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Comparative experimental study of the mechanical and fracture properties of Portland limestone and Corsehill sandstone (2019)
Journal Article
Marinelli, A., & Stewart, M. R. (2019). Comparative experimental study of the mechanical and fracture properties of Portland limestone and Corsehill sandstone. Frattura ed IntegritĂ  Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity), 13(50), 438-450.

An experimental investigation of the mechanical and fracture characteristics of Portland limestone and Corsehill sandstone is undertaken, aiming at enhancing understanding of the structural behaviour of these natural building stones commonly used in... Read More about Comparative experimental study of the mechanical and fracture properties of Portland limestone and Corsehill sandstone.

Influence of geotextile encasement in triaxial tests on gravel (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Miranda, M., da Costa, A., Castro, J., Sagaseta, C., & Cañizal, J. (2017, September). Influence of geotextile encasement in triaxial tests on gravel. Presented at 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Stone columns installed in extremely soft soils may significantly reduce the effectiveness of this treatment due to the insufficient lateral confinement provided by the soft soil. The encasement of columns with geotextiles is commonly used in these s... Read More about Influence of geotextile encasement in triaxial tests on gravel.

Energy consumption and modelling of the climate control system in the electric vehicle (2018)
Journal Article
Doyle, A., & Muneer, T. (2018). Energy consumption and modelling of the climate control system in the electric vehicle. Energy Exploration and Exploitation,

With the introduction of electric vehicles in the automobile market, limited information is available on how the battery’s energy consumption is distributed. This paper focuses on the energy
consumption of the vehicle when the heating and cooling sy... Read More about Energy consumption and modelling of the climate control system in the electric vehicle.

Assessing the relationship between the human response to vibration in the vibrotactile threshold shift with HAV exposure determined on the subject (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anderson, L., Taylor, M., Maeda, S., & McLaughlin, J. (2018, August). Assessing the relationship between the human response to vibration in the vibrotactile threshold shift with HAV exposure determined on the subject. Presented at The 26 th Japan Conference on Human Response to Vibration (JCHRV2018), Osaka, Japan

Existing risk assessment methodologies are based on fixed tool vibration magnitude emission data (such as tool declaration data or a point in time (typically annually) tool measurement to ISO5349) and tool usage time. The research evaluates the rela... Read More about Assessing the relationship between the human response to vibration in the vibrotactile threshold shift with HAV exposure determined on the subject.

Enhancing Robotic Swarms With Fractal Behaviours to Explore Unknown Enclosed Areas (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eissa, H., Melis, W. J. C., Keates, S., & Doncheva, R. (2018, June). Enhancing Robotic Swarms With Fractal Behaviours to Explore Unknown Enclosed Areas. Paper presented at 3rd Medway Engineering Conference: Systems: Efficiency, Sustainability and Modelling, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Swarm robotics coordinates multiple interacting robots for which it takes inspiration from nature. It has been used in different engineering applications, such as: food searching, path planning, and communication between robots. Additionally, when ro... Read More about Enhancing Robotic Swarms With Fractal Behaviours to Explore Unknown Enclosed Areas.

Embodied and Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Buildings in Latin America: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions (2018)
Book Chapter
Pomponi, F., & Campos, L. M. (2018). Embodied and Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Buildings in Latin America: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions. In F. Pomponi, C. De Wolf, & A. Moncaster (Eds.), Embodied Carbon in Buildings (483-503). Springer.

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art on embodied carbon and life cycle assessment (LCA) of buildings in the context of Latin America. It reviews the current situation by assessing existing policies and initiatives ai... Read More about Embodied and Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Buildings in Latin America: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions.

End effect on determining shear modulus of timber beams in torsion tests (2018)
Journal Article
Gharavi, N., Zhang, H., Xie, Y., & He, T. (2018). End effect on determining shear modulus of timber beams in torsion tests. Construction and Building Materials, 164, 442-450.

The end effect plays an important role in determining where the rotation measuring gauges should be located in a torsion test. A thorough review on the impact of end effect in a torsion test has been conducted, followed by an experimental validation.... Read More about End effect on determining shear modulus of timber beams in torsion tests.

Cellulose microfibrils as a pore former in electroless co-deposited anodes for solid oxide fuel cells. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turnbull, R. J., Shearer, N., & Wilson, C. (2017, July). Cellulose microfibrils as a pore former in electroless co-deposited anodes for solid oxide fuel cells. Presented at 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XV), Hollywood, Florida, US

A study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of Cellulose Microfibrils (CMF) as a pore former in the manufacture of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) anodes using Electroless Co-Deposition (ECD). Previous work into the use of ECD to produce SOFC a... Read More about Cellulose microfibrils as a pore former in electroless co-deposited anodes for solid oxide fuel cells..

PV electrical parameters degradation analysis-Oman perspective (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Honnurvali, M. S., & Gupta, N. (2017, March). PV electrical parameters degradation analysis-Oman perspective. Presented at 2017 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Amman, Jordan

Recent interests in exploring the potential of renewable energy possibilities and readiness in sultanate of Oman has showed that it can engage renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind power and various hybrid power models to mitigate fossil... Read More about PV electrical parameters degradation analysis-Oman perspective.

