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Outputs (68)

A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England (2025)
Journal Article
Maclean, G., & Hill, D. (in press). A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England. Current Sociology,

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022 led to a dramatic increase in energy prices in the UK. Chefs interviewed in the North East of England were found already struggling with post-lockdown re-opening, now huge energy bills and food short... Read More about A Crisis of Energy: War and Heat in the Professional Kitchens of North East England.

Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Panneels, I., & Patrick-Thomson, H. (2024, September). Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace. Presented at The 4th Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference, Edinburgh, UK

The creative economy is powered by a workforce with a high proportion of freelancers and SMEs. This paper reflects on new ways of working, accelerated by the digital pivot of the creative workplace caused by the global pandemic. Whilst the impact of... Read More about Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace.

Getting Britain back to work (2024)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2024). Getting Britain back to work. [Web based newspaper]

This short article discusses the FInal Report of the Commission on the Future of Employment Support, and UK Government proposals to integrate career guidance into the Job Centre Plus network.

Should Job Centres provide career guidance? (2024)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2024). Should Job Centres provide career guidance?. [Blog]

This article considers the merits of the Labour Party Manifesto proposal to integrate career services into Job Centre Plus services (the UK's public employment service).

From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Heidl, B., O'Neil, J., & Bratton, A. (2024, April). From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition. Presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen

As the environmental agenda progresses worldwide, it is clear that the move to sustainable forms of energy is both crucial and inevitable. For UK workers currently employed in the traditional energy sector including oil and gas, this transition prese... Read More about From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition.

Career development for an ailing services superpower (2024)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2024). Career development for an ailing services superpower. [Blog]

This article summarises recent assessments of the UK economy, and suggests how career development services can make a contribution to economic recovery.

Karriererettleiing og livskvalitet (2024)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2024). Karriererettleiing og livskvalitet. [Podcast]

This podcast contains an interview in which Prof Pete Robertson discusses the links between mental health, work and learning. It explores the role for career guidance practitioners in supporting mental well-being and how career development can be se... Read More about Karriererettleiing og livskvalitet.

Career Development as Freedom (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, P. (2023, December). Career Development as Freedom. Presented at iCEGS annual lecture 2023, University of Derby

This lecture explores the Capability Approach and its potential to provide a way of thinking about career development that links theory, practice, and policy. Considering theory first, the Capability Approach provides a broad-brush way of looking at... Read More about Career Development as Freedom.

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. (2023)
Journal Article
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B. H., Bratton, A., Vossler, A., & Moller, N. (2024). The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. New Technology, Work and Employment, 39(2), 238-258.

Drawing on emotional labour theory, this paper explores the barriers to emotionally complex telework, with a specific focus on the space, interface and pace of work. We examine the working lives of mental health counsellors who adapted from in‐person... Read More about The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19..

Behind the beer: An examination of ‘entrepreneurial’ motives for starting a craft brewery (2021)
Book Chapter
Ellis, V., & Richards, J. (2021). Behind the beer: An examination of ‘entrepreneurial’ motives for starting a craft brewery. In D. Clarke, V. Ellis, H. Patrick-Thomson, & D. Weir (Eds.), Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector. Emerald

Brewing has experienced a considerable revival in recent years with the number of brewers in the UK being at its highest level since the 1930s (Cask Report, 2018). After decades of mergers and takeovers saw the emergence of a small number of global b... Read More about Behind the beer: An examination of ‘entrepreneurial’ motives for starting a craft brewery.

Cross-cutting concerns for public policy in career development (2021)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2021). Cross-cutting concerns for public policy in career development. [Blog/online magazine]

This article argues there is the potential for career development services to contribute to society via health, environmental, and criminal justice public policy objectives. It suggests that sustainability, social justice, and social change are thre... Read More about Cross-cutting concerns for public policy in career development.

Organising to beat the Trade Union Act (2016) voting thresholds: a case study of organising and tactics from the University and College Union (2021)
Journal Article
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2022). Organising to beat the Trade Union Act (2016) voting thresholds: a case study of organising and tactics from the University and College Union. Personnel Review, 51(9), 2294-2311.

A retrospective action-research case study of one branch of the University and College Union (UCU) is used to show how threshold requirements of the Act can be systematically beaten.

The paper responds to call... Read More about Organising to beat the Trade Union Act (2016) voting thresholds: a case study of organising and tactics from the University and College Union.

“Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pustelnikovaite, T., Richards, J., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, August). “Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia. Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society, Online

Leaveism is an important yet underresearched phenomenon in contemporary work and employment. It refers to employees using allocated time off to work, such as taking work home that cannot be completed in normal working hours, working while on leave to... Read More about “Brilliant at everything, saying yes to even more”: The realities of overwork in academia.

‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2021, July). ‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession. Paper presented at British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester

In 2017, the Trade Union Act 2016 (the Act) became law in the UK, an Act extending several decades of anti-union measures, but notable for the setting of a 50% threshold in statutory ballots. Further, as there is little prospect of the Act being repe... Read More about ‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession.

Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., & Ellis, V. (2021, July). Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union. Paper presented at 7th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, International Labor Organisation (ILO) Geneva

The paper responds to key themes of the stream: the importance/relevance of collective bargaining in protecting high-quality jobs in the UK higher education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper represents a case of good branch-level union o... Read More about Organising an industrial action ballot to protect jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of a UK university and the University and Colleges Union.

Film Bang 1976-2020 – resilience and sustainability for freelance careers in the screen industries (2021)
Scott, A., & Davidson, N. (2021). Film Bang 1976-2020 – resilience and sustainability for freelance careers in the screen industries. Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre

This Report gathers the evidence from our 2020 research project investigating freelance working in the Scottish film and television sector over the past four decades. The Industrial Strategy (UK Government, 2017) and the Bazalgette Report into the Cr... Read More about Film Bang 1976-2020 – resilience and sustainability for freelance careers in the screen industries.

Film Bang Analysis (2021)
Digital Artefact
Scott, A., & Davidson, N. (2021). Film Bang Analysis. [Website]

A webslides presentation covering the main points emerging from analysis of the Film Bang directory 1976 - 2020.

This study investigates freelance working in the Scottish film and television sector. The Industrial Strategy and the Bazalgette Repo... Read More about Film Bang Analysis.

Plugging the Data Gap: Freelance Workers in the Creative Industries (2021)
Panneels, I., Terras, M., Jones, C., Helgason, I., & Komorowski, M. (2021). Plugging the Data Gap: Freelance Workers in the Creative Industries.

The lack of data on the self-employed and freelance workforce is a particularly severe problem for the creative industries, which are disproportionately made up of freelancers.

Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector (2021)
Clarke, D., Ellis, V., Patrick-Thomson, H., & Weir, D. (Eds.). (2021). Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector. Emerald

Decades of stagnating demand for beer and the emergence of global brewing conglomerates had seen many of Britain’s longstanding breweries disappear and a decline in the diversity of beer styles on offer. However, following similar developments in the... Read More about Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector.