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Changing Logics in Healthcare and Their Effects on the Identity Motives and Identity Work of Doctors (2020)
Journal Article
Martin, G., Bushfield, S., Siebert, S., & Howieson, B. (2021). Changing Logics in Healthcare and Their Effects on the Identity Motives and Identity Work of Doctors. Organization Studies, 42(9), 1477-1499.

Recent literature on hybridity has provided useful insights into how professionals have responded to changing institutional logics. Our focus in on how shifting logics have shaped senior medical professionals’ identity motives and identity work in a... Read More about Changing Logics in Healthcare and Their Effects on the Identity Motives and Identity Work of Doctors.

Dams, barriers and beating yourself up: shame in groupwork for addressing sexual offending (2019)
Journal Article
Mullins, E., & Kirkwood, S. (2019). Dams, barriers and beating yourself up: shame in groupwork for addressing sexual offending. Journal of Social Work Practice, 33(4), 369-384.

Shame is a powerful emotional experience embedded in prevailing social and cultural norms. It is the judgement or fear of judgement for who we are rather than what we have done. Braithwaite (1989) proposes shame can be re-integrative or stigmatising,... Read More about Dams, barriers and beating yourself up: shame in groupwork for addressing sexual offending.

What is and isn’t working: Factors involved in sustaining community-based health and participation initiatives for people aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities (2019)
Journal Article
Spassiani, N., Meisner, B., Abou Chacra, M. S., Heller, T., & Hammel, J. (2019). What is and isn’t working: Factors involved in sustaining community-based health and participation initiatives for people aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(6), 1465-1477.

As people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) age it is important that I/DD agencies are prepared to support healthy aging in homes and in communities. This study explored supports and barriers to sustaining community-based health... Read More about What is and isn’t working: Factors involved in sustaining community-based health and participation initiatives for people aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Dialogicity, monologicity and the crisis of hospitality in Elfriede Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen. (2019)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J. (2019). Dialogicity, monologicity and the crisis of hospitality in Elfriede Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen. Austrian Studies, 26, 91-105

This article argues that the combination of dialogicity, monologicity and polyphony in Jelinek’s play Die Schutzbefohlenen [Charges] serves to present Austria and the EU’s so-called ‘refugee crisis’ as a crisis of hospitality. Specifically, it analys... Read More about Dialogicity, monologicity and the crisis of hospitality in Elfriede Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen..

The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people (2019)
Robertson, P. (2019). The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people. Stourbridge, West Midlands: Career Development Institute

Mental health conditions have relatively early onset compared to other major disease categories, and therefore have the potential to cause distress and negative economic impact throughout a person’s working life.
• Youth is a period of complex and p... Read More about The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people.

Trafficking in Human Beings and the Informal Economy (2018)
Book Chapter
Sharapov, K. (2018). Trafficking in Human Beings and the Informal Economy. In R. Piotrowicz, C. Rijken, & B. Heide Uhl (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking. Routledge

No abstract available.

Law enforcement and public health: setting the research agenda for Scotland . (2018)
Murray, J., Heyman, I., Wooff, A., Dougall, N., Aston, L., & Enang, I. (2018). Law enforcement and public health: setting the research agenda for Scotland . Dundee: Scottish Institute for Policing Research

Police Scotland’s contact with people with vulnerability and health problems has been increasing year-on-year, with significant costs and unknown outcomes associated. This is unsustainable, and pathways involving increased partnership between the pol... Read More about Law enforcement and public health: setting the research agenda for Scotland ..

Community Based Dietician Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2018)
Journal Article
Friedman, C., & Spassiani, N. (2018). Community Based Dietician Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 15(4), 343-349.

Background. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) experience significantly poorer health outcomes and a shorter life expectancy when compared to the general population. People with IDD are also more likely to become over weigh... Read More about Community Based Dietician Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Examining Patterns of Adversity in Chinese Young Adults Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences – International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) (2018)
Journal Article
Ho, G. W. K., Chan, A. C. Y., Chien, W.-T., Bressington, D. T., & Karatzias, T. (2019). Examining Patterns of Adversity in Chinese Young Adults Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences – International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ). Child Abuse and Neglect, 88, 179-188.

Ample evidence supports significant and enduring associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and negative outcomes later in life. Subsets of ACEs (e.g. childhood maltreatment and household dysfunction) have been examined in Chinese popu... Read More about Examining Patterns of Adversity in Chinese Young Adults Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences – International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ).