The Influence of Particles’ Aspect Ratio on the Shear Behaviour of Granular Materials (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Xie, Y. H., Yang, Z. X., & Barreto, D. (2016, August). The Influence of Particles’ Aspect Ratio on the Shear Behaviour of Granular Materials. Presented at 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Dalian, China

The mechanical response of granular material depends both on the material properties (e.g. stiffness, anisotropy, permeability, etc.) and particle geometry (shape, roughness, etc.). This paper presents a study of the effect of particle shape (i.e. as... Read More about The Influence of Particles’ Aspect Ratio on the Shear Behaviour of Granular Materials.

A Comparative Study of Methods for Modelling the Structural Stiffness of Generator Components (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jaen-Sola, P., & Mcdonald, A. (2016, April). A Comparative Study of Methods for Modelling the Structural Stiffness of Generator Components. Presented at 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016), Glasgow, UK

Direct-drive generators are low speed electrical machines requiring robust and large supporting structures designed to resist the significant loads present during assembly and operation. Generator structures have to be stiff, especially in the radial... Read More about A Comparative Study of Methods for Modelling the Structural Stiffness of Generator Components.

Energy for Craft Distillers. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Currie, J. (2015, October). Energy for Craft Distillers. Presented at UK Craft Distillers Conference

Weather impact on containership routing in closed seas: A chance-constraint optimization approach (2015)
Journal Article
Kepaptsoglou, K., Fountas, G., & Karlaftis, M. G. (2015). Weather impact on containership routing in closed seas: A chance-constraint optimization approach. Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, 55, 139-155.

Weather conditions have a strong effect on the operation of vessels and unavoidably influence total time at sea and associated transportation costs. The velocity and direction of the wind in particular may considerably affect travel speed of vessels... Read More about Weather impact on containership routing in closed seas: A chance-constraint optimization approach.

Vibration Transient Detection of Broken Rotor Bars by PSH Sidebands (2013)
Journal Article
Climente-Alarcon, V., Antonino-Daviu, J. A., Vedreno-Santos, F., & Puche-Panadero, R. (2013). Vibration Transient Detection of Broken Rotor Bars by PSH Sidebands. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 49(6), 2576-2582.

In recent years, the study of transients of induction motors for diagnosis purposes has gained strength in order to overcome some inherent problems of the classical diagnosis of such machines, which uses Fourier analysis of steady-state quantities. N... Read More about Vibration Transient Detection of Broken Rotor Bars by PSH Sidebands.

Stereoscopic viewing, roughness and gloss perception (2013)
Methven, T. S. Stereoscopic viewing, roughness and gloss perception. (Thesis). Heriot-Watt University.

This thesis presents a novel investigation into the effect stereoscopic vision has upon the strength of perceived gloss on rough surfaces. We demonstrate that in certain cases disparity is necessary for accurate judgements of gloss strength. We first... Read More about Stereoscopic viewing, roughness and gloss perception.

Beam Steering Technique for Binary Switched Array Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Emmanuel, I., Abd-Alhameed, R. A., Elkazmi, E. A., Abusitta, M., See, C. H., Ghazaany, T. .., Jones, S. M., & Excell, P. S. (2013, September). Beam Steering Technique for Binary Switched Array Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 13),, Glyndwr University, Wales, UK

A new approach in achieving beam steering in array antenna is introduced using the genetic algorithm optimization. The binary switching technique uses simple binary ON/OFF diodes placed in the feeding network of the array element to achieve beam stee... Read More about Beam Steering Technique for Binary Switched Array Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm.

Wind resource assessment: statistical and computational fluid-dynamic analysis (2012)
Irshad, W. Wind resource assessment: statistical and computational fluid-dynamic analysis. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Wind is an important source of renewable energy and is widely available, despite the changing condition. In recent years a growing number of manufacturers have produced small wind turbines suitable for utilisation by individual householders or small... Read More about Wind resource assessment: statistical and computational fluid-dynamic analysis.

Modelling of nonuniform magnetic field effects on partially magnetised Y-junction circulator (2009)
Chung, H. Modelling of nonuniform magnetic field effects on partially magnetised Y-junction circulator. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The success of modelling partially magnetised linear 3-port junction circulator, which is non-uniformly biased, depends chiefly on the precise representation of the strength of the intrinsic magnetic field in the axial direction across the ferrite ma... Read More about Modelling of nonuniform magnetic field effects on partially magnetised Y-junction circulator.

You are where you have been. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clarke, R. A., & Wigan, M. (2008, July). You are where you have been. Presented at Seminar on 'Location Privacy'

Location is a critical aspect of both privacy and surveillance. A detailed record of locations allows all sorts of other information to be linked together, adding to information about the subject and his or her associates in the same way that a uniq... Read More about You are where you have been..