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Information sharing around child protection.

Buchanan, William J; Uthmani, Omair; Lewis, Richard; Steyven, Andreas; Fan, Lu; Thuemmler, Christoph; Ekonomou, Elias; Lo, Owen; Lawson, Alistair


Omair Uthmani

Richard Lewis

Lu Fan

Christoph Thuemmler

Elias Ekonomou


Background This presentation focuses on creating a scaleable, robust and secure information architecture for social and health care. At its core is the sa.FIRE (Secure Analysis and FIltering Risk Engine) architecture, which uses SPoC (Single Point of Contact) gateways between domains (inter-rights) and within a domain (intra-rights). One current instance of sa.FIRE is Cloud4Health, which focuses on clinical infrastructures, and other is Cloud4Community which aims to integrate social care around GiRFEC (Get it Right For Every Child). Overall sa.FIRE uses a governance policy which defines the rights between domains, which can be based on role or identity. The system is dynamic and rights can be granted or revoked at any time. Integration with GiRFEC This presentation is based on GiRFEC, and outlines the proposed Cloud4Community architecture. It shows the methods that could be used to enhance current practice, including: • Defining the four main stages in the child’s development, each of which have a Named Person associated with the child. It is this person who is responsible for receiving any concerns, and then acting on them. • Outlining the Concerned Individual who logs into the Concern Portal and can post a concern related to a child, which will then be matched to a named person, who then acts on it. • Shows how, if the concern requires further action, the named person can then action a Lead Professional to build up a multi-agency team to work on the action plan for the child. At this point, the team will have access to the action plan, and can work on it together. • Outlines how, once the action plan is agreed, the child and the family will have access to view it at any time, and where the rights for sharing between the agencies will be revoked, as required. Other key elements of the proposed system include: • Formal hand-over between stages. This is the hand-over procedure for the child’s report, where there is a formal hand-over between one stage and the next, and where concerns can be carried-forward, held-back or deleted. In this way only relevant information can be passed onto each stage, but that an auditor can look back at the complete time line, if required. • Interim reviews. This will allow for a formal review on a regular basis, such as each year, and for concerns to be filtered at the review points. Other material Presentation link: Slides:


Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Lewis, R., Steyven, A., Fan, L., Thuemmler, C., Ekonomou, E., Lo, O., & Lawson, A. (2012, June). Information sharing around child protection. Paper presented at Information Sharing in the Public Sector

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Information Sharing in the Public Sector
Start Date Jun 1, 2012
End Date Jun 1, 2012
Publication Date 2012
Deposit Date Oct 10, 2012
Publicly Available Date May 16, 2017
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Child protection; social policy; Cloud4Health; sa.FIRE (Secure Analysis and FIltering Risk Engine) architecture;
Public URL


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