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Multifaceted Productivity Comparison of Off-Site Timber Manufacturing Strategies in Mainland Europe and the United Kingdom (2019)
Journal Article
Duncheva, T., & Bradley, F. F. (2019). Multifaceted Productivity Comparison of Off-Site Timber Manufacturing Strategies in Mainland Europe and the United Kingdom. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(8),

Offsite construction methods have been suggested as a necessity for improving the efficiency and productivity of the construction industry through implementation of automation and lean principles in a controlled factory environment, known as Modern M... Read More about Multifaceted Productivity Comparison of Off-Site Timber Manufacturing Strategies in Mainland Europe and the United Kingdom.

Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., & Hairstans, R. (2018, June). Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood. Poster presented at Timber 2018

The UK produces high quantities of softwood timber through forestry plantations concentrated in Scotland, however this resource is currently under-used and its full potential for application in construction is still to be realized. However, the focus... Read More about Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood.

Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R (2018)
Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D., Libeau, M., & Mignerat, D. (2018). Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R. International Wood Products Journal, 1-6.

Impulse excitation is commonly used to assess wood stiffness in both scientific and industrial settings. Modes of vibration are excited by a mechanical impulse and their resonant frequencies measured to calculate elastic moduli. It is also possible t... Read More about Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R.

TG1/201703/22rev Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/22rev Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Goldeneye 706

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce [Picea abies]

34... Read More about TG1/201703/22rev Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for British Spruce.

TG1/201703/21rev Derivation of Goldeneye 702 grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/21rev Derivation of Goldeneye 702 grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Goldeneye 702

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce [Picea abies]

34... Read More about TG1/201703/21rev Derivation of Goldeneye 702 grading machine settings for British Spruce.

Sustainable construction timber - Sourcing and specifying local timber. (2nd edition) (2016)
Davies, I. (2016). Sustainable construction timber - Sourcing and specifying local timber. (2nd edition). Forestry Commission

Timber is a versatile and high performance construction material that can be produced in most parts of the UK. Sustainable construction timber has been written to help building designers and contractors source and specify these local timber products.... Read More about Sustainable construction timber - Sourcing and specifying local timber. (2nd edition).

Strength grading of sawn timber in Europe: an explanation for engineers and researchers (2016)
Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D., Stapel, P., & Baño, V. (2016). Strength grading of sawn timber in Europe: an explanation for engineers and researchers. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 74(3), 291-306.

This paper is a concise explanation of the normative background to strength grading in Europe, addressing important aspects that are commonly misunderstood by structural engineers and timber researchers. It also highlights changes that are being made... Read More about Strength grading of sawn timber in Europe: an explanation for engineers and researchers.

Timber grading seminar - Some things you should know about how strength grading works and what is changing in the standards. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2016, February). Timber grading seminar - Some things you should know about how strength grading works and what is changing in the standards. Presented at Timber grading seminar

Presentations from the seminar on timber grading.

"This grading seminar will give you a crash course in timber strength grading, what it is, how it works, and how it is changing. It aims to demystify timber grading, tackle some widely held misconc... Read More about Timber grading seminar - Some things you should know about how strength grading works and what is changing in the standards..

Timber Grid-shell Structures: form-finding, analysis and optimisation (2015)
D'Amico, B. Timber Grid-shell Structures: form-finding, analysis and optimisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis aims to provide a set of tools for analysis and design of free-form timber grid-shells. It provides a brief introduction on the relationship between shape and structural behaviour of grid-shells, followed by an introduction to actively-be... Read More about Timber Grid-shell Structures: form-finding, analysis and optimisation.

The water vapour sorption behaviour of wood. (2012)
Jalaludin, Z. The water vapour sorption behaviour of wood. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The water vapour sorption properties of several commercial tropical hardwoods and temperate softwood species as well as thermally modified wood and acetylated wood has been studied. A dynamic vapour sorption apparatus was used for this investigation... Read More about The water vapour sorption behaviour of wood..

The non-destructive evaluation of Sitka spruce mechanical properties using acoustic methods (2009)
MacKenzie, R. The non-destructive evaluation of Sitka spruce mechanical properties using acoustic methods. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The need for improved timber grading is key to improving Scottish forestry: the majority (80%) of the sustainable softwood population in Scotland is Sitka spruce of variable quality. Current visual assessment of strength and stiffness is inaccurate,... Read More about The non-destructive evaluation of Sitka spruce mechanical properties using acoustic methods.

Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack? (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S. (2009). Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack?. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 4(1-2), 37-45.

Three main mechanisms have been postulated for explaining why acetylation provides protection from wood against fungal decay, which can be divided into biochemical (substrate recognition) and physical (cell wall nanopore blocking or cell wall moistur... Read More about Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack?.

Moisture adsorption isotherms of Acacia Mangiumand Endospermum Malaccense using dynamic vapoursorption (2008)
Journal Article
Zaihan, J., Hill, C. A. S., Curling, S., Hashim, W. S., & Hamdan, H. (2008). Moisture adsorption isotherms of Acacia Mangiumand Endospermum Malaccense using dynamic vapoursorption. Journal of tropical forest science, 21, 277-285

Moisture adsorption isotherms of Acacia mangium and sesenduk using dynamic vapour sorption. Two Malaysian hardwoods, namely, acacia (Acacia mangium) and sesenduk (Endospermum malaccense) were studied to determine their moisture sorption behaviour usi... Read More about Moisture adsorption isotherms of Acacia Mangiumand Endospermum Malaccense using dynamic vapoursorption.

The reduction in the fibre saturation point of wood due to chemical modification using anhydride reagents: A reappraisal. (2008)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S. (2008). The reduction in the fibre saturation point of wood due to chemical modification using anhydride reagents: A reappraisal. Holzforschung, 62, 423-428.

The data from a previous study of the moisture adsorption of Corsican pine modified with linear chain carboxylic acid anhydrides, (acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, hexanoic), has been reanalysed so that moisture content is reported as a percentag... Read More about The reduction in the fibre saturation point of wood due to chemical modification using anhydride reagents: A reappraisal..

Properties of UK-Grown Sitka Spruce: Extent and Sources of Variation. (2008)
Journal Article
Moore, J., Lyon, A. J., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Gardiner, B. A. (2008). Properties of UK-Grown Sitka Spruce: Extent and Sources of Variation. Timber Engineering,

Structural timber produced from Sitka spruce plantations in the UK typically achieves the requirements for the C16 strength class. However, very little is known about the variability of this plantation resource, or the factors that contribute to this... Read More about Properties of UK-Grown Sitka Spruce: Extent and Sources of Variation..

The design and production of a guide for noise control from laminated and wooden flooring. (2005)
MacKenzie, R. (2005). The design and production of a guide for noise control from laminated and wooden flooring

Research Study Conducted for Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and through
it the Devolved Administrations of the Scottish Executive,
the National Assembly for Wales and the Department of
the Environment in Northern Irela... Read More about The design and production of a guide for noise control from laminated and wooden flooring..