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Motorcycle vehicle emissions - effect of driving cycle in urban and rural context (2010)
Kumar, R., & Saleh, W. (2010). Motorcycle vehicle emissions - effect of driving cycle in urban and rural context

Climate change and global warming is challenging task ahead. This text book covers the fundamentals of estimating emission factor with special emphasis on motorcycle exhaust emissions. For the first time the text integrates various modelling techniqu... Read More about Motorcycle vehicle emissions - effect of driving cycle in urban and rural context.

Variables affecting the stiffness and distortion of Sitka spruce. (2010)
Reynolds, T. N. Variables affecting the stiffness and distortion of Sitka spruce. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Inherent in the structure of timber are features affecting dimensional stability, stiffness and strength. These include knots, compression wood and spiral grain. Physical characteristics such as log shape, density, rate of growth,
presence of juveni... Read More about Variables affecting the stiffness and distortion of Sitka spruce..

Developments In stress-laminated arch construction for footbridges. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kermani, A., & Freedman, G. (2010, September). Developments In stress-laminated arch construction for footbridges. Presented at International Conference on Timber Bridges, ICTB2010

Developments In stress-laminated arch construction for footbridges.

A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector (2010)
Journal Article
Taylor, M. D. (2010). A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector. Construction Management and Economics, 28, 885-896.

The offsite construction sector is now established as a significant contributor to the delivery of UK construction industry output. The exact value of this contribution is questionable and has been subject to substantial debate in recent literature.... Read More about A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector.

A study of cross-lamination of a multi-component liquid-retaining timber structure (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Savage, N., Kermani, A., & Zhang, H. (2010, July). A study of cross-lamination of a multi-component liquid-retaining timber structure. Presented at ICSA 2010 - 1st International Conference on Structures & Architecture

The orthotropic nature of timber creates issues with regards to dimensional stability and strength in most shell/surface structures and i particular in liquid-retaining wooden containers. Oak barrel, traditionally used for the transportation and stor... Read More about A study of cross-lamination of a multi-component liquid-retaining timber structure.

Vibrational performance of metal-webbed timber floors. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, B., Weckendorf, J., Kermani, A., & Fillingham, T. (2010, June). Vibrational performance of metal-webbed timber floors. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Metal web engineered timber joists have been largely used nowadays to replace traditional solid timber joists for constructing intermediate-span timber floors in low-rise houses and long-span floors in commercial buildings. Vibrational criteria becom... Read More about Vibrational performance of metal-webbed timber floors..

Beam and post system for non-residential multi-storey timber buildings – Conceptual framework and key issues (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tlustochowicz, G., Kermani, A., & Johnsson, H. (2010, June). Beam and post system for non-residential multi-storey timber buildings – Conceptual framework and key issues. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

In Sweden, there has been a long tradition of using timber in the construction of housing and in recent years, timber structural systems are increasingly used in multi-storey and large span buildings. The main focus of the majority of timber co... Read More about Beam and post system for non-residential multi-storey timber buildings – Conceptual framework and key issues.

Optimisation of an oak container (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Savage, N., Kermani, A., & Zhang, H. (2010, June). Optimisation of an oak container. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Traditional containers such as barrels, used in the transportation and storage of food and liquid, have been constructed from timber for thousands of years. The design of the container has evolved over time and the original design specifications have... Read More about Optimisation of an oak container.

Structural performance of external timber cladding. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Crawford, D., Hairstans, R., & Davies, I. (2010, June). Structural performance of external timber cladding. Presented at 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Although timber cladding has been used for centuries, the current design guidance for timber cladding has received very little research attention with regards to structural performance. Due to the growing demand in several countries for medium rise t... Read More about Structural performance of external timber cladding..

Positive Effects of Vegetation: Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Green Roofs (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Susca, T., Gaffin, S. R., & Dell'Osso, G. R. (2010, June). Positive Effects of Vegetation: Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Green Roofs. Presented at Urban Environmental Pollution 2010. Overcoming Obstacles to Sustainability and Quality of Life

This paper attempts to evaluate the positive effects of vegetation with a multi-scale approach: an urban and a building scale. Monitoring the urban heat island in four areas of New York City, we have found an average of 2 °C difference of temperature... Read More about Positive Effects of Vegetation: Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Green Roofs.

Using OpenSees for structures in fire (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Usmani, A., Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Kotsovinos, P., Zhang, J., & May, I. (2010, June). Using OpenSees for structures in fire. Presented at Structures in Fire - The Sixth International Conference, SiF'10

OpenSees is an open source object oriented software framework developed at UC Berekeley and currently supported by PEER and Nees. OpenSees has so far been focussed on providing an advanced computational tool for analysing the non-linear response of s... Read More about Using OpenSees for structures in fire.

Parametric Investigation of Lateral Spreading in Free‐Face Ground Formations (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Valsamis, A., Bouckovalas, G., & Dimitriadi, V. (2010, May). Parametric Investigation of Lateral Spreading in Free‐Face Ground Formations. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California

Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading can cause extensive damage and even failure to foundations and earthworks resting inside or in the vicinity of the affected ground. The current practice for the evaluation of the ground surface displacement due... Read More about Parametric Investigation of Lateral Spreading in Free‐Face Ground Formations.

Structural Performance of thinned oak containers (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Savage, N., & Kermani, A. (2010, May). Structural Performance of thinned oak containers. Presented at The Future of Quality Control for Wood & Wood Products, COST Action E53

Traditional containers such as barrels, used in the transportation and storage of food and liquid, have been constructed from timber for thousands of years. The design of the container has evolved over time and the original design specifications have... Read More about Structural Performance of thinned oak containers.

The Contribution of the Albedo in LCA Evaluation of Three Roofs (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Susca, T., Gaffin, S., & Dell'Osso, G. (2010, May). The Contribution of the Albedo in LCA Evaluation of Three Roofs. Presented at CYCLE 2010. 4th Canadian Form on the Life Cycle Management of Products and Services

No abstract available.

Edinburgh's Engineering Experience. (2010)
Journal Article
Taylor, M. D. (2010). Edinburgh's Engineering Experience. Civil Scotland, 13,

Article published in Civils Scotland (Institution of Civil Engineers publication) concerning school outreach activity to encourage young people to consider studying civil engineering and becoming a professional civil engineer.

Prediction of modal frequencies, modal shapes and static point load deflections of I-joist timber flooring systems using finite element method. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Weckendorf, J., Zhang, B., & Kermani, A. (2010, June). Prediction of modal frequencies, modal shapes and static point load deflections of I-joist timber flooring systems using finite element method. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

The vibrational behaviour of structural timber flooring systems can result in serviceability problems due to discomfort experienced by the occupants. However, the dynamic response of such structural systems cannot be easily determined by hand calcula... Read More about Prediction of modal frequencies, modal shapes and static point load deflections of I-joist timber flooring systems using finite element method..

Quantifying the Evolution of Soil Fabric Under Different Stress Paths (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barreto, D., O’Sullivan, C., & Zdravkovic, L. (2009, July). Quantifying the Evolution of Soil Fabric Under Different Stress Paths. Presented at AIP Conference Proceedings

It is well recognized that the macro-scale response of soils is anisotropic in terms of strength, stiffness, permeability, etc. The source of this anisotropy is thought to be an anisotropy of the material itself. This anisotropy can be quantified usi... Read More about Quantifying the Evolution of Soil Fabric Under Different Stress Paths.

Internationalisation of undergraