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Insomnia: management and treatments (2008)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2008). Insomnia: management and treatments. Nurse Prescribing, 6(9), 382-389.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline for treatment of insomnia suggests non-pharmacological interventions should take priority. This article discusses the rationale for this and grounds it in the evidence for and... Read More about Insomnia: management and treatments.

STEPS: Going beyond the tip of the iceberg. A multi‐level, multipurpose approach to common mental health problems (2008)
Journal Article
White, J., Joice, A., Petrie, S., Johnston, S., Gilroy, D., Hutton, P., & Hynes, N. (2008). STEPS: Going beyond the tip of the iceberg. A multi‐level, multipurpose approach to common mental health problems. Journal of Public Mental Health, 7(1), 42-50.

STEPS is a primary care mental health team that has attempted to develop a very high volume multi‐level, multi‐purpose service for those with mild to moderate problems. The service attempts to overcome many of the limitations of more traditional serv... Read More about STEPS: Going beyond the tip of the iceberg. A multi‐level, multipurpose approach to common mental health problems.

Bendigoles A~C, New Steroids from Gordonia australis Acta 2299 (2008)
Journal Article
Schneider, K., Graf, E., Irran, E., Nicholson, G., Stainsby, F. M., Goodfellow, M., Borden, S. A., Keller, S., Süssmuth, R. D., & Fiedler, H.-P. (2008). Bendigoles A~C, New Steroids from Gordonia australis Acta 2299. Journal of Antibiotics, 61(6), 356-364.

Bendigoles A~C are the first secondary metabolites to be isolated from a member of the actinomycete genus Gordonia. They were detected in a culture filtrate extract of Gordonia australis Acta 2299 by HPLC-diode array analysis and characterized as new... Read More about Bendigoles A~C, New Steroids from Gordonia australis Acta 2299.

Mental health nurse prescribing. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Snowden, A. (2008, January). Mental health nurse prescribing. Paper presented at Mental Health Nurse Prescribing

Randomized trial of essential oils to reduce perioperative patient anxiety: feasibility study (2007)
Journal Article
Stirling, L., Raab, G., Alder, E. M., & Robertson, F. (2007). Randomized trial of essential oils to reduce perioperative patient anxiety: feasibility study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(5), 494-501.

Aim. This paper is a report of a feasibility study to examine the effectiveness of essential oils in reducing anxiety in thoracic patients awaiting the results of investigative and staging surgery.

Background. Patient anxiety is expected during th... Read More about Randomized trial of essential oils to reduce perioperative patient anxiety: feasibility study.

Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation (2007)
Journal Article
Wilson, M. R., Foucaud, L., Barlow, P. G., Hutchison, G. R., Sales, J., Simpson, R. J., & Stone, V. (2007). Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 225(1), 80-89.

Particulate air pollution (PM10) consists of a mixture of components, including nanoparticles and metals. Studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that transition metals can potentiate the ability of nanoparticles to induce lung inflammation and... Read More about Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation.

Acute Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene to Caenorhabditis elegans Maupas, 1900 in Soil (2007)
Journal Article
Johnson, S. J., Castan, M., Proudfoot, L., Barry, D. A., & Christofi, N. (2007). Acute Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene to Caenorhabditis elegans Maupas, 1900 in Soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79(1), 41-44.

Linear alkybenzene (LAB) is a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) whose primary use is as a precursor in the manufacture of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) detergents. LAB is also used as insulating oil in underground electricity transmission... Read More about Acute Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene to Caenorhabditis elegans Maupas, 1900 in Soil.

Why mental health nurses should prescribe (2007)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2007). Why mental health nurses should prescribe. Nurse Prescribing, 5(5), 193-198.

This article explores the reasons why mental health nurses in Scotland have been slow to engage with nurse prescribing. Although much of this has been blamed on practical and organizational issues, it is also possibly indicative of a more subtle agen... Read More about Why mental health nurses should prescribe.

Understanding of facial expressions of emotion by children with intellectual disabilities of differing aetiology (2007)
Journal Article
Wishart, J. G., Cebula, K. R., Willis, D. S., & Pitcairn, T. K. (2007). Understanding of facial expressions of emotion by children with intellectual disabilities of differing aetiology. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 551-563.

Background Interpreting emotional expressions is a socio-cognitive skill central to interpersonal interaction. Poor emotion recognition has been reported in autism but is less well understood in other kinds of intellectual disabilities (ID), with pr... Read More about Understanding of facial expressions of emotion by children with intellectual disabilities of differing aetiology.

