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"It's Just the Abuse that Needs to Stop": Professional Framing of Sibling Relationships in a Grounded Theory Study of Social Worker Decision Making Following Sibling Sexual Behavior (2019)
Journal Article
Yates, P. (2019). "It's Just the Abuse that Needs to Stop": Professional Framing of Sibling Relationships in a Grounded Theory Study of Social Worker Decision Making Following Sibling Sexual Behavior. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29(2),

Sibling abuse is a global problem, arguably the most prevalent form of family violence, and as harmful as other familial abuse. There is evidence internationally that sibling abuse often goes unrecognized or is minimized by professionals from educati... Read More about "It's Just the Abuse that Needs to Stop": Professional Framing of Sibling Relationships in a Grounded Theory Study of Social Worker Decision Making Following Sibling Sexual Behavior.

Representing Women in Prison (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schwan, A., & Gray, P. (2019, March). Representing Women in Prison. Paper presented at Scottish Universities-Prisons Network Conference: ‘Empowering, Linking, Making', Edinburgh, Scotland

Pre-birth child protection (2018)
Critchley, A. (2018). Pre-birth child protection. Glasgow: Iriss

Key points

Pre-birth involvement forms a small but increasing part of child protection work in Scotland

Social workers have the task of protecting the unborn baby from current risk and making a plan for predicted risks, at the same time as maki... Read More about Pre-birth child protection.

Social work and Substance Misuse (2018)
Book Chapter
Hillen, P. (2018). Social work and Substance Misuse. In V. E. Cree, & M. Smith (Eds.), Social Work in a Changing Scotland. Routledge

No abstract available.

Substance use communication between looked after young people and formal carers: A qualitative study (2017)
Carver, H. Substance use communication between looked after young people and formal carers: A qualitative study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Background: Good parent-child connectedness, general and substance use specific communication are protective against alcohol, tobacco and drug use during adolescence. Previous research also suggests that general communication with foster and other st... Read More about Substance use communication between looked after young people and formal carers: A qualitative study.

The tension between person centred and task focused care in an acute surgical setting: A critical ethnography (2017)
Journal Article
Sharp, S., Mcallister, M., & Broadbent, M. (2017). The tension between person centred and task focused care in an acute surgical setting: A critical ethnography. Collegian, 25(1), 11-17.

Problem: Person centred care is a key indicator of quality care and a policy direction in many hospitals yet some patients experience care that falls short of this standard.
Background: Health services worldwide are prioritising the delivery of pers... Read More about The tension between person centred and task focused care in an acute surgical setting: A critical ethnography.

Serving Best Interests in ‘Known Biological Father Disputes’ in the United Kingdom (2016)
Book Chapter
Macfarlane, L.-A. (2016). Serving Best Interests in ‘Known Biological Father Disputes’ in the United Kingdom. In E. E. Sutherland, & L. A. B. MacFarlane (Eds.), Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child : best interests, welfare and well-being (149-164). (1). Cambridge University Press

Article 3 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that in ‘all actions concerning children’ the ‘best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration’. However, the paradigms of family life, and child-rearing, are constantly... Read More about Serving Best Interests in ‘Known Biological Father Disputes’ in the United Kingdom.

"Horses for Courses" Comment on "Translating Evidence Into Healthcare Policy and Practice: Single Versus Multi-Faceted Implementation Strategies – Is There a Simple Answer to a Complex Question?" (2015)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J. E., & Frost, H. (2015). "Horses for Courses" Comment on "Translating Evidence Into Healthcare Policy and Practice: Single Versus Multi-Faceted Implementation Strategies – Is There a Simple Answer to a Complex Question?". International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 4(10), 685-686

This commentary considers the vexed question of whether or not we should be spending time and resources on using multifaceted interventions to undertake implementation of evidence in healthcare. A review of systematic reviews has suggested that simpl... Read More about "Horses for Courses" Comment on "Translating Evidence Into Healthcare Policy and Practice: Single Versus Multi-Faceted Implementation Strategies – Is There a Simple Answer to a Complex Question?".

