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Regulatory Arbitrage in Relation to International Human Rights (2019)
Journal Article
Minhat, M., Abdullah, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2019). Regulatory Arbitrage in Relation to International Human Rights. Journal of Human Rights, 18(5), 579-596.

The adoption of the United Nations (UN) Charter in 1945 marked the legalization of international human rights. Despite the legalized status of human rights, their violation by states is not uncommon. This article questions why a state might violate i... Read More about Regulatory Arbitrage in Relation to International Human Rights.

Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse (2018)
Kranert, M., & Horan, G. (2018). M. Kranert, & G. Horan (Eds.). Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse. John Benjamins Publishing.

This edited volume explores the discursive, performative and mediated dimensions of contemporary political discourse. The strengths of the volume are manifold: it contains cutting edge interdisciplinary research on political discourses by internation... Read More about Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse.

Marketing Brexit: An exploratory study of young voter engagement in relation to the EU referendum (2018)
Journal Article
Pich, C., Harvey, J., Armannsdottir, G., Poorrezaei, M., Branco-Illodo, I., & Kincaid, A. (2018). Marketing Brexit: An exploratory study of young voter engagement in relation to the EU referendum. International Journal of Market Research, 60(6), 589-610.

This article presents a study of young voter engagement in relation to the EU referendum—a democratic vote on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union. Using the marketing concept of engagement, we examine how young voters engaged cognit... Read More about Marketing Brexit: An exploratory study of young voter engagement in relation to the EU referendum.

Populistische Elemente in den Wahlprogrammen von AfD und UKIP (2018)
Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2018). Populistische Elemente in den Wahlprogrammen von AfD und UKIP. Aptum: Journal of Language Criticism and Language Culture, 14(1), 61-77

Seit dem Erstarken neuer rechter Parteien in Europa und der Wahl Donald Trumps zum 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten dominiert Populismus als politischer Kampfbegriff den politischen Diskurs und rückt ebenfalls als analytische Kategorie der pol... Read More about Populistische Elemente in den Wahlprogrammen von AfD und UKIP.

Domestic legislation and international human rights standards: the case of mental health and incapacity (2017)
Journal Article
Stavert, J., & McGregor, R. (2018). Domestic legislation and international human rights standards: the case of mental health and incapacity. International Journal of Human Rights, 22(1), 70-89.

The right to health has been somewhat neglected in discussions about human rights at both national and international levels. States are often reluctant to implement socio-economic rights which they consider to be a resourcing issue, rather than a mat... Read More about Domestic legislation and international human rights standards: the case of mental health and incapacity.

Redefining Poverty and Its Measurement: An Islamic Political Economy Perspective (2017)
Journal Article
Khaleel, F. (2017). Redefining Poverty and Its Measurement: An Islamic Political Economy Perspective. Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, 4(2), 68-81

Islamic economists have always taken the position on the intrinsic capability of poverty alleviation in the Islamic economic model. The poverty, in economics and social sciences, is taken in the context of economic deprivation. Among the multitudinou... Read More about Redefining Poverty and Its Measurement: An Islamic Political Economy Perspective.

The use of gendered language in speeches made by Trump and Clinton adhered to stereotypes of the roles of male and female leaders (2017)
Digital Artefact
McGuire, D., MacKenzie, A., & Kissack, H. (2017). The use of gendered language in speeches made by Trump and Clinton adhered to stereotypes of the roles of male and female leaders. [Blog post]

Speeches delivered by Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign contained many uses of gendered language. David McGuire, Abbi MacKenzie and Heather Kissack evaluate the use of first person singular pronouns, ang... Read More about The use of gendered language in speeches made by Trump and Clinton adhered to stereotypes of the roles of male and female leaders.

Mapping political cultures, or genre as central category of comparative political discourse analysis. The case of Third Way discourses in Germany and the UK at the turn of the 21st century. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kranert, M. (2017, March). Mapping political cultures, or genre as central category of comparative political discourse analysis. The case of Third Way discourses in Germany and the UK at the turn of the 21st century. Presented at Research Group Meeting - Language, Ideology and Power (Lancaster University)

No abstract available.

‘Today I offer you, and we offer the country a new vision’: The strategic use of first person pronouns in party conference speeches of the Third Way (2017)
Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2017). ‘Today I offer you, and we offer the country a new vision’: The strategic use of first person pronouns in party conference speeches of the Third Way. Discourse and Society, 28(2), 182-203.

This article aims to fill a gap in the existing research by analysing the construction of leadership and group identity in a corpus of 13 party conference speeches by the party leaders of the German SPD and the British Labour party between 1997 and 2... Read More about ‘Today I offer you, and we offer the country a new vision’: The strategic use of first person pronouns in party conference speeches of the Third Way.

Positive and inclusive language and imagery can help candidates win over voters in times of crisis. (2017)
Digital Artefact
McGuire, D., Cunningham, J., & Garavan, T. (2017). Positive and inclusive language and imagery can help candidates win over voters in times of crisis. [Blog post]

On the eve of the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America, David McGuire, James Cunningham and Thomas Garavan look back at the historic 2008 campaign of Barack Hussein Obama and examine how he used speech... Read More about Positive and inclusive language and imagery can help candidates win over voters in times of crisis..

Text and Context in the Discourses of the Third Way in Germany and the United Kingdom A Comparative Study of the Language of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Die Neue Mitte’ (2016)
Kranert, M. Text and Context in the Discourses of the Third Way in Germany and the United Kingdom A Comparative Study of the Language of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Die Neue Mitte’. (Thesis). University College London.

This thesis undertakes a comparison of the discursive strategies of New Labour and the German SPD at the turn of the twenty-first century, when both parties engaged in a discourse of the Third Way in order to win over ‘the middle ground of the electo... Read More about Text and Context in the Discourses of the Third Way in Germany and the United Kingdom A Comparative Study of the Language of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Die Neue Mitte’.

Kinship, conflict and unity among Roman elites in post-Roman Gaul: The contrasting experiences of Caesarius and Avitus (2016)
Book Chapter
Dodd, L. (2016). Kinship, conflict and unity among Roman elites in post-Roman Gaul: The contrasting experiences of Caesarius and Avitus. In Official power and local elites in the Roman provinces (168-187). Routledge

The 5th century saw the end of Roman imperial power in the West. Academic debate continues about whether the Empire collapsed or transformed and survived in the form of the barbarian successor states in Gaul, Italy and Spain.1 For the purposes of thi... Read More about Kinship, conflict and unity among Roman elites in post-Roman Gaul: The contrasting experiences of Caesarius and Avitus.

Brexit the verdict. (2016)
Journal Article
Jaworski, P. M. (2016). Brexit the verdict. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist, 4(7),

The author is Editor of the special issue.

Serving best interests in Known Biological Father disputes (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Macfarlane, L. (2015, July). Serving best interests in Known Biological Father disputes. Paper presented at Convention on the Rights of the Child Implementation Project Colloquium

Article 3 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that in ‘all actions concerning children’ the ‘best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration’. Increasing diversity in family life raises increasingly diverse issues in... Read More about Serving best interests in Known Biological Father disputes.

Buddhism and Constitutions in Bhutan (2014)
Book Chapter
Whitecross, R. (2014). Buddhism and Constitutions in Bhutan. In Buddhism and Law: An Introduction (350-367). Cambridge University Press

Introduction The subject of Buddhism and constitutionalism, or more specifically constitutions, presents us with a series of questions and challenges. As the other essays in this volume demonstrate, Buddhism adapted itself to the local cultures and p... Read More about Buddhism and Constitutions in Bhutan.