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Reducing delay in patients with acute coronary syndrome and other time-critical conditions: a systematic review to identify the behaviour change techniques associated with effective interventions (2019)
Journal Article
Farquharson, B., Abhyankar, P., Smith, K., Dombrowski, S. U., Treweek, S., Dougall, N., Williams, B., & Johnston, M. (2019). Reducing delay in patients with acute coronary syndrome and other time-critical conditions: a systematic review to identify the behaviour change techniques associated with effective interventions. Open Heart, 6(1), Article e000975.

Background: Time to treatment in many conditions, particularly acute coronary syndrome, is critical to reducing mortality. Delay between onset of symptoms and treatment remains a worldwide problem. Reducing patient delay has been particularly challen... Read More about Reducing delay in patients with acute coronary syndrome and other time-critical conditions: a systematic review to identify the behaviour change techniques associated with effective interventions.

eHealth tools to provide structured assistance for Atrial Fibrillation Screening, Management And guideline Recommended Therapy in metropolitan general practice: the AF-SMART study (2018)
Journal Article
Orchard, J., Neubeck, L., Freedman, B., Li, J., Webster, R., Zwar, N., Gallagher, R., Ferguson, C., & Lowres, N. (2019). eHealth tools to provide structured assistance for Atrial Fibrillation Screening, Management And guideline Recommended Therapy in metropolitan general practice: the AF-SMART study. Journal of the American Heart Association JAHA, 8(1),

Background: This eHealth implementation study aimed to evaluate strategies to promote opportunistic atrial fibrillation (AF) screening using electronic screening prompts and improve treatment using electronic decision support software (EDS).
Method... Read More about eHealth tools to provide structured assistance for Atrial Fibrillation Screening, Management And guideline Recommended Therapy in metropolitan general practice: the AF-SMART study.

White paper on inequalities and unmet needs in the detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) and use of therapies to prevent AF-related stroke in Europe (2018)
Camm, J., Antoniou, S., Caso, V., Doehner, W., Eisle, J.-L., Engdahl, J., Koob, S., Lobban, T., Neubeck, L., Rosenqvist, M., & Vanhooren, G. (2018). White paper on inequalities and unmet needs in the detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) and use of therapies to prevent AF-related stroke in Europe. BMS–Pfizer Alliance

No abstract available.

Physical fitness interventions for nonambulatory stroke survivors: A mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Lloyd, M., Skelton, D. A., Mead, G. E., Williams, B., & van Wijck, F. (2018). Physical fitness interventions for nonambulatory stroke survivors: A mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain and Behavior, 8(7), Article e01000.

Physical fitness training after stroke is recommended in guidelines across the world, but evidence pertains mainly to ambulatory stroke
survivors. Non-ambulatory stroke survivors (FAC score ≤2) are at
increased risk of recurrent strok... Read More about Physical fitness interventions for nonambulatory stroke survivors: A mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis.

Blueprint for change in AF: the Scottish national inquiry (2018)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Barclay, K., Dunn, M., Oliver, C., Armitage, W., Oliver, C., Hodson, P., Bruce, J., Grubb, N., & Quinn, T. J. (2018). Blueprint for change in AF: the Scottish national inquiry. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 13(2), 64-69.

Background: Understanding Atrial Fibrillation (AF) management in Scotland was identified as a key priority at the Cross Party Group (CPG) for Heart Disease and Stroke which meets regularly at the Scottish Parliament. Therefore, a national inquiry was... Read More about Blueprint for change in AF: the Scottish national inquiry.

Preferential activation of HIF-2α adaptive signalling in neuronal-like cells in response to acute hypoxia (2017)
Journal Article
Martín-Aragón Baudel, M. A. S., Rae, M. T., Darlison, M. G., Poole, A. V., & Fraser, J. A. (2017). Preferential activation of HIF-2α adaptive signalling in neuronal-like cells in response to acute hypoxia. PLOS ONE, 12(10), Article e0185664.

Stroke causes severe neuronal damage as disrupted cerebral blood flow starves neurons of oxygen and glucose. The hypoxia inducible factors (HIF-1α and HIF-2α) orchestrate oxygen homeostasis and regulate specific aspects of hypoxic adaptation. Here we... Read More about Preferential activation of HIF-2α adaptive signalling in neuronal-like cells in response to acute hypoxia.

Art participation for psychosocial wellbeing during stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Morris, J. H., Kelly, C., Joice, S., Kroll, T., Mead, G., Donnan, P., Toma, M., & Williams, B. (2019). Art participation for psychosocial wellbeing during stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(1), 9-18.