How UK internet websites portray breast milk expression and breast pumps: a qualitative study of internet content (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McInnes, R., Arbuckle, A., & Hoddinott, P. (2015, June). How UK internet websites portray breast milk expression and breast pumps: a qualitative study of internet content. Presented at Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture Unit (MAINN) Conference 2015: Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives

How UK internet websites portray breast milk expression and breast pumps: a qualitative study of internet content

Diversity in Construction - A partnership project to address gender segregation in the construction industry. (2015)
Dutton, M., & Wooley, G. (2015). Diversity in Construction - A partnership project to address gender segregation in the construction industry

“Diversity in Construction“ is a project undertaken by Equate Scotland and the Employment Research Institute in partnership with Skills Development Scotland, to address the
issue of gender segregation in the construction industry. Despite a wide ran... Read More about Diversity in Construction - A partnership project to address gender segregation in the construction industry..

Evaluation and legacy of the ECoC: event owners and event hosts perspectives. (2014)
Journal Article
Theodoraki, E. (2014). Evaluation and legacy of the ECoC: event owners and event hosts perspectives. Economia della cultura, XXIV, 183-193.

This paper focusses on the institution of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) and its evaluation as documented to have emerged in official European Commission (EC) publications that present the event owners' and event hosts' perspectives. Notions... Read More about Evaluation and legacy of the ECoC: event owners and event hosts perspectives..

Construction of a linked health and social care database resource – lessons on process, content and culture (2014)
Journal Article
Witham, M. D., Frost, H., McMurdo, M., Donnan, P. T., & McGilchrist, M. (2015). Construction of a linked health and social care database resource – lessons on process, content and culture. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 40(3), 229-239.

Background: Combining routinely collected health and social care data on older people is essential to advance both service delivery and research for this client group. Little data is available on how to combine health and social care data; this artic... Read More about Construction of a linked health and social care database resource – lessons on process, content and culture.

Significant others, situations and infant feeding behaviour change processes: a serial qualitative interview study (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McInnes, R., Hoddinott, P., Britten, J., Darwent, K., & Craig, L. (2013, June). Significant others, situations and infant feeding behaviour change processes: a serial qualitative interview study. Presented at Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture Unit (MAINN) Conference 2013: Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives

Significant others, situations and infant feeding behaviour change processes: a serial qualitative interview study

Significant others, situations and their influences on infant feeding. Secondary analysis of data from: A prospective study exploring the early infant feeding experiences of parents and their significant others during the first 6 months of life: what would make a difference? (2013)
Hoddinott, P., Britten, J., McInnes, R., Craig, L., & Darwent, K. (2013). Significant others, situations and their influences on infant feeding. Secondary analysis of data from: A prospective study exploring the early infant feeding experiences of parents and their significant others during the first 6 months of life: what would make a difference?. Scotland: NHS Scotland

This study examines the range of influences on infant feeding behaviour from late pregnancy until six months after birth, which lead parents to introduce formula or solids, or to stop breastfeeding prior to the recommended six months. It reveals that... Read More about Significant others, situations and their influences on infant feeding. Secondary analysis of data from: A prospective study exploring the early infant feeding experiences of parents and their significant others during the first 6 months of life: what would make a difference?.

SPoC: Protecting Patient Privacy for e-Health Services in the Cloud (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., Lo, O., Thuemmler, C., Lawson, A., Uthmani, O., Ekonomou, E., & Khedim, A. S. (2012, January). SPoC: Protecting Patient Privacy for e-Health Services in the Cloud

The use of digital technologies in providing health care services is in general subsumed under the term e-Health. The Data Capture and Auto Identification Reference (DACAR) project provides an open e-Health service platform that reinforces the integr... Read More about SPoC: Protecting Patient Privacy for e-Health Services in the Cloud.

Sustaining breastfeeding (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McInnes, R. (2012, October). Sustaining breastfeeding. Presented at Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference

Sustaining breastfeeding

What do we know about who does and does not attend general health checks? Findings from a narrative scoping review (2012)
Journal Article
Dryden, R., Williams, B., McCowan, C., & Themessl-Huber, M. (2012). What do we know about who does and does not attend general health checks? Findings from a narrative scoping review. BMC Public Health, 12, Article 723.

Background: General and preventive health checks are a key feature of contemporary policies of anticipatory care. Ensuring high and equitable uptake of such general health checks is essential to ensuring health gain and preventing health inequalities... Read More about What do we know about who does and does not attend general health checks? Findings from a narrative scoping review.