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Towards Modelling and Reasoning about Uncertain Data of Sensor Measurements for Decision Support in Smart Spaces. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bamgboye, O., Liu, X., & Cruickshank, P. (2018, July). Towards Modelling and Reasoning about Uncertain Data of Sensor Measurements for Decision Support in Smart Spaces. Presented at 12th IEEE Interna@onal Workshop on QUALITY ORIENTED REUSE OF SOFTWARE" (QUORS 2018)/ 2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Tokyo, Japan

Smart Spaces currently benefits from Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures in order to realise its objectives. In many cases, it demonstrates this through certain automated applications that relies on sensor streams that comes with some uncertaint... Read More about Towards Modelling and Reasoning about Uncertain Data of Sensor Measurements for Decision Support in Smart Spaces..

An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rutter, M. J., Alshehri, A., & Smith, S. (2017, March). An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia. Poster presented at 11th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference

The rapid evolution of e-learning around the world is inspiring many educational and business institutions to adopt it. E-learning is motivated by compelling advantages such as geographical reach, flexibility and cost effectiveness in course delivery... Read More about An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia.

Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawson, A., Attridge, A., & Lapok, P. (2014, September). Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis. Paper presented at Eurocall 2014

This project aims to address pronunciation problems of English language learners. Current pronunciation software tools mainly address phonemic difficulties and give little or no analytic feedback. Achievement of near native fluency however involves t... Read More about Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis..

Requirements model driven adaption and evolution of Internetware (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, L., Yang, C., Wang, J., Ye, X., Liu, Y., Yang, H., & Liu, X. (2014). Requirements model driven adaption and evolution of Internetware. Science China Information Sciences, 57(1), 1-19.

Today’s software systems need to support complex business operations and processes. The development of the web-based software systems has been pushing up the limits of traditional software engineering methodologies and technologies as they are requir... Read More about Requirements model driven adaption and evolution of Internetware.

A social technological alignment matrix. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thuemmler, C., Mival, O., Lim Jumelle, A. K., Holanec, I., & Fricker, S. (2014, January). A social technological alignment matrix. Paper presented at IEEE Healthcom 2014

This paper refers to the term “implementation” as the process of integrating a new technology into established workflows. Especially in health care this has proven to be a very critical phase and many large-scale projects have failed on this very las... Read More about A social technological alignment matrix..

Forensic verification of operating system activity via novel data, acquisition and analysis techniques (2009)
Graves, J. Forensic verification of operating system activity via novel data, acquisition and analysis techniques. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Digital Forensics is a nascent field that faces a number of technical, procedural and cultural difficulties that must be overcome if it is to be recognised as a scientific discipline, and not just an art. Technical problems involve the need to develo... Read More about Forensic verification of operating system activity via novel data, acquisition and analysis techniques.

A dynamic connection capability for pervasive adaptive environments using JCSP (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kosek, A., Syed, A., Kerridge, J., & Armitage, A. (2009, April). A dynamic connection capability for pervasive adaptive environments using JCSP. Paper presented at AISB 2009 Convention

The house, office or warehouse environment is full of
devices that make users’ life and work easier. People nowadays use personal computers, laptops, Personal Digital Assistants, mobile phones and many more devices with ease. The mechanism to connec... Read More about A dynamic connection capability for pervasive adaptive environments using JCSP.

Exploring sociotechnical interaction with Rob Kling: five “big” ideas (2005)
Journal Article
Wood‐Harper, T., Horton, K., Davenport, E., & Wood-Harper, T. (2005). Exploring sociotechnical interaction with Rob Kling: five “big” ideas. Information Technology and People, 18(1), 50-67.

Purpose – To provide a view of Rob Kling’s contribution to socio-technical studies of work.
Design/methodology/approach – The five “big ideas” discussed are signature themes in Kling’s own work in the informatics domain, and of his intellectual lega... Read More about Exploring sociotechnical interaction with Rob Kling: five “big” ideas.

Mutual inspiration in the development of new technology for older people. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eisma, R., Dickinson, A., Goodman, J., Mival, O., Syme, A., & Tiwari, L. (2003, March). Mutual inspiration in the development of new technology for older people. Presented at Include 2003: an international conference on inclusive design for society and business, Royal College of Art, London

There are few guidelines on how to involve older people in the design process of new IT related products. In this paper we describe some of the difficulties encountered when working with older people, and introduce the concept of mutual inspiration,... Read More about Mutual inspiration in the development of new technology for older people..

Co-operation, design and the self (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M. (2000, September). Co-operation, design and the self. Presented at CoDesigning 2000, Coventry

Wiedziec wiecej Internet (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Wiedziec wiecej Internet. Wkt (Poland)

Ksi??ka ta m. In. Uczy jak korzysta? z internetu i sieci www.Opisuje bowiem techniczne aspekty tej ?wiatowej sieci informacyjnej. Dlatego te? mo?e by? wykorzystywana przez wszystkich uczniów i studentów, którzy nie tylko chc? korzysta? z internetu, l... Read More about Wiedziec wiecej Internet.

Java: an explosion on the Internet. (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Read, T., & Hall, H. (1996, December). Java: an explosion on the Internet. Presented at 20th International Online Meeting

Summer 1995 saw the release, with considerable media attention, of draft versions of Sun Microsystems' Java language and the HotJava browser. In the past few months Java has been heralded as the latest "killer" technology in the Internet explosion. L... Read More about Java: an explosion on the Internet..