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Cloud based processing of real time sensor-data streams (2014)
Lapok, P. Cloud based processing of real time sensor-data streams. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The aim of the project is to design an architecture for real time sensor data streaming, management and live visualisation over the web to contribute to existing research in the field of the Web of Things. The project will investigate the infrastruct... Read More about Cloud based processing of real time sensor-data streams.

Argument Mining: Was Ist Das? (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wells, S. (2014, December). Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?. Presented at Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA14),

Argument Mining has become an increasingly popular term over the last
few years but it is unclear to what exactly the term refers. It definitely refers to an
area of endeavour within argumentation theory and within computational argumentation
and... Read More about Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?.

Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2014, September). Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry. Presented at IEEE Conference on Self-Organising and Self-Adaptative Systems (SASO)

Morphogenetic engineering represents an interesting field in which models, frameworks and algorithms can be tested in order to study how self-* properties and emergent behaviours can arise in potentially complex and distributed systems. In this field... Read More about Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry..

Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gkatzia, D., Hastie, H., & Lemon, O. (2014, June). Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data. Presented at The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Baltimore

We present a novel approach for automatic report generation from time-series data, in the context of student feedback generation. Our proposed methodology treats content selection as a multi-label (ML)
classification problem, which takes as input ti... Read More about Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data.

Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webster, G., Sripada, S. G., Mellish, C., Melero, Y., Arts, K., Lambin, X., & Wal, R. V. D. (2014, April). Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study. Presented at Third International Conference on Natural Language Generation

If an NLG system needs to be put in place as soon as possible it is not always possible to know in advance who the us-ers of a system are or what kind of in-formation will interest them. This paper describes the development of a system and contextual... Read More about Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study..

Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yuan, T., Manandhar, S., & Wells, S. (2014, December). Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games. Presented at Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA14),

Despite increasing research into their use as a vehicle for Human-
Computer Dialogue and Inter-Agent Communication, Dialogue Games have not
seen good uptake in industry. One of the reasons for this is the lack of methodologies
and tooling for the... Read More about Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games..

Supporting argumentation schemes in argumentative dialogue games. (2014)
Journal Article
Wells, S. (2014). Supporting argumentation schemes in argumentative dialogue games. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 36, 171-191.

This paper reports preliminary work into the exploitation of argu- mentation schemes within dialogue games. We identify a property of dialogue games that we call “scheme awareness” that captures the relationship between dialogue game systems and argu... Read More about Supporting argumentation schemes in argumentative dialogue games..

Novel Hyper-heuristics Applied to the Domain of Bin Packing (2014)
Sim, K. Novel Hyper-heuristics Applied to the Domain of Bin Packing. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Principal to the ideology behind hyper-heuristic research is the desire to increase the level of generality of heuristic procedures so that they can be easily applied to a wide variety of problems to produce solutions of adequate quality within pract... Read More about Novel Hyper-heuristics Applied to the Domain of Bin Packing.

A real-world employee scheduling and routing application. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., Sim, K., & Urquhart, N. B. (2014, July). A real-world employee scheduling and routing application. Presented at GECCO 2014

We describe a hyper-heuristic application developed for a client to find quick, acceptable solutions to Workforce Schedul- ing and Routing problems. An interactive fitness function controlled by the user enables five different objectives to be weight... Read More about A real-world employee scheduling and routing application..

An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2014, July). An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems

The meta-dynamics of an immune-inspired optimisation sys- tem NELLI are considered. NELLI has previously shown to exhibit good performance when applied to a large set of optimisation problems by sustaining a network of novel heuristics. We address th... Read More about An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems..

Using Cognitive Tunnels in a New Approach to Building Social Elevators in the Information Society (2014)
Journal Article
Kane, T. B. (2014). Using Cognitive Tunnels in a New Approach to Building Social Elevators in the Information Society. Informatica, 38, 263-271

We are on the verge of developing artificial intelligences that may dwarf the capabilities of human intelligence. How we will interact and thrive alongside such intelligence will be a pressing societal problem. This paper addresses the question of th... Read More about Using Cognitive Tunnels in a New Approach to Building Social Elevators in the Information Society.

Looking at technology with Parkour eyes. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Flint, T., & Turner, P. (2014, June). Looking at technology with Parkour eyes. Paper presented at Interaction Design and Children

This workshop paper discusses the theme of repurposing and its relationship to appropriation. By centering on the social, cultural aspect of appropriation we link it to affordance through structuration theory. We argue that children view technology w... Read More about Looking at technology with Parkour eyes..

Towards an applied gamification model for tracking, managing, & encouraging sustainable travel behaviours. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wells, S., Kotkanen, H., Schlafli, M., Gabrielli, S., Masthoff, J., Jylha, A., & Forbes, P. (2014, May). Towards an applied gamification model for tracking, managing, & encouraging sustainable travel behaviours. Paper presented at First Urban Sustainable, CollaboratIve, and Adaptive MObility (USCIAMO) Workshop

In this paper we introduce a gamification model for encouraging sustainable multi-modal urban travel in modern European cities. Our aim is to provide a mechanism that encourages users to reflect on their current travel behaviours and to engage in mor... Read More about Towards an applied gamification model for tracking, managing, & encouraging sustainable travel behaviours..

Techniques for Auditing the ICT Carbon Footprint of an Organisation (2014)
Journal Article
Mouchet, C., Urquhart, N., & Kemmer, R. (2014). Techniques for Auditing the ICT Carbon Footprint of an Organisation. International Journal of Green Computing, 5(1), 44-61.

This article has presents an extensive survey of the state of the art in Green IT/S. The findings of the survey suggest that there is scope for a reliable carbon footprint auditing tool for organisational ICT usage. A prototype auditing tool is devel... Read More about Techniques for Auditing the ICT Carbon Footprint of an Organisation.

Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sim, K., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2013, September). Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic

Motivated by the natural immune system's ability to defend the body by generating and maintaining a repertoire of antibodies that collectively cover the potential pathogen space, we describe an artificial system that discovers and maintains a reperto... Read More about Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic..

Incorporating emissions models within a multi-objective vehicle routing problem. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Urquhart, N. B., Scott, C., & Hart, E. (2013, July). Incorporating emissions models within a multi-objective vehicle routing problem. Presented at 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation

The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) has previously been investigated as a multi-objective problem. In this paper estimated carbon emissions is added as an objective alongside the number of vehicles required and distance travelled. W... Read More about Incorporating emissions models within a multi-objective vehicle routing problem..

An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2013, September). An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics

We describe an immune inspired approach to achieve self-expression within an ensemble, i.e. enabling an ensemble of autonomic components to dynamically change their coordination pattern during the runtime execution of a given task. Building on previo... Read More about An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics..

A multidimensional sketching interface for corpus-based concatenative synthesis. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tsiros, A. (2013, July). A multidimensional sketching interface for corpus-based concatenative synthesis. Presented at international Conference on auditory Display

This paper presents Morpheme, a multidimensional interface that allows real-time control of concatenative synthesis through the act of sketching on a digital canvas. Morpheme extracts textural, spatial and volumetric features from a sketch developed... Read More about A multidimensional sketching interface for corpus-based concatenative synthesis..

TARGO: transition and reallocation based green optimization for Cloud VMs. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fang, D., Liu, X., Liu, L., & Yang, H. (2013, August). TARGO: transition and reallocation based green optimization for Cloud VMs

Much research has been conducted focusing on improving resource utilization efficiency in data centers in the context of Green Cloud Computing (GCC). While virtualization enables better resource provision and utilization for various computational res... Read More about TARGO: transition and reallocation based green optimization for Cloud VMs..