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Modelling motorcycles driving cycles and emissions in Edinburgh (2009)
Kumar, R. Modelling motorcycles driving cycles and emissions in Edinburgh. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The level of ownership and use of motorcycling has increased rapidly in Edinburgh and the UK in the last ten years. In this study, motorcycle driving cycles (rural and urban) were developed for Edinburgh (Edinburgh Motorcycle Driving cycle-EMDC). The... Read More about Modelling motorcycles driving cycles and emissions in Edinburgh.

Urban Road Traffic Pollution and Its Effect on Indoor Air Quality. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Currie, J., & Capper, G. (2009, June). Urban Road Traffic Pollution and Its Effect on Indoor Air Quality. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering , ICBBE 2009

Indoor and outdoor concentrations of various pollutants were measured in a naturally ventilated city centre office building in order to assess the effect upon indoor pollution levels of the closure of some streets in the city to road traffic. The rel... Read More about Urban Road Traffic Pollution and Its Effect on Indoor Air Quality..

Response of intertidal macrofauna to multiple disturbance types and intensities – An experimental approach (2009)
Journal Article
Whomersley, P., Huxham, M., Bolam, S., Schratzberger, M., Augley, J., & Ridland, D. (2010). Response of intertidal macrofauna to multiple disturbance types and intensities – An experimental approach. Marine Environmental Research, 69(5), 297-308.

Two of the best-supported theories which describe the effects of disturbance within marine benthic habitats are the organic enrichment ‘Successional Model’ and the ‘Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis’. Underlying these models, biological mechanisms... Read More about Response of intertidal macrofauna to multiple disturbance types and intensities – An experimental approach.

The impacts of harvesting on the carbon balance of mangrove forests (2009)
Journal Article
Lang'at, J. K. S., Huxham, M., Kairo, J., & Mencuccini, M. (2009). The impacts of harvesting on the carbon balance of mangrove forests. CarboAfrica, 5

The study is part of a five-year project “Mangrove forests potential carbon sinks for mitigating climate change”, being implemented at Gazi bay, Kenya, by Earthwatch Institute, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute and Edinburgh Napier Univer... Read More about The impacts of harvesting on the carbon balance of mangrove forests.

CO2Y the intelligent green solution: minimising carbon emissions by maximising shared travel opportunity. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Urquhart, N. B., McEwan, T., Holden, R., & Vogogias, T. (2009, May). CO2Y the intelligent green solution: minimising carbon emissions by maximising shared travel opportunity. Paper presented at Scottish Transport Applications Research Conference

It is in the interests of everybody that the environment is protected. In view of the recent leaps in environmental awareness it would seem timely and sensible, therefore, for people to pool vehicle resources to minimise the damaging impact of emissi... Read More about CO2Y the intelligent green solution: minimising carbon emissions by maximising shared travel opportunity..

The Fish Community of an East African Mangrove: Effects of Turbidity and Distance from the Sea (2008)
Journal Article
Huxham, M., Kimani, E., & Augley, J. (2008). The Fish Community of an East African Mangrove: Effects of Turbidity and Distance from the Sea. Western Indian Ocean journal of marine science, 7(1), 57-67.

Mangroves are often reported as nursery grounds for fish. Fish may enter mangroves in order to avoid predators, but may not need to do so if turbidity provides a sufficient predator refuge outside the forest. This study assessed the effects of turbid... Read More about The Fish Community of an East African Mangrove: Effects of Turbidity and Distance from the Sea.

Enhanced desulfurization activity in protoplast transformed Rhodococcus erythropolis (2008)
Journal Article
Etemadifar, Z., Emtiazi, G., & Christofi, N. (2008). Enhanced desulfurization activity in protoplast transformed Rhodococcus erythropolis. American-Eurasian journal of agricultural & environmental sciences, 3, 285-291

Petro-chemically derived fuels may contain a range of organosulfur compounds that produce sulfur dioxide when combusted, culminating in atmospheric and soil pollution. Sulfur constituents include thiophenes, such as Benzothiophene and Dibenzothiaphen... Read More about Enhanced desulfurization activity in protoplast transformed Rhodococcus erythropolis.

UV treatment of chlorophenols in water using uv microwave lamps and Xe/Br excilamp coupled with biodegradation. (2008)
Book Chapter
Christofi, N., Matafonova, G., Batoev, V., Misakyan, M. A., Barkhudarov, E. M., & Kossyi, I. A. (2008). UV treatment of chlorophenols in water using uv microwave lamps and Xe/Br excilamp coupled with biodegradation. In L. N. Robinson (Ed.), Water Resources Research Progress (101-126). Nova Science Publishers Inc

The protection of aquatic ecosystems from artificial or natural pollutants of industrial origin is of paramount importance and technology to reduce or eliminate these from waste streams is urgently needed. Chlorophenols represent a particular group o... Read More about UV treatment of chlorophenols in water using uv microwave lamps and Xe/Br excilamp coupled with biodegradation..

