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PCA-FNN based performance prediction for water injection in oilfields. (2014)
Journal Article
Tian, Y., Cheng, G., & Wang, Z. (2014). PCA-FNN based performance prediction for water injection in oilfields. Advanced materials research, 909, 410-417.

In order to solve the problem of uncertain cycle of water injection in the oilfield, this paper proposed a numerical method based on PCA-FNN, so that it can forecast the effective cycle of water injection. PCA is used to reduce the dimension of origi... Read More about PCA-FNN based performance prediction for water injection in oilfields..

PCA-ANFIS based prediction for water Injection effectiveness cycle in oil fields. (2014)
Journal Article
Tian, Y., Liu, Y., Cheng, G., & Wang, Z. (2014). PCA-ANFIS based prediction for water Injection effectiveness cycle in oil fields. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 530/53, 422-428.

By proposing a numerical based method on PCA-ANFIS(Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System), this paper is focusing on solving the problem of uncertain cycle of water injection in the oilfield. As the dimension of original data is reduced by PCA, ANFIS... Read More about PCA-ANFIS based prediction for water Injection effectiveness cycle in oil fields..

PCA-ANFIS based prediction for water Injection effectiveness cycle in oil fields (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tian, Y., Liu, Y., Cheng, G., & Wang, Z. (2014, January). PCA-ANFIS based prediction for water Injection effectiveness cycle in oil fields. Presented at 2014 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environment Engineering, Hong Kong, China

By proposing a numerical based method on PCA-ANFIS(Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System), this paper is focusing on solving the problem of uncertain cycle of water injection in the oilfield. As the dimension of original data is reduced by PCA, ANFIS... Read More about PCA-ANFIS based prediction for water Injection effectiveness cycle in oil fields.

Limits on the penetration of coiled tubing in horizontal oil wells: effect of the pipe geometry. (2005)
Journal Article
McCourt, I., & Kubie, J. (2005). Limits on the penetration of coiled tubing in horizontal oil wells: effect of the pipe geometry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 219(11), 1191-1197.

To carry out remedial work in oil wells through the production tubing string, a method using a continuous length of steel coiled tubing is used. In horizontal wells substantial friction forces are generated which resist the motion of the tubing as it... Read More about Limits on the penetration of coiled tubing in horizontal oil wells: effect of the pipe geometry..

On the penetration of tubular drill pipes in horizontal oil wells (2004)
Journal Article
McCourt, I., Truslove, T., & Kubie, J. (2004). On the penetration of tubular drill pipes in horizontal oil wells. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 218(9), 1063-1081.

To carry out remedial work in oil wells through the production tubing string, a method using a continuous length of steel tubing or coiled tubing is used. Furthermore, coiled tubing can also be used for drilling and extending existing wells. In horiz... Read More about On the penetration of tubular drill pipes in horizontal oil wells.

The development of a photoacoustic Instrument for the monitoring of oil and other hydrocarbons in water. (1995)
Journal Article
Mackenzie, H., & Binnie, D. (1995). The development of a photoacoustic Instrument for the monitoring of oil and other hydrocarbons in water. Petroleum review, 49, 555-557

The present methods for the detection of oil in discharge water are based either on chemical analysis of intermittent samples or bypass pipelines with instrumentation to detect either dissolved or dispersed hydrocarbons by a variety of optical techni... Read More about The development of a photoacoustic Instrument for the monitoring of oil and other hydrocarbons in water..