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Computing the State of Specknets: further analysis of an innate immune-inspired model. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davoudani, D., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2008, August). Computing the State of Specknets: further analysis of an innate immune-inspired model

Specknets consist of hundreds of miniature devices, which are each capable of processing data and communicating wirelessly across short distances. Such networks, with their great complexity, pose considerable challenges for engineers due to the unrel... Read More about Computing the State of Specknets: further analysis of an innate immune-inspired model..

Immuno-engineering (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Timmis, J., Hart, E., Hone, A., Neal, M., Robins, A., Stepney, S., & Tyrrell, A. (2008, September). Immuno-engineering. Presented at IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Second IFIP TC 10 International Conference on Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing, Milano, Italy

In this position paper, we outline a vision for a new type of engineering: immuno-engineering, that can be used for the development of biologically grounded and theoretically understood Artificial Immune Systems (AIS). We argue that, like many bio-in... Read More about Immuno-engineering.

Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buckner, K., & Cruickshank, P. (2008, January). Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net

The European Commission, through its framework programme aims to stimulate the development of sustained collaborative research networks across Europe. Social network analysis (SNA) has previously been used to evaluate collaboration between projects a... Read More about Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net.

Being-with: A study of familiarity (2008)
Journal Article
Turner, P. (2008). Being-with: A study of familiarity. Interacting with Computers, 20(4-5), 447-454.

How people learn to use an interactive device has always been an important field of research in human-computer interaction (HCI). The theoretical bases of which have ranged from the traditional cognitive perspectives through situated learning to coll... Read More about Being-with: A study of familiarity.

Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks (2008)
Journal Article
López-Ibáñez, M., Prasad, T. D., & Paechter, B. (2008). Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134(4), 337-346.

Reducing energy consumption of water distribution networks has never had more significance than today. The greatest energy savings can be obtained by careful scheduling of operation of pumps. Schedules can be defined either implicitly, in terms of ot... Read More about Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks.

Application areas of AIS: The past, the present and the future (2008)
Journal Article
Hart, E., & Timmis, J. (2008). Application areas of AIS: The past, the present and the future. Applied Soft Computing, 8(1), 191-201.

After a decade of research into the area of artificial immune systems, it is worthwhile to take a step back and reflect on the contributions that the
paradigm has brought to the application areas to which it has been applied. Undeniably, there have... Read More about Application areas of AIS: The past, the present and the future.

Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McEwan, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2007, August). Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System. Presented at ICARIS 2007: International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, Santos, Brazil

The idiotypic network has a long and chequered history in both theoretical immunology and Artificial Immune Systems. In terms of the latter, the drive for engineering applications has led to a diluted interpretation of the immunological models. Resea... Read More about Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System.

An Immune-Inspired Approach to Speckled Computing (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davoudani, D., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2007, August). An Immune-Inspired Approach to Speckled Computing. Presented at International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems ICARIS 2007, Beijing, China

Speckled Computing offers a radically new concept in information technology that has the potential to revolutionise the way we communicate and exchange information. Specks — minute, autonomous, semi-conductor grains that can sense and compute locally... Read More about An Immune-Inspired Approach to Speckled Computing.

Immunological inspiration for building a new generation of autonomic systems. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., Davoudani, D., & McEwan, C. (2007, October). Immunological inspiration for building a new generation of autonomic systems

Autonomic computing systems of the future will be required to exhibit a number of properties which cannot be engineered using current technologies and algorithms. The most direct inspiration for building such systems is nature, where for example the... Read More about Immunological inspiration for building a new generation of autonomic systems..

Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., Santos, F., & Bersini, H. (2007, August). Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks

Previous studies have shown that there is an intricate relationship between the topology of an idiotypic network and its resulting properties. However, empirical studies can only be performed by pre-selecting both a shape-space and affinity function.... Read More about Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks..

Designing interactive systems : people, activities, contexts, technologies (2005)
Benyon, D., Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2005). Designing interactive systems : people, activities, contexts, technologies. Pearson Education

Authoritative in its coverage, the book draws on the authors’ extensive experience in research and teaching. A self-contained introduction to the area is followed by a systematic discussion of the influence of human psychology on the design of intera... Read More about Designing interactive systems : people, activities, contexts, technologies.

An overview of artificial immune systems. (2005)
Book Chapter
Timmis, J., Knight, T., de Castro, L., & Hart, E. (2005). An overview of artificial immune systems. In R. Paton, H. Bolouri, W. M. L. Holcombe, J. H. Parish, & R. Tateson (Eds.), Computation in Cells and Tissues: Perspectives and Tools of Thought (51-86). Springer-Verlag

The immune system is highly distributed, highly adaptive, self-organising in nature, maintains a memory of past encounters and has the ability to continually learn about new encounters. From a computational point of view, the immune system has much t... Read More about An overview of artificial immune systems..

Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Armitage, A., Binnie, D., Chamberlain, T., Nilsson, M., & Rutter, M. (2005, January). Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems. Presented at 37th Universities Transport Study Group Conference, Bristol

In this paper, we will describe a number of research projects at Napier University on pedestrian tracking. This work started with systems based on ordinary cameras working at visible wavelengths. This work has expanded to include infrared imaging sys... Read More about Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems.

An advisory system for the treatment of kidney stones. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hardy, J., & Armitage, A. (2005, May). An advisory system for the treatment of kidney stones. Paper presented at Natural Computing Applications Forum

Kidney stones can be treated by a number of methods, some more invasive than others. Increasingly, Shock Wave Lithotripsy (a non-invasive technique) is used in preference to surgery. However, the kidney stones can recur. This study was done in conjun... Read More about An advisory system for the treatment of kidney stones..

New crossover operators for timetabling with evolutionary algorithms. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lewis, R. M. R., & Paechter, B. (2004, December). New crossover operators for timetabling with evolutionary algorithms

When using an evolutionary algorithm (EA) to optimise a population of feasible course timetables, it is important that the mutation and crossover operators are designed in such a way so that they don?t produce unfeasible or illegal offspring. In this... Read More about New crossover operators for timetabling with evolutionary algorithms..