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Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks.

Hart, Emma; Santos, Francisco; Bersini, Hugues


Francisco Santos

Hugues Bersini


Previous studies have shown that there is an intricate relationship between the topology of an idiotypic network and its resulting properties. However, empirical studies can only be performed by pre-selecting both a shape-space and affinity function. This introduces a number of simplifications into any model and makes it subsequently difficult to abstract the underlying contribution made by the topology from the particular instantiation of the model. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the potential network as a method in which abstract network topologies can be directly studied which allows us to bypass any definition of shape-space and affinity function. By using ideas from complex network theory to study a variety of homogeneous and heterogeneous potential networks, we show that bi-partide and heterogeneous topologies are able to tolerate antigens in certain regions, where as those showing high levels of clustering are unable to do so. It is also shown that the equilibrium topology resulting from traditional immune dynamics depends dramatically on the potential topology of a network.


Hart, E., Santos, F., & Bersini, H. (2007, August). Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks

Start Date Aug 26, 2007
End Date Aug 29, 2007
Publication Date 2007-08
Deposit Date Mar 15, 2010
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4628
Pages 252-263
Book Title Artificial Immune Systems: Proceedings of 6th International Conference, ICARIS 2007
ISBN 978-3-540-73921-0
Keywords idiotypic network; topology; artificial immune systems; equilibrium;
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