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Outputs (161)

Establishing a Relationship between Particle size distribution & Thaw weakening Susceptibility in Soils (2025)
Journal Article
Leak, J., Dimitriadi, V., Barreto, D., Bernal-Sanchez, J., & Imre, E. (2025). Establishing a Relationship between Particle size distribution & Thaw weakening Susceptibility in Soils. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 231, Article 104423.

Susceptibility to frost action in soils is an important consideration in cold and seasonably cold regions. Whilst the particle size distribution (PSD) is commonly used to measure susceptibility to frost action, this method is typically seen as unreli... Read More about Establishing a Relationship between Particle size distribution & Thaw weakening Susceptibility in Soils.

An Innovative Approach to Geotechnical Seismic Isolation: Rubber-Soil Mixture Trenches (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Mcdougall, J., Barreto, D., Dimitriadi, V., Leak, J., & Nseabasi, M. (2024, June). An Innovative Approach to Geotechnical Seismic Isolation: Rubber-Soil Mixture Trenches. Presented at 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy

This study presents a Geotechnical Seismic Isolation (GSI) system proposed for utilising Rubber-Soil mixtures (RSm) to enhance the dynamic performance of a modified soil and foundation structure. The inclusion of RSm enables the system to exhibit low... Read More about An Innovative Approach to Geotechnical Seismic Isolation: Rubber-Soil Mixture Trenches.

Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Coll, J., Leak, J., & Barreto, D. (2024, February). Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation. Presented at Geo-Congress 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This paper aims to investigate the mechanical behaviour of peat stabilised with glacial rock flour for foundation construction. Peat, a natural organic soil, presents challenges for construction due to its high compressibility and low bearing capacit... Read More about Exploring the Use of Rock Flour for Sustainable Peat Stabilisation.

Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bernal-Sanchez, J., & Gaspari, A. (2023, June). Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study. Presented at 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Chania, Greece

Peatlands are a key asset in the drive to reduce annual carbon emissions due to their potential as a carbon sink. This is especially important in Scotland where 25% of the land is covered by peat. Peatlands have historically been considered wasteland... Read More about Carbon impact & mitigation of housing developments on peatlands in the UK - A case study.

Rubber-soil mixtures: use of grading entropy theory to evaluate stiffness and liquefaction susceptibility (2023)
Journal Article
Bernal-Sanchez, J., Barreto, D., & Leak, J. (2023). Rubber-soil mixtures: use of grading entropy theory to evaluate stiffness and liquefaction susceptibility. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 21, 3777–3796.

Rubber-soil mixtures are known to have mechanical properties that enable their use in backfills, road construction or geotechnical seismic isolation systems. The complexity of these mixtures comes from adding soft (i.e. rubber) particles that increas... Read More about Rubber-soil mixtures: use of grading entropy theory to evaluate stiffness and liquefaction susceptibility.

Can Gamification Improve User Experience (UX) of Servitization in the Financial and Construction Sector? (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, M. S., Charissis, V., & Harrison, D. K. (2022, June). Can Gamification Improve User Experience (UX) of Servitization in the Financial and Construction Sector?. Presented at International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Online

The monetisation of the provision of consumer services rather than products is advantageous and leads to higher profit margins for the providing companies in comparison to the sole manufacturing of consumer products. This business model has gradually... Read More about Can Gamification Improve User Experience (UX) of Servitization in the Financial and Construction Sector?.

Dynamic Behaviour of a Geotechnical Seismic Isolation System with Rubber-Sand Mixtures to Enhance Seismic Protection (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bernal-Sanchez, J., McDougall, J., Miranda-Manzanares, M., & Barreto, D. (2022, September). Dynamic Behaviour of a Geotechnical Seismic Isolation System with Rubber-Sand Mixtures to Enhance Seismic Protection. Presented at 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania

A Geotechnical Seismic Isolation (GSI) system is proposed in this study based on the use of Rubber-Soil mixtures (RSm) to facilitate the benefits of dynamic soil-foundation structure interaction. The latter is possible due to the lower stiffness and... Read More about Dynamic Behaviour of a Geotechnical Seismic Isolation System with Rubber-Sand Mixtures to Enhance Seismic Protection.

Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100 (2022)
Journal Article
Arehart, J., Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Srubar, W. (2022). Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, Article 106583.

This study uses material flow analysis to estimate the material stocks and flows and associated upfront embodied carbon emissions for gravity building structural systems in the United States. Seven scenarios that align with the shared-socioeconomic p... Read More about Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100.

Effect of graphene oxide nanoparticles on blast load resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete (2022)
Journal Article
Jamnam, S., Maho, B., Techaphatthanakon, A., Ruttanapun, C., Aemlaor, P., Zhang, H., & Sukontasukkul, P. (2022). Effect of graphene oxide nanoparticles on blast load resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 343, Article 128139.

Concrete structures may occasionally be subjected to both intentional or unintentional explosions which could cause casualties and damage to properties. Advance research on protective structures are important to enhance blast resistance of materials,... Read More about Effect of graphene oxide nanoparticles on blast load resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete.

