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Does technology flatten authenticity? Exploring the use of digital storytelling as a learning tool in mental health nurse education (2020)
Journal Article
Smart, F., Conlon, M., & Mcintosh, G. (2020). Does technology flatten authenticity? Exploring the use of digital storytelling as a learning tool in mental health nurse education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 29(3), 269-278.

The paper reflects on digital story-telling as an approach designed to apply the theory of authentic learning in a co-productive context. It seeks to examine the theory of authenticity through the lens of digital stories. Design: A participant group... Read More about Does technology flatten authenticity? Exploring the use of digital storytelling as a learning tool in mental health nurse education.

Exploring nursing students’ perspectives on preserving dignity in care: A mixed methods Q-methodology study (2019)
Mullen, R. F. Exploring nursing students’ perspectives on preserving dignity in care: A mixed methods Q-methodology study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

A complex and contested concept, dignity is recognised as a significant factor in a person’s experience of care. Variations in the provision of dignity in care are reported in the literature and in the media. Despite growing interest in t... Read More about Exploring nursing students’ perspectives on preserving dignity in care: A mixed methods Q-methodology study.

Patient and family centered actionable processes of care and performance measures for persistent and chronic critical illness: a systematic review. (2019)
Journal Article
Rose, L., Istanboulian, L., Allum, L., Burry, L., Dale, C., Hart, N., Kydonaki, K., Ramsay, P., Pattison, N., & Connolly, B. (2019). Patient and family centered actionable processes of care and performance measures for persistent and chronic critical illness: a systematic review. Critical Care Explorations, 1(4), Article e0005.

To identify actionable processes of care, quality indicators, or performance measures and their evidence base relevant to patients with persistent or chronic critical illness and their family members including themes relating to patient/fa... Read More about Patient and family centered actionable processes of care and performance measures for persistent and chronic critical illness: a systematic review..

Data management and wearables in older adults: A systematic review. (2019)
Journal Article
Straiton, N., Alharbi, M., Smith, S., Neubeck, L., & Gallagher, R. (2019). Data management and wearables in older adults: A systematic review. Maturitas, 124, 100-110.

Background: Wearable trackers as research or clinical tools are increasingly used to support the care of older adults, due to their practicality in self-monitoring and potential to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours. However, limited understanding... Read More about Data management and wearables in older adults: A systematic review..

Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland (2019)
Journal Article
McClatchey, K., Murray, J., Chouliara, Z., Rowat, A., & Hauge, S. R. (2019). Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 73(4), Article e13342.

Suicide is a global public health issue. Approximately one third of individuals who complete suicide have attended an emergency department in the year preceding their death. The aim of this study was to investigate current suicide risk as... Read More about Suicide Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department: An Investigation of Current Practice in Scotland.

A qualitative study on the perceived impact of using an integrated community-based supportive cancer service (2019)
Journal Article
Young, J., & Snowden, A. (2019). A qualitative study on the perceived impact of using an integrated community-based supportive cancer service. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(3), Article e13001.

‘Improving the Cancer Journey’ (ICJ) is an original, community based, multidisciplinary service offering holistic support to people diagnosed with cancer in Scotland. It is the first service of its kind in the UK. The aim of this qualitati... Read More about A qualitative study on the perceived impact of using an integrated community-based supportive cancer service.

Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Jin, K., Khonsari, S., Gallagher, R., Gallagher, P., Clark, A. M., Freedman, B., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Redfern, J., & Neubeck, L. (2019). Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18(4),

Background - Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major cause of death worldwide. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR), an evidence-based CHD secondary prevention programme, remains underutilised. Telehealth may offer an innovative solution to overcome barriers... Read More about Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

A scoping review to determine themes that represent perceptions of self as mother (‘ideal mother’ vs ‘real mother’) (2018)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J., Anderson, L., & Martin, C. R. (2018). A scoping review to determine themes that represent perceptions of self as mother (‘ideal mother’ vs ‘real mother’). Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1-18.

Background: Postnatal Depression (PND) is a key cause of maternal morbidity, with current systems of initial recognition in the UK detecting only 50% of cases. In attempts to predict those potentially at risk, this review suggests a novel approach.... Read More about A scoping review to determine themes that represent perceptions of self as mother (‘ideal mother’ vs ‘real mother’).

Patients’ support needs during and after the critical illness event: a scoping review (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramsay, P. (2018, December). Patients’ support needs during and after the critical illness event: a scoping review. Poster presented at Intensive Care Society: State of the Art, 2018, London

Intensive care survivors suffer chronic and potentially life-changing physical, psychosocial and cognitive sequelae, and supporting recovery is an international priority. As survivors transition from the intensive care unit to home, their... Read More about Patients’ support needs during and after the critical illness event: a scoping review.

Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey (2018)
Journal Article
Schneider, A., Bak, M., Mahoney, C., Hoyle, L., Ba, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2019). Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(6), 1239-1251.

Aims: To estimate the prevalence and co-occurrence of health-related behaviours among nurses in Scotland relative to other healthcare workers and those in non-healthcare occupations.
Design: Secondary analysis of nationally representative cross-sect... Read More about Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey.

Nursing in an age of multimorbidity. (2018)
Journal Article
O’Connor, S., Deaton, C., Nolan, F., & Johnston, B. (2018). Nursing in an age of multimorbidity. BMC Nursing, 17(1), 49.

A changing sociodemographic landscape has seen rising numbers of people with two or more long-term health conditions. Multimorbidity presents numerous challenges for patients and families and those who work in healthcare services. Therefo... Read More about Nursing in an age of multimorbidity..

A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation (2018)
Journal Article
MacLaren, J., Smith, P., Rodgers, S., Bateman, A. P., & Ramsay, P. (2019). A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation. Nursing Open, 6(2), 283-292.

To contribute insight into health and social care integration through an exploration of the care experiences of adults with degenerative neuromuscular conditions who use a mechanical ventilator at home.
Descriptive qualitative research.... Read More about A qualitative study of experiences of health and social care in home mechanical ventilation.

Caseload profiling in district nursing: a systematic literature review (2018)
Journal Article
Harper-McDonald, B., & Baguley, F. (2018). Caseload profiling in district nursing: a systematic literature review. British Journal of Community Nursing, 23(11), 544-549.

This systematic literature review aims to identify and appraise current evidence to establish if caseload profiling (CP) provides a strategy to support district nurses to evidence and manage increasingly complex caseloads. A total of 17 studies where... Read More about Caseload profiling in district nursing: a systematic literature review.

Smartphones and mobile applications (apps) in clinical nursing education: A student perspective (2018)
Journal Article
O'Connor, S., & Andrews, T. (2018). Smartphones and mobile applications (apps) in clinical nursing education: A student perspective. Nurse Education Today,

Background: Nurse educators are exploring how mobile technology can support students in clinical practice. However, the view of nursing students on the use of smartphones and mobile applications (apps) to enhance clinical education has not been explo... Read More about Smartphones and mobile applications (apps) in clinical nursing education: A student perspective.

Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes (2018)
Journal Article
Rowat, A. M., Graham, C., & Dennis, M. (2018). Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 5(1), Article e000218.

Objective The correct placement of a nasogastric feeding tube is usually confirmed by establishing that an aspirate is acidic using a pH stick. However, antacid medication and achlorhydria can cause false negative pH tests that may delay feeding and... Read More about Diagnostic accuracy of a pH stick, modified to detect gastric lipase, to confirm the correct placement of nasogastric tubes.