompressible fluid flow on an evolving ensemble of vortex doublet sheets. Initially these are ran... Read More about Energy and structure of inertial range turbulence deduced from an evolution of fluid impulse..

Impulse exchange at the surface of the ocean and the fractal dimension of drifter trajectories. (2002)
Journal Article
Summers, D. (2002). Impulse exchange at the surface of the ocean and the fractal dimension of drifter trajectories. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 9, 11-23.

An impulse-based model is developed to represent a coupling between turbulent flow in the atmosphere and turbulent flow in the ocean. In particular, it is argued that the atmosphere flowing horizontally over the ocean surface generates a velocity flu... Read More about Impulse exchange at the surface of the ocean and the fractal dimension of drifter trajectories..