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Outputs (23)

Effects of Hearing Intervention on Physical Activity Measured by Accelerometry: a secondary analysis of the ACHIEVE Study (2025)
Journal Article
Schrack, J. A., Wanigatunga, A. A., Glynn, N. W., Arnold, M. L., Burgard, S., Chisolm, T. H., Couper, D., Deal, J. A., Gmelin, T., Goman, A. M., Huang, A. R., Gravens-Mueller, L., Hayden, K. M., Martinez-Amezcua, P., Mitchell, C. M., Pankow, J. S., Pike, J. R., Reed, N. S., Sanchez, V. A., Sullivan, K. J., …Lin, F. R. (in press). Effects of Hearing Intervention on Physical Activity Measured by Accelerometry: a secondary analysis of the ACHIEVE Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,

Background: Hearing loss is prevalent in older adults and associated with reduced daily physical activity, but whether hearing intervention attenuates declines in physical activity is unknown . We investigated the 3-year effect of a hearing intervent... Read More about Effects of Hearing Intervention on Physical Activity Measured by Accelerometry: a secondary analysis of the ACHIEVE Study.

Virtual Rehabilitation: XR Design for Senior Users in Immersive Exergame Environments (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charisis, V., Khan, S., AlTarteer, S., & Lagoo, R. (2024, June). Virtual Rehabilitation: XR Design for Senior Users in Immersive Exergame Environments. Presented at 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM), Turin, Italy

The global ageing population presents significant challenges, with healthcare systems strained to meet the needs of an increasingly elderly demographic. Societies face issues related to healthcare costs, caregiving, and maintaining quality of life fo... Read More about Virtual Rehabilitation: XR Design for Senior Users in Immersive Exergame Environments.

Virtual Reality as a Method to Cope With Labor Pain: What Do Women Want? (2024)
Journal Article
Van Leugenhaege, L. V., Van De Craen, N., Maes, K., Vanden Bergh, L., Timmerman, K., Van Aken, S., Mestdagh, E., & Kuipers, Y. J. (2024). Virtual Reality as a Method to Cope With Labor Pain: What Do Women Want?. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 42(8), 574-582.

This study aimed to determine what childbearing women want when using virtual reality as an intrapartum pain management method. Researchers performed a qualitative exploratory study using content analysis. Two focus groups were organized including pr... Read More about Virtual Reality as a Method to Cope With Labor Pain: What Do Women Want?.

Effectiveness and Experiences of Quality Improvement Interventions in Older Adult Care: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review (2024)
Journal Article
Rahman Jabin, M. S., Samuriwo, R., Chilaka, M., & Yaroson, E. V. (2024). Effectiveness and Experiences of Quality Improvement Interventions in Older Adult Care: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 13,

Background: Quality improvement (QI) interventions are designed to resolve the recurring challenges of care for older individuals, such as working conditions for staff, roles of older individuals in their own care and their families, and relevant sta... Read More about Effectiveness and Experiences of Quality Improvement Interventions in Older Adult Care: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review.

Towards individualised speech enhancement: An SNR preference learning system for multi-modal hearing aids (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kirton-Wingate, J., Ahmed, S., Gogate, M., Tsao, Y., & Hussain, A. (2023, June). Towards individualised speech enhancement: An SNR preference learning system for multi-modal hearing aids. Presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW), Rhodes Island, Greece

Since the advent of deep learning (DL), speech enhancement (SE) models have performed well under a variety of noise conditions. However, such systems may still introduce sonic artefacts, sound unnatural, and restrict the ability for a user to hear am... Read More about Towards individualised speech enhancement: An SNR preference learning system for multi-modal hearing aids.

Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq (2023)
Journal Article
Stokes, T., Cen, H. H., Kapranov, P., Gallagher, I. J., Pitsillides, A. A., Volmar, C., Kraus, W. E., Johnson, J. D., Phillips, S. M., Wahlestedt, C., & Timmons, J. A. (2023). Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq. Advanced Genetics, 4(2), Article 2200024.

Sequencing the human genome empowers translational medicine, facilitating transcriptome-wide molecular diagnosis, pathway biology, and drug repositioning. Initially, microarrays are used to study the bulk transcriptome; but now short-read RNA sequenc... Read More about Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq.

“MedChemVR”: a virtual reality game to enhance medicinal chemistry education (2021)
Journal Article
Abuhammad, A., Falah, J., Alfalah, S. F. M., Abu-Tarboush, M., Tarawneh, R. T., Drikakis, D., & Charissis, V. (2021). “MedChemVR”: a virtual reality game to enhance medicinal chemistry education. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(3), Article 10.

Medicinal chemistry (MC) is an indispensable component of the pharmacy curriculum. The pharmacists’ unique knowledge of a medicine’s chemistry enhances their understanding of the pharmacological activity, manufacturing, storage, use, supply, and hand... Read More about “MedChemVR”: a virtual reality game to enhance medicinal chemistry education.

Supporting Opioid Prescribing in NHS Borders (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Finnan, G., Howell, A., MacDougal, L., Flint, R., & Ditzel, M. (2020, September). Supporting Opioid Prescribing in NHS Borders. Poster presented at SPPC Annual Conference 2020, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

What Tools And Resources Do Pulmonary Rehabilitation Teams Use To Deliver Education? (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., Kidd, L., Kirkwood, K., Cross, J., & Partridge., M. What Tools And Resources Do Pulmonary Rehabilitation Teams Use To Deliver Education?. Presented at 2020 ERS International Congress, Online

Background: Suggestions for educational content in pulmonary rehabilitation are detailed in clinical guidelines, however in practice it is unclear; what content is delivered and how. This survey examined the educational content, resources and deliver... Read More about What Tools And Resources Do Pulmonary Rehabilitation Teams Use To Deliver Education?.

