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Outputs (87)

Implementing Supported Self-Management in Community-Based Stroke Care: A Secondary Analysis of Nurses’ Perspectives (2020)
Journal Article
Kidd, L., Booth, J., Lawrence, M., & Rowat, A. (2020). Implementing Supported Self-Management in Community-Based Stroke Care: A Secondary Analysis of Nurses’ Perspectives. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(4), Article 985.

The provision of supported self‐management (SSM) is recommended in contemporary guidelines to address the longer‐term needs and outcomes of stroke survivors and their families, yet its implementation across stroke pathways has been inconsistent. Thi... Read More about Implementing Supported Self-Management in Community-Based Stroke Care: A Secondary Analysis of Nurses’ Perspectives.

A review of the impact of utilising electronic medical records for clinical research recruitment (2019)
Journal Article
Lai, Y. S., & Afseth, J. D. (2019). A review of the impact of utilising electronic medical records for clinical research recruitment. Clinical Trials, 16(2), 194-203.

Recruitment is an important aspect of clinical research, as poor recruitment could undermine the scientific value of a trial or delay the development process of new treatments. The development of electronic medical records provides a n... Read More about A review of the impact of utilising electronic medical records for clinical research recruitment.

Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes (2018)
Journal Article
Rowat, A. M., Graham, C., & Dennis, M. (2018). Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 5(1), Article e000218.

Objective The correct placement of a nasogastric feeding tube is usually confirmed by establishing that an aspirate is acidic using a pH stick. However, antacid medication and achlorhydria can cause false negative pH tests that may delay feeding and... Read More about Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes.

Study to determine the likely accuracy of pH testing to confirm nasogastric tube placement (2018)
Journal Article
Rowat, A. M., Graham, C., Dennis, M., & Rowat, A. (2018). Study to determine the likely accuracy of pH testing to confirm nasogastric tube placement. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 5(1), Article e000211.

Objective To establish the likely accuracy of pH testing to identify gastric aspirates at different pH cut-offs to confirm nasogastric tube placement.
Methods This prospective observational study included a convenience sample of adult patients who h... Read More about Study to determine the likely accuracy of pH testing to confirm nasogastric tube placement.

Silver nanoparticles promote the emergence of heterogeneic human neutrophil sub-populations (2018)
Journal Article
Kemp, S., Young, L., Ross, M., Prach, M., Hutchison, G. R., Malone, E., & Fraser, J. A. (2018). Silver nanoparticles promote the emergence of heterogeneic human neutrophil sub-populations. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article 7506.

Neutrophil surveillance is central to nanoparticle clearance. Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have numerous uses, however conflicting evidence exists as to their impact on neutrophils and whether they trigger damaging inflammation. Neutrophil’s importanc... Read More about Silver nanoparticles promote the emergence of heterogeneic human neutrophil sub-populations.

Patient and carer experiences of Home Mechanical Ventilation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramsay, P., MacLaren, J., Smith, P., Rodgers, S., & Bateman, A. (2018, March). Patient and carer experiences of Home Mechanical Ventilation. Poster presented at NHS Lothian NMAHP

Home-based mechanical ventilation is a successful intervention for people with neuromuscular induced respiratory insufficiency. These people live with a high degree of disability, requiring care from nurses and others, and also the support of a vari... Read More about Patient and carer experiences of Home Mechanical Ventilation.

Interventions for maintaining nasogastric feeding after stroke: An integrative review of effectiveness and acceptability (2017)
Journal Article
Mahoney, C., & Veitch, L. (2018). Interventions for maintaining nasogastric feeding after stroke: An integrative review of effectiveness and acceptability. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(3-4), e427-e436.

Aims and objectives
To investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of interventions for maintaining nasogastric tubes (NGT) in adult stroke patients.
Internationally, incidence of Cerebral Vascular Disease (CVD) continues to increas... Read More about Interventions for maintaining nasogastric feeding after stroke: An integrative review of effectiveness and acceptability.

Preferential activation of HIF-2 adaptive mechanisms in neuronal-like cells in response to hypoxia (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fraser, J., Baudel, M., Rae, M., Darlison, M., & Poole, A. (2017, April). Preferential activation of HIF-2 adaptive mechanisms in neuronal-like cells in response to hypoxia. Poster presented at British Neuroscience Association - festival of neuroscience 2017

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Blockage, or occlusion, of cerebral arteries causes irreversible neuronal damage as disrupted blood flow starves neurones of oxygen and glucose. The hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) are mas... Read More about Preferential activation of HIF-2 adaptive mechanisms in neuronal-like cells in response to hypoxia.

