20 mph speed limits: A meta-narrative evidence synthesis of the public health evidence
Book Chapter
van Erpecum, C.-P. L., Bornioli, A., Cleland, C., Jones, S., Davis, A., den Braver, N. R., & Pilkington, P. (2024). 20 mph speed limits: A meta-narrative evidence synthesis of the public health evidence. In J. S. Mindell, & S. J. Watkin (Eds.), Health on the Move 3: The Reviews (167-195). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.atpp.2023.12.001
Twenty mile per hour (20 mph) or 30 kph speed limit interventions are increasingly common in a wide range of European cities. Importantly, 20 mph or 30 kph speed limit interventions may not only reduce road danger, but also positively contribute to b... Read More about 20 mph speed limits: A meta-narrative evidence synthesis of the public health evidence.