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The value of participating in British exploring society expeditions: a three year multi-cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Allison, P., Martindale, R., Stott, T., Gray, S., Nash, C., Fraser, K., & Wang, J. (2018). The value of participating in British exploring society expeditions: a three year multi-cohort study. Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Kinanthropologica, 54(1), 5-15.

A primary aim of many expeditions is to facilitate personal development of young people and while there is much anecdotal evidence to support this aim, there is limited empirical work of varied quality that explores the specific nature of such benefi... Read More about The value of participating in British exploring society expeditions: a three year multi-cohort study.

Travel, Tourism and Art. (2013)
Rakic, T. (2013). T. Rakić, & J.-A. Lester (Eds.), Travel, Tourism and Art. Ashgate Publishing

Art, in its many forms, has long played an important role in people’s imagination, experience and remembrance of places, cultures and travels as well as in their motivation to travel. Travel and tourism, on the other hand, have also inspired numerous... Read More about Travel, Tourism and Art..

Narratives of Travel and Tourism. (2012)
(2012). J. Tivers, & T. Rakić (Eds.), Narratives of Travel and Tourism. Ashgate Publishing

Travel and tourism 'stories' have been told and recorded within every culture, in every period of oral and written history, and across the breadth of the fact/fiction continuum. Taking two broad themes as its starting point - travellers and their nar... Read More about Narratives of Travel and Tourism..

Rethinking the consumption of places (2012)
Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2012). Rethinking the consumption of places. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 1612-1633.

The phenomenological concept of embodiment has underpinned the ‘performance turn’ in tourism studies which, along with the ‘mobilities paradigm’, has contributed to the disruption of the occularcentric and static nature of Urry’s original (1990, 1995... Read More about Rethinking the consumption of places.

Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking (2010)
Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2010). Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 379-389.

While visual methods have long been utilised as legitimate research techniques in the social sciences, within mainstream tourism research these techniques are rarely employed. This paper thus seeks to question current research practices in tourism by... Read More about Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking.

Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field (2009)
Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2009). Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field. Current Issues in Tourism, 12(3), 255-270.

This paper seeks to ‘promote’ the use of moving image visual ethnography within tourism research while concurrently acknowledging the methodological and practical challenges inherent in the use of this method. The paper introduces Dziga Vertov's 1929... Read More about Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field.

A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together. (2008)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M. (2008). A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together. In S. Holland (Ed.), Remote relationships in a small world (277-284). Peter Land

Small children, a time consuming job, and remote living are not conducive to a happy life. Why does one choose to do it? If one has to, how can one arrange one's life to make a family work? What can communications do to help? It is easy to ask the qu... Read More about A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together..

Individual Travel Patterns (2007)
Book Chapter
Stradling, S. G., & Anable, J. (2007). Individual Travel Patterns. In R. D. Knowles, J. Shaw, & I. Docherty (Eds.), Transport Geographies: Mobilities, Flows and Spaces (179-195). Blackwell

Problems and possibilities of delivering ‘footloose’ geography: the case for space (2001)
Journal Article
McCleery, A. (2001). Problems and possibilities of delivering ‘footloose’ geography: the case for space. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 25(2), 225-232.

Within the UK Higher Education system, geography is sometimes taught outside the framework of a conventional geography degree programme. Using a case study of the situation at Napier University, Edinburgh, this paper explores the problems and possibi... Read More about Problems and possibilities of delivering ‘footloose’ geography: the case for space.