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Analysis of malicious affiliate network activity as a test case for an investigatory framework. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Miehling, M. J., Buchanan, W. J., Old, L. J., Batey, A., & Rahman, A. (2010, July). Analysis of malicious affiliate network activity as a test case for an investigatory framework

Currently there is a great deal of literature surrounding methods that can be used to de-tect click-fraud, but there is very little published work on actual cases of click-through fraud. The aim of this paper is to present the details of a real-life... Read More about Analysis of malicious affiliate network activity as a test case for an investigatory framework..

Interagency data exchange protocols as computational data protection law (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Lawson, A., Schafer, B., Scott, R., Thuemmler, C., & Uthmani, O. (2010, December). Interagency data exchange protocols as computational data protection law. Presented at JURIX 2010

The paper describes a collaborative project between computer scientist, police officers, medical professionals and social workers to develop a communication infrastructure that allows information sharing while observing Data Protection law “by design... Read More about Interagency data exchange protocols as computational data protection law.

Towards a framework for the generation of enhanced attack/background network traffic for evaluation of network-based intrusion detection systems (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lo, O. C. W., Graves, J. R., & Buchanan, W. J. (2010, July). Towards a framework for the generation of enhanced attack/background network traffic for evaluation of network-based intrusion detection systems. Presented at European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Thessaloniki

There are a multitude of threats faced in computer networks such as viruses, worms, trojans, attempted user privilege gain, data theft and denial of service attacks. To combat such threats, multiple lines of defence are applied to a network including... Read More about Towards a framework for the generation of enhanced attack/background network traffic for evaluation of network-based intrusion detection systems.

Ad-hoc routing metrics and applied weighting for QoS support (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Migas, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2008, April). Ad-hoc routing metrics and applied weighting for QoS support. Presented at IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 2008. IPDPS 2008

In the vast majority of ad-hoc routing protocols, the hop-counting mechanisms for identifying the optimal route are dominant. However, this approach oversimplifies such a complex decision by ignoring the fact that participating devices may have consi... Read More about Ad-hoc routing metrics and applied weighting for QoS support.

An auto-configurable, and, adaptable, metric-driven cluster-head organisation for hybrid multi-hop routing (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Migas, N., & Buchanan, W. (2006, March). An auto-configurable, and, adaptable, metric-driven cluster-head organisation for hybrid multi-hop routing. Presented at 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'06)

Multi-hop ad-hoc routing is a challenging issue, because of the dynamic network topology, and limited capabilities of resource-constrained mobile devices. This paper proposes a metric-driven clustering organisation of participating nodes which provid... Read More about An auto-configurable, and, adaptable, metric-driven cluster-head organisation for hybrid multi-hop routing.

Metric Evaluation of Embedded Java-Based Proxies on Handheld Devices in Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Routing (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Migas, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2005, April). Metric Evaluation of Embedded Java-Based Proxies on Handheld Devices in Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Routing. Presented at 12th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'05), Greenbelt, MD, USA

Ad-hoc wireless networks, which use ad-hoc routing methods may prove a good solution in certain applications, especially where networks have to be constructed where there is no possibly of creating a network backbone, and in emergency situations. The... Read More about Metric Evaluation of Embedded Java-Based Proxies on Handheld Devices in Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Routing.

Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J., & Saliou, L. (2004, June). Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks. Presented at ITRE 2004. 2nd International Conference Information Technology: Research and Education, London, England, UK

Many computing-related programmes and modules have many problems caused with large class sizes, large-scale plagiarism, module franchising, and an increasing requirement from students for increased amounts of hands-on, practical work. This paper pres... Read More about Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks..

Migration of mobile agents in ad-hoc wireless networks. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Migas, N., Buchanan, W. J., & McArtney, K. (2004, May). Migration of mobile agents in ad-hoc wireless networks

This paper focuses on the design and development of a novel architecture called MARIAN, which utilises static agents, mobile agents, and also a hybrid approach, in order to perform routing, network discovery, and automatic network reconfiguration, in... Read More about Migration of mobile agents in ad-hoc wireless networks..

MARIAN: A framework using mobile agents for routing, topology discovery and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Migas, N., Buchanan, W. J., & McArtney, K. (2003, November). MARIAN: A framework using mobile agents for routing, topology discovery and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks. Presented at IADIS International Conference, WWW/Internet 2003

The purpose of MARIAN is to investigate the degree of suitability for mobile agent technology in routing, topology discovery, and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks. This research proposes to assess different models of the usage of... Read More about MARIAN: A framework using mobile agents for routing, topology discovery and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks..

Mobile agents for routing, topology discovery, and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Migas, N., Buchanan, W. J., & McArtney, K. (2003, April). Mobile agents for routing, topology discovery, and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks

Wireless networks and the usage of mobile devices are becoming popular in recent days, especially in creating ad-hoc networks. There is thus scope for developing mobile systems, where devices take an active part of creating a network infrastructure,... Read More about Mobile agents for routing, topology discovery, and automatic network reconfiguration in ad-hoc networks..

Mastering Computing. (2002)
Buchanan, W. J. (2002). Mastering Computing. Macmillan Press

Computing is an area which continues to grow. This book covers the main areas of computing, including programming, computer hardware, operating systems, the Internet, data communications and networking. It uses practical examples to show basic concep... Read More about Mastering Computing..

Advanced PC architecture. (2000)
Buchanan, W. J., & Wilson, A. (2000). Advanced PC architecture. Addison Wesley

The first book ever to give a complete picture of the workings of a PC! A comprehensive guide to the component systems of the PC, this book provides a foundation to the understanding of previous, current and future PC systems, and how the specificati... Read More about Advanced PC architecture..

Enhancing network management using mobile agents. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J., Naylor, M., & Scott, A. (2000, April). Enhancing network management using mobile agents

Agent mobility addresses some limitations faced by classic client/server architecture, namely, in minimising bandwidth consumption, in supporting adaptive network load balancing and in solving problems caused by intermittent or unreliable network con... Read More about Enhancing network management using mobile agents..

Distributed systems and networks. (2000)
Buchanan, W. J. (2000). Distributed systems and networks. McGraw-Hill

This book provides the student with comprehensive coverage of both networks and system architecture. It aims to introduce the most widely used networking protocols and distributed systems, covering recent developments in distributed processing and th... Read More about Distributed systems and networks..