Machine-Learning Methods for Computational Science and Engineering (2020)
Journal Article
Frank, M., Drikakis, D., & Charissis, V. (2020). Machine-Learning Methods for Computational Science and Engineering. Computation, 8(1), Article 15.

The re-kindled fascination in machine learning (ML), observed over the last few decades, has also percolated into natural sciences and engineering. ML algorithms are now used in scientific computing, as well as in data-mining and processing. In this... Read More about Machine-Learning Methods for Computational Science and Engineering.

Exploring the Development Requirements for Virtual Reality Gait Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Khan, M. S., Charissis, V., & Sakellariou, S. (2019). Exploring the Development Requirements for Virtual Reality Gait Analysis. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 3(2), Article 24.

The hip joint is highly prone to traumatic and degenerative pathologies resulting in irregular locomotion. Monitoring and treatment depend on high-end technology facilities requiring physician and patient co-location, thus limiting access to speciali... Read More about Exploring the Development Requirements for Virtual Reality Gait Analysis.

The Evaluation of a smartphone application to assist in novice 12 lead ECG interpretation performance (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Breen, C. (2019, March). The Evaluation of a smartphone application to assist in novice 12 lead ECG interpretation performance. Presented at Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Dublin

Introduction: The recording of 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) is one of the most useful and commonly performed medical procedures. Interpretation of the 12-lead ECG involves analysing several waveforms (P, QRS, ST and T waves) which permits the de... Read More about The Evaluation of a smartphone application to assist in novice 12 lead ECG interpretation performance.

Evaluation of New Models of Primary Care in Scotland: Lanarkshire Case Study (2019)
Jani, B., Thomas, L., Wood, K., Saunders, K., Cunningham, Y., Murray, V., McQueenie, R., Dare, S., Nicholl, B., O’Donnell, C., & Mair, F. S. (2019). Evaluation of New Models of Primary Care in Scotland: Lanarkshire Case Study. Glasgow: Scottish Government

Over recent years, the Scottish Government (SG) has progressed a raft of major new policy developments that aim to transform health and social care, with primary care being at the heart of
these changes. In 2015, SG established a Primary Care Develo... Read More about Evaluation of New Models of Primary Care in Scotland: Lanarkshire Case Study.

Data Reliability & Quality in Body Area Networks for Diabetes Monitoring (2018)
Book Chapter
Huzooree, G., Khedo, K. K., & Joonas, N. (2019). Data Reliability & Quality in Body Area Networks for Diabetes Monitoring. In Body Area Network Challenges and Solutions (55-86). Springer Publishing Company.

In wireless body area network (WBAN), data captured from different types of wearable, invasive, minimally invasive, or non-invasive sensors have the immense potential to contribute for real-time decisions and effective healthcare services for better... Read More about Data Reliability & Quality in Body Area Networks for Diabetes Monitoring.

Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient (2018)
Book Chapter
Huzooree, G., Khedo, K. K., & Joonas, N. (2018). Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient. In Design and Development of Affordable Healthcare Technologies (135-164). IGI Global.

The confluence of wireless body area network (WBAN) advancement has led to a great shift in the healthcare sector and has enormous potential to reduce long-term costs, social problems, workforce issues, and improve quality of healthcare service. Base... Read More about Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient.

Glucose prediction data analytics for diabetic patients monitoring (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Huzooree, G., Khedo, K. K., & Joonas, N. (2017, July). Glucose prediction data analytics for diabetic patients monitoring. Presented at 2017 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp), Mauritius

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the leading health complication around the world causing national economic burden and low quality of life. This increases the need to focus on prevention and early detection to improve the management and treatment of... Read More about Glucose prediction data analytics for diabetic patients monitoring.

Pervasive mobile healthcare systems for chronic disease monitoring (2017)
Journal Article
Huzooree, G., Kumar Khedo, K., & Joonas, N. (2019). Pervasive mobile healthcare systems for chronic disease monitoring. Health Informatics Journal, 25(2), 267-291.

Pervasive mobile healthcare system has the potential to improve healthcare and the quality of life of chronic disease patients through continuous monitoring. Recently, many articles related to pervasive mobile healthcare system focusing on health mon... Read More about Pervasive mobile healthcare systems for chronic disease monitoring.

Wireless Body Area Network System Architecture for Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Huzooree, G., Khedo, K. K., & Joonas, N. (2016, November). Wireless Body Area Network System Architecture for Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring. Presented at First International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering (ELECOM 2016), Bagatelle, Mauritius

Technological advancement in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) has gained much interest and became an emerging technology in the remote healthcare monitoring as WBANs are a collection of low-power, intelligent, miniaturized, lightweight, invasive o... Read More about Wireless Body Area Network System Architecture for Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring.

A clinical decision support tool to assist with the interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiogram (2017)
Journal Article
Breen, C., Bond, R., & Finlay, D. (2019). A clinical decision support tool to assist with the interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiogram. Health Informatics Journal, 25(1), 51-61.

This article reports the design and testing of a novel interactive method, abbreviated to ANALYSE (systemAtic aNALYsiS of Electrocardiography) to assist interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiogram. 15 participants interpreted a total of 150 12-lead e... Read More about A clinical decision support tool to assist with the interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiogram.