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The casualties of transition: the health impact of NEET status and some approaches to managing it (2018)
Journal Article
Robertson, P. J. (2018). The casualties of transition: the health impact of NEET status and some approaches to managing it. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 47(3), 390-402.

Youth unemployment can be understood as a major public health risk. This paper explores the multidisciplinary literature in this field, and its relevance to support for NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people. There is reason to... Read More about The casualties of transition: the health impact of NEET status and some approaches to managing it.

The Road you Travel stays all Uphill: Autoethnographic Perspectives of a Midwifery Lecturer and Supervisor of Midwives (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHugh, N. (2014, February). The Road you Travel stays all Uphill: Autoethnographic Perspectives of a Midwifery Lecturer and Supervisor of Midwives. Paper presented at Third Annual “Doing Autoethnography” Conference, San Angelo State University, Texas, US

I am a midwife with over twenty years of midwifery experience. I currently work as a lecturer in midwifery at Edinburgh Napier University and also as a supervisor of midwives in the National Health Service (NHS). I have worked as an employed midwife... Read More about The Road you Travel stays all Uphill: Autoethnographic Perspectives of a Midwifery Lecturer and Supervisor of Midwives.

Rethinking the consumption of places (2012)
Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2012). Rethinking the consumption of places. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 1612-1633.

The phenomenological concept of embodiment has underpinned the ‘performance turn’ in tourism studies which, along with the ‘mobilities paradigm’, has contributed to the disruption of the occularcentric and static nature of Urry’s original (1990, 1995... Read More about Rethinking the consumption of places.

Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking (2010)
Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2010). Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 379-389.

While visual methods have long been utilised as legitimate research techniques in the social sciences, within mainstream tourism research these techniques are rarely employed. This paper thus seeks to question current research practices in tourism by... Read More about Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking.

Health, Illness and the body. (2009)
Book Chapter
Harden, J. (2009). Health, Illness and the body. In I. Marsh, M. Keating, S. Punch, & J. Harden (Eds.), Sociology: making sense of society (513-554). Pearsons

Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field (2009)
Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2009). Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field. Current Issues in Tourism, 12(3), 255-270.

This paper seeks to ‘promote’ the use of moving image visual ethnography within tourism research while concurrently acknowledging the methodological and practical challenges inherent in the use of this method. The paper introduces Dziga Vertov's 1929... Read More about Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field.

How older people account for their experiences with interactive technology (2007)
Journal Article
Turner, P., Turner, S., & Van de Walle, G. (2007). How older people account for their experiences with interactive technology. Behaviour and Information Technology, 26(4), 287-296.

We present a qualitative study, undertaken over a period of nine months, of older people facing the challenges of learning to use interactive technology, specifically personal computers (PCs) and the internet. We examine the range of causal explanati... Read More about How older people account for their experiences with interactive technology.

The Spirituality of Birth. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHugh, N. (2001, March). The Spirituality of Birth. Paper presented at 4th International Conference of Spirituality and Health

A cross cultural exploration of the deeper aspects of birth spirituality

Media and Birth Images. (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHugh, N. (1994, October). Media and Birth Images. Paper presented at Motherhood and Manipulation

The impact of consumerism on antenatal clinic literature.

Images of motherhood in antenatal cllinic literature. (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHugh, N. (1994, September). Images of motherhood in antenatal cllinic literature. Paper presented at 14th Annual Conference of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology

A critical analysis of the manipulation of the pregant woman as a consumer.