Static and Free Vibration Analyses of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT)-Substrate Medium Systems (2022)
Journal Article
Limkatanyu, S., Sae-Long, W., Sedighi, H. M., Rungamornrat, J., Sukontasukkul, P., Imjai, T., & Zhang, H. (2022). Static and Free Vibration Analyses of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT)-Substrate Medium Systems. Nanomaterials, 12(10), Article 1740.

This paper proposes a novel nanobar-substrate medium model for static and free vibration analyses of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) systems embedded in the elastic substrate medium. The modified strain-gradient elasticity theory is utilized to... Read More about Static and Free Vibration Analyses of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT)-Substrate Medium Systems.

Comparing building performance of supermarkets under future climate change: UK case study (2022)
Journal Article
Hasan, A. U., Bahadori-Jahromi, A., Mylona, A., Ferri, M., & Zhang, H. (2022). Comparing building performance of supermarkets under future climate change: UK case study. Advances in Energy Research, 8(1), 73-93.

Focus on climate change and extreme weather conditions has received considerable attention in recent years. Civil engineers are now focusing on designing buildings that are more eco-friendly in the face of climate change. This paper describes the res... Read More about Comparing building performance of supermarkets under future climate change: UK case study.

Thermal and Acoustic Properties of Sustainable Structural Lightweight Aggregate Rubberized Concrete (2022)
Journal Article
Pongsopha, P., Sukontasukkul, P., Zhang, H., & Limkatanyu, S. (2022). Thermal and Acoustic Properties of Sustainable Structural Lightweight Aggregate Rubberized Concrete. Results in Engineering, 13, Article 100333.

This study investigated the effect crumb rubber recycled from wasted tires on properties of structural lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC). Two types of concrete were tested: control LWAC and rubberized lightweight aggregate concrete (RLWAC). The... Read More about Thermal and Acoustic Properties of Sustainable Structural Lightweight Aggregate Rubberized Concrete.

An Eigendecomposition-based and Mesh-sensitivity Reduced Constitutive Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Structures under Non-proportional Cyclic Loading (2021)
Journal Article
Yuen, T. Y., Wen, T.-H., Hung, C.-C., Zhang, H., Huy Pham, P. A., & Deng, Y. (2022). An Eigendecomposition-based and Mesh-sensitivity Reduced Constitutive Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Structures under Non-proportional Cyclic Loading. Journal of Building Engineering, 47, Article 103875.

Emerging 3D printed concrete techniques has raised numerous possibilities in contemporary architectural creations that are often beyond the scope of prevailing structural design standards. Rigorous, three-dimensional, and nonlinear finite element ana... Read More about An Eigendecomposition-based and Mesh-sensitivity Reduced Constitutive Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Structures under Non-proportional Cyclic Loading.

Study on Crack Width and Crack Resistance of Eccentrically Tensioned Steel-Reinforced Concrete Members Prestressed by CFRP Tendons (2021)
Journal Article
Deng, Y., Gui, J., Zhang, H., Taliercio, A., Zhang, P., Wong, S. H. F., Sukontasukkul, P., Khan, A., Li, L., Tang, Y., & Chen, X. (2022). Study on Crack Width and Crack Resistance of Eccentrically Tensioned Steel-Reinforced Concrete Members Prestressed by CFRP Tendons. Engineering Structures, 252, Article 113651.

In recent decades, steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) members under eccentrical tension have been adopted more frequently in modern buildings due to the constraints of more complex structural design/detailing that accompanying contemporary architectural... Read More about Study on Crack Width and Crack Resistance of Eccentrically Tensioned Steel-Reinforced Concrete Members Prestressed by CFRP Tendons.

The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies (2021)
Journal Article
Sonduru Pantangi, S., Fountas, G., Tawfiq Sarwar, M., Bhargava, A., Mohan, S. B., Savolainen, P., & Ch. Anastasopoulos, P. (2022). The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 33, Article 100192.

Since the mid-2000s, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have been established in transportation infrastructure projects as an effective alternative to the traditional procurement process, such as design-bid-build where the design and construction are... Read More about The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies.

Solar-Powered Active Road Studs and Highway Infrastructure: Effect on Vehicle Speeds (2021)
Journal Article
Llewellyn, R., Cowie, J., & Fountas, G. (2021). Solar-Powered Active Road Studs and Highway Infrastructure: Effect on Vehicle Speeds. Energies, 14(21), 7209.

Vehicle speeds have a direct relationship with the severity of road crashes and may influence their probability of occurrence. Solar-powered active road studs have been shown to have a positive effect on driver confidence, but their impact on vehicle... Read More about Solar-Powered Active Road Studs and Highway Infrastructure: Effect on Vehicle Speeds.

More than the sum of their parts - How UK Timber Houses can be Deconstructed and Reused (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cramer, M., & Sandin, Y. (2021, October). More than the sum of their parts - How UK Timber Houses can be Deconstructed and Reused. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania

The InFutUReWood project ( focuses on the reuse of structural timber and is working on improving the design of buildings to facilitate deconstruction and reuse. For this purpose, we conducted five case studies in four of the partner... Read More about More than the sum of their parts - How UK Timber Houses can be Deconstructed and Reused.