The expression of the chloride co-transporters NKCC1 and KCC2 is reversed in the penumbra following (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baudel, M., Rae, M., Fraser, J., & Poole, A. (2017, April). The expression of the chloride co-transporters NKCC1 and KCC2 is reversed in the penumbra following. Presented at BNA 2017

Stroke is one of the major causes of death and disability worldwide. The harm caused by the interruption of blood flow to the brain unfolds in the subsequent hours and days, so it is critical to identify new therapeutic targets that could reduce neur... Read More about The expression of the chloride co-transporters NKCC1 and KCC2 is reversed in the penumbra following.

Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people (Review) (2015)
Journal Article
Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Attreed, N. J., Campbell, W. W., Channell, A. M., Chassagne, P., Culp, K. R., Fletcher, S. J., Fortes, M. B., Fuller, N., Gaspar, P. M., Gilbert, D. J., Heathcote, A. C., Kafri, M. W., Kajii, F., Lindner, G., Mack, G. W., Mentes, J. C., Merlani, P., Needham, R. A., …Hunter, P. (2015). Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1(4), Article CD009647.

There is evidence that water-loss dehydration is common in older people and associated with many causes of morbidity and mortality.
However, it is unclear what clinical symptoms, signs and tests may be used to identify early dehydration... Read More about Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people (Review).

In vivo in uterus non-invasive methods to predict placental insufficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Girardi, G., Fraser, J., Bertolaccini, M. L., Lennen, R., Vontell, R., & Hutchison, G. (2014, December). In vivo in uterus non-invasive methods to predict placental insufficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome

Objectives: To use MRI-based methods to non invasively detect placental insufficiency and predict fetal outcomes in obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Methods and result: A) Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles conjug... Read More about In vivo in uterus non-invasive methods to predict placental insufficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome.

Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2009, March). Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University

Mahoney, C. (2009, March). Investigation into Maintaining Naso-gastric Feeding for Stroke Patients. A Mixed Methods Study. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University

Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rowat, A. M., Chalmers, C., & Rennie, D. (2007, December). Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland. Paper presented at Scottish Stroke Nurses Forum

Background: National guidelines suggest that at the very least there should be one whole time equivalent (WTE) nurse per stroke bed with a skill mix ratio of two registered nurses to one unregistered nurse. The aim of this study was determine nursing... Read More about Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland..

Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Horsburgh, D., Rowat, A., Alder, B., Dennis, M., & Taylor, P. (2005, October). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at Scottish Stroke Conference, Perth

Sgβ1, a novel locust (Schistocerca gregaria) non-α nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-like subunit with homology to the Drosophila melanogaster Dβ1 subunit (2005)
Journal Article
Jones, A. K., Marshall, J., Blake, A. D., Buckingham, S. D., Darlison, M. G., & Sattelle, D. B. (2005). Sgβ1, a novel locust (Schistocerca gregaria) non-α nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-like subunit with homology to the Drosophila melanogaster Dβ1 subunit. Invertebrate Neuroscience, 5(3-4), 147-155.

The cloning, sequencing and functional expression of Sgβ1, a novel locust (Schistocerca gregaria) non-α nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit is described. This subunit shows 80% identity with the Drosophila melanogaster Dβ1 and 92% identi... Read More about Sgβ1, a novel locust (Schistocerca gregaria) non-α nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-like subunit with homology to the Drosophila melanogaster Dβ1 subunit.

Consequences of the Evolution of the GABAA Receptor Gene Family (2005)
Journal Article
Darlison, M. G., Pahal, I., & Thode, C. (2005). Consequences of the Evolution of the GABAA Receptor Gene Family. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 25(3-4), 607-624.

1. This paper reviews the evolution of the family of genes present in mammals and other vertebrates that encode $γ$-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A (GABAA) receptors, which are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous sy... Read More about Consequences of the Evolution of the GABAA Receptor Gene Family.

Early socio-emotional experience induces expression of the immediate-early gene Arc/arg3.1 (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein/activity-regulated gene) in learning-relevant brain regions of the newborn chick (2005)
Journal Article
Bock, J., Thode, C., Hannemann, O., Braun, K., & Darlison, M. (2005). Early socio-emotional experience induces expression of the immediate-early gene Arc/arg3.1 (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein/activity-regulated gene) in learning-relevant brain regions of the newborn chick. Neuroscience, 133(3), 625-633.

We have cloned a full-length complementary {DNA} from the chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus), which encodes a polypeptide that exhibits ∼75% identity to the product of the mammalian gene Arc (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein), also... Read More about Early socio-emotional experience induces expression of the immediate-early gene Arc/arg3.1 (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein/activity-regulated gene) in learning-relevant brain regions of the newborn chick.