Degradation of chlorophenols in aqueous media using UV XeBr excilamp in a flow-through reactor (2008)
Journal Article
Matafonova, G., Christofi, N., Batoev, V., & Sosnin, E. (2008). Degradation of chlorophenols in aqueous media using UV XeBr excilamp in a flow-through reactor. Chemosphere, 70(6), 1124-1127.

2-Chlorophenol (2-CP), 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) at initial concentrations of 10, 20, 50 and 100 mg l−1 were degraded in aqueous media by direct UV photolysis using dielectric barrier discharge XeBr∗ excilamp (283 nm) in... Read More about Degradation of chlorophenols in aqueous media using UV XeBr excilamp in a flow-through reactor.

Influence of species richness and environmental context on early survival of replanted mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya (2008)
Journal Article
Kirui, B. Y. K., Huxham, M., Kairo, J., & Skov, M. (2008). Influence of species richness and environmental context on early survival of replanted mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya. Hydrobiologia, 603(1), 171-181.

Mangrove reforestation projects often suffer from low sapling survival, especially after transplanting saplings from nurseries to reforestation areas. This may be due to the sediment conditions at the target site, the planting strategy or failure to... Read More about Influence of species richness and environmental context on early survival of replanted mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya.

The use of time-series data in the assessment of macrobenthic community change after the cessation of sewage-sludge disposal in Liverpool Bay (UK) (2006)
Journal Article
Whomersley, P., Schratzberger, M., Huxham, M., Bates, H., & Rees, H. (2007). The use of time-series data in the assessment of macrobenthic community change after the cessation of sewage-sludge disposal in Liverpool Bay (UK). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(1), 32-41.

Sewage sludge was disposed of in Liverpool Bay for over 100 years. Annual amounts increased from 0.5 million tonnes per annum in 1900 to approximately 2 million tonnes per annum by 1995. Macrofauna and a suite of environmental variables were collecte... Read More about The use of time-series data in the assessment of macrobenthic community change after the cessation of sewage-sludge disposal in Liverpool Bay (UK).

Open/closed window research: sound insulation through ventilated domestic windows. (2006)
Waters-Fuller, T., Lurcock, D., Mackenzie, R., & MacKenzie, R. (2006). Open/closed window research: sound insulation through ventilated domestic windows

Planning guidance is required to advise on appropriate standards against which the suitability of development can be assessed. Consideration is needed of the locale, its
existing character and of future residential amenity. In the noise context, adv... Read More about Open/closed window research: sound insulation through ventilated domestic windows..

Environmental Pollution and Restoration: A Role for Bioremediation (2005)
Book Chapter
Philp, J. C., Bamforth, S., Singleton, I., & Atlas, R. M. (2005). Environmental Pollution and Restoration: A Role for Bioremediation. In R. M. Atlas, & J. Philp (Eds.), Bioremediation (1-48). American Society for Microbiology.

With greater understanding of microbial diversity and the development of bioengineering, bioremediation is taking its place as a cost-effective technique in integrated environmental restoration efforts. The major reasons for the control of water and... Read More about Environmental Pollution and Restoration: A Role for Bioremediation.

A new short-term toxicity assay using Aspergillus awamori with recombinant aequorin gene (2005)
Journal Article
Kozlova, O., Zwinderman, M., & Christofi, N. (2005). A new short-term toxicity assay using Aspergillus awamori with recombinant aequorin gene. BMC Microbiology, 5, Article 40.

Most currently available short-term toxicity assays are based on bacterial cells. Therefore there is a need for novel eukaryotic microbial bioassays that will be relevant to higher eukaryotes such as animals and plants. Ca2+ is a universa... Read More about A new short-term toxicity assay using Aspergillus awamori with recombinant aequorin gene.

Expression of pro-inflammatory proteins in the lung epithelial cell line A549, in response to cytokine, and environmental particle exposure. (2003)
Ramage, L. environmental particle exposure. (Thesis). Napier University.

This thesis investigates the effects of various inflammatory stimuli, including cytokines and air pollution particles, on the expression and secretion of various proinflammatory proteins in the lung epithelial cell line A549. The pro-inflammatory pro... Read More about Expression of pro-inflammatory proteins in the lung epithelial cell line A549, in response to cytokine, and environmental particle exposure..

Why conserve wild species? (2000)
Book Chapter
Huxham, M. (2000). Why conserve wild species?. In Science and environmental decision making (142-168). Prentice Hall (Pearson Education)

Science and the search for truth (2000)
Book Chapter
Huxham, M. (2000). Science and the search for truth. In Science and environmental decision making (1-32). Prentice Hall (Pearson Education)