Is mental health nurse prescribing qualitatively different? (2007)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2007). Is mental health nurse prescribing qualitatively different?. Nurse Prescribing, 5(2), 66-73.

A total of 365 nurse prescribers (11 registered mental nurse (RMNs), 354 non-RMNs) in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde returned a questionnaire (55% response rate) on the impact of nurse prescribing. Thematic analysis using NVivo7™ elaborated on the ear... Read More about Is mental health nurse prescribing qualitatively different?.

Benefits of supervised group exercise programme for women being treated for early stage breast cancer: pragmatic randomised controlled trial (2007)
Journal Article
Mutrie, N., Campbell, A. M., Whyte, F., McConnachie, A., Emslie, C., Lee, L., Kearney, N., Walker, A., & Ritchie, D. (2007). Benefits of supervised group exercise programme for women being treated for early stage breast cancer: pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 334(7592), 517.

Objectives To determine functional and psychological benefits of a 12 week supervised group exercise programme during treatment for early stage breast cancer, with six month follow-up.Design Pragmatic randomised controlled prospective open trial.Sett... Read More about Benefits of supervised group exercise programme for women being treated for early stage breast cancer: pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

Devising and evaluating a model for teaching therapeutic handling and moving skills to complementary therapists (2007)
Journal Article
Donnelly, C., & MacMillan, M. S. (2007). Devising and evaluating a model for teaching therapeutic handling and moving skills to complementary therapists. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 13(3), 201-209.

This two phase, mixed methods study, developed and evaluated the effectiveness of a model for teaching the neuromuscular approach (NMA) to human movement. From an original volunteer sample of 74 students, 33 completed the 15-week (Phase 1) moving and... Read More about Devising and evaluating a model for teaching therapeutic handling and moving skills to complementary therapists.

Exploring the impact of mental health nurse prescribing (2006)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2006). Exploring the impact of mental health nurse prescribing. British Journal of Nursing, 15(20), 1114-1118.

To illuminate the process of developing a research proposal this article explains the rationale behind the research question: What is the impact of mental health nurse prescribing in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde? It then goes on to defend the chosen... Read More about Exploring the impact of mental health nurse prescribing.

Evaluating nurse prescribing in mental health patients: a pilot study (2006)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2006). Evaluating nurse prescribing in mental health patients: a pilot study. Nurse Prescribing, 4(6), 250-255.

This article describes the process of piloting a questionnaire designed to establish certain demographic, quantitative and qualitative information about the impact of nurse prescribing in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. The questionnaire was sent to a ran... Read More about Evaluating nurse prescribing in mental health patients: a pilot study.

Early intervention for relapse in schizophrenia: Impact of cognitive behavioural therapy on negative beliefs about psychosis and self-esteem (2006)
Journal Article
Gumley, A., Karatzias, A., Power, K., Reilly, J., McNay, L., & O'Grady, M. (2006). Early intervention for relapse in schizophrenia: Impact of cognitive behavioural therapy on negative beliefs about psychosis and self-esteem. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(2), 247-260.

Objectives. The study aimed to test two hypotheses. Firstly, that participants who relapsed during the 12-month follow-up period of our randomized controlled trial, would show increased negative beliefs about their illness and reduced self-esteem, in... Read More about Early intervention for relapse in schizophrenia: Impact of cognitive behavioural therapy on negative beliefs about psychosis and self-esteem.

The efficacy of certain anti-tuberculosis drugs is affected by binding to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein. (2006)
Journal Article
Johnson, D. A., & Smith, K. (2006). The efficacy of certain anti-tuberculosis drugs is affected by binding to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein. Biomedical Chromatography, 20, 551-560.

One of the most ubiquitous plasma proteins, -1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), has a high affinity, low capacity binding for basic drugs positively charged at physiological pH. Moreover, as an acute phase protein its level is increased in various disease st... Read More about The efficacy of certain anti-tuberculosis drugs is affected by binding to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein..

Nurse prescribing in mental health (2006)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2006). Nurse prescribing in mental health. Nursing Standard, 20(29), 41-46.

This article presents a suggested clinical management plan for a community psychiatric nurse who is prescribing for older adults with mental health needs. The scope of the clinical management plan and the attendant professional and legal responsibili... Read More about Nurse prescribing in mental health.