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Promoting sunscreen use and skin self-examination to improve early detection and prevent skin cancer: quasi-experimental trial of an adolescent psycho-educational intervention (2018)
Journal Article
Hubbard, G., Kyle, R. G., Neal, R. D., Marmara, V., Wang, Z., & Dombrowski, S. U. (2018). Promoting sunscreen use and skin self-examination to improve early detection and prevent skin cancer: quasi-experimental trial of an adolescent psycho-educational intervention. BMC Public Health, 18(1),

Background: Skin cancer rates are increasing. Interventions to increase adolescent sunscreen use and skin self-examination (SSE) are required.
Methods: Quasi-experimental design; 1 control and 4 intervention group schools in Scotland, UK. Participan... Read More about Promoting sunscreen use and skin self-examination to improve early detection and prevent skin cancer: quasi-experimental trial of an adolescent psycho-educational intervention.

Evaluating the introduction of nursing best practice statements in Scotland (2005)
Journal Article
Coull, A. (2005). Evaluating the introduction of nursing best practice statements in Scotland. Journal of Tissue Viability, 15(3), 28.

Best practice statements (BPS) were launched in Scotland in 2002 to encourage consistent evidence-based practice (EBP) by guiding practitioners in specific areas of care. This concurrent paper would outline BPS development and results of an evaluatio... Read More about Evaluating the introduction of nursing best practice statements in Scotland.