Purpose: To examine the feasibility of undertaking a pragmatic single-blind randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a visual arts participation programme to evaluate effects on survivor wellbeing within stroke rehabilitation.
Methods: Stroke survivors... Read More about Art participation for psychosocial wellbeing during stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Interventions for maintaining nasogastric feeding after stroke: An integrative review of effectiveness and acceptability (2017)
Journal Article
Mahoney, C., & Veitch, L. (2018). Interventions for maintaining nasogastric feeding after stroke: An integrative review of effectiveness and acceptability. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(3-4), e427-e436.

Aims and objectives
To investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of interventions for maintaining nasogastric tubes (NGT) in adult stroke patients.
Internationally, incidence of Cerebral Vascular Disease (CVD) continues to increas... Read More about Interventions for maintaining nasogastric feeding after stroke: An integrative review of effectiveness and acceptability.

Preferential activation of HIF-2 adaptive mechanisms in neuronal-like cells in response to hypoxia (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fraser, J., Baudel, M., Rae, M., Darlison, M., & Poole, A. (2017, April). Preferential activation of HIF-2 adaptive mechanisms in neuronal-like cells in response to hypoxia. Poster presented at British Neuroscience Association - festival of neuroscience 2017

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Blockage, or occlusion, of cerebral arteries causes irreversible neuronal damage as disrupted blood flow starves neurones of oxygen and glucose. The hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) are mas... Read More about Preferential activation of HIF-2 adaptive mechanisms in neuronal-like cells in response to hypoxia.

Social media practices on Twitter: maximising the impact of cardiac associations (2016)
Journal Article
Gallagher, R., Psaroulis, T., Ferguson, C., Neubeck, L., & Gallagher, P. (2016). Social media practices on Twitter: maximising the impact of cardiac associations. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 11(10), 481-487.

Twitter is a social media platform often used by cardiac professional associations to engage and inform their members and the public. However, the effectiveness of the strategy is seldom assessed or published. Aim: This study evaluates the Twitter ac... Read More about Social media practices on Twitter: maximising the impact of cardiac associations.

PM188 Screening for Recurrence of New-Onset Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Lowres, N., Mulcahy, G., Freedman, S. B., Jin, K., & Neubeck, L. (2016). PM188 Screening for Recurrence of New-Onset Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Global Heart, 11(2), e101.

Poster abstract

Post-operative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is associated with increased mortality and risk of stroke post-discharge. POAF is often thought to be transient, however recurrence is likely under-recognized as symptoms are... Read More about PM188 Screening for Recurrence of New-Onset Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Physical activity participation in community dwelling stroke survivors: synergy and dissonance between motivation and capability. A qualitative study (2016)
Journal Article
Morris, J. H., Oliver, T., Kroll, T., Joice, S., & Williams, B. (2017). Physical activity participation in community dwelling stroke survivors: synergy and dissonance between motivation and capability. A qualitative study. Physiotherapy, 103(3), 311-321.

The evidence supporting benefits of physical activity (PA) on fitness, functioning, health and secondary prevention after stroke is compelling. However, many stroke survivors remain insufficiently active. This study explored survivors’ pe... Read More about Physical activity participation in community dwelling stroke survivors: synergy and dissonance between motivation and capability. A qualitative study.

Screening for sedentary behaviour in cardiac rehab. (2016)
Journal Article
Rogerson, M. C., Le Grande, M. R., Murphy, B. M., Neubeck, L., & Jackson, A. C. (2016). Screening for sedentary behaviour in cardiac rehab. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 11(4), 198-199.

Sedentary behaviour is on the rise, particularly among people with cardiovascular disease. Here, Michelle Rogerson and colleagues examine the risks of this behaviour, the presence and absence of guidelines, and incorporation of screening during cardi... Read More about Screening for sedentary behaviour in cardiac rehab..

Evidence of perceived psychosocial stress as a risk factor for stroke in adults: a meta-analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Booth, J., Connelly, L., Lawrence, M., Chalmers, C., Joice, S., Becker, C., & Dougall, N. (2015). Evidence of perceived psychosocial stress as a risk factor for stroke in adults: a meta-analysis. BMC Neurology, 15(1),

Several studies suggest that perceived psychosocial stress is associated with increased risk of stroke; however results are inconsistent with regard to definitions and measurement of perceived stress, features of individual study design,... Read More about Evidence of perceived psychosocial stress as a risk factor for stroke in adults: a meta-analysis.