The Lived Experience of Codependency: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Bacon, I., McKay, E., Reynolds, F., & McIntyre, A. (2020). The Lived Experience of Codependency: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18(3), 754-771.

Codependency is a complex and debatable concept, which has been used over the years by mental health professionals to inform their practices. Researchers have attempted to identify the main problems associated with codependency; however, their eviden... Read More about The Lived Experience of Codependency: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Youth digital participation: Measuring social impact (2018)
Journal Article
Pawluczuk, A., Webster, G., Hall, H., & Smith, C. (2020). Youth digital participation: Measuring social impact. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 3-15.

Current scholarly debate around digital participatory youth projects and approaches to their evaluation are examined in this article. The analysis of the literature presented here reveals (1) an over-reliance on traditional evaluation techniques for... Read More about Youth digital participation: Measuring social impact.

Safeguarding children and young people in the online environment: safeguarding implications in respect of sexting and associated online behaviour (2018)
Journal Article
Murray, S. (2018). Safeguarding children and young people in the online environment: safeguarding implications in respect of sexting and associated online behaviour. Journal of Nursing Research and Practice, 2(2), 26-29

Between November 2014 and 2017, police forces across the United Kingdom reported a 131% (England and Wales) and 60% (Scotland) rise in the recorded indecent communications online or via texts since the inception of the Sexual Offences Act (England, 2... Read More about Safeguarding children and young people in the online environment: safeguarding implications in respect of sexting and associated online behaviour.

Systematic review: cultural adaptation and feasibility of screening for autism in non-English speaking countries (2018)
Journal Article
Al Maskari, T. S., Melville, C. A., & Willis, D. S. (2018). Systematic review: cultural adaptation and feasibility of screening for autism in non-English speaking countries. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 12(1), Article 22.

Aim: To explore the feasibility of screening for Autism spectrum disorder in Non-English-Speaking Countries, the cultural influences and the nurses' role in the screening process.

Background: The prevalence Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is rising... Read More about Systematic review: cultural adaptation and feasibility of screening for autism in non-English speaking countries.

Early death and causes of death of people with Down syndrome: A systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
O'Leary, L., Hughes-McCormack, L., Dunn, K., & Cooper, S.-A. (2018). Early death and causes of death of people with Down syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(5), 687-708.

Background: It is thought that people with Down syndrome die younger than the general population, but that survival rates are improving.
Methods: Five databases were searched for key words related to intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, and mo... Read More about Early death and causes of death of people with Down syndrome: A systematic review.

Evaluating effectiveness in social work: sharing dilemmas in practice (2018)
Journal Article
Cree, V., Jain, S., & Hillen, D. P. (2019). Evaluating effectiveness in social work: sharing dilemmas in practice. European Journal of Social Work, 599-610.

Evaluating effectiveness is of primary concern to social work practice; resources will always be limited, and those using services deserve the best. But what is effectiveness, and how should it be measured? This paper explores the challenge of measur... Read More about Evaluating effectiveness in social work: sharing dilemmas in practice.

How effective are interventions to improve social outcomes among offenders with personality disorder: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Connell, C., Furtado, V., McKay, E. A., & Singh, S. P. (2017). How effective are interventions to improve social outcomes among offenders with personality disorder: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), Article 368.

Background: Offenders with personality disorder are supported by health, criminal justice, social care and third sector
services. These services are tasked with reducing risk, improving health and improving social outcomes. Research has
been conduc... Read More about How effective are interventions to improve social outcomes among offenders with personality disorder: a systematic review.

Living with and beyond dementia: a phenomenological investigation of young people’s lived experience with dementia and the transition from pre-diagnosis through diagnosis and beyond to living well with dementia. (2017)
Douglas, J. Living with and beyond dementia: a phenomenological investigation of young people’s lived experience with dementia and the transition from pre-diagnosis through diagnosis and beyond to living well with dementia. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Younger People with Dementia (YPwD) are those who receive a diagnosis of dementia under the age of 65. In Scotland the number of people with dementia who meet this definition is approximately 3200 (Alzheimer Scotland, 2017). The purpose of this study... Read More about Living with and beyond dementia: a phenomenological investigation of young people’s lived experience with dementia and the transition from pre-diagnosis through diagnosis and beyond to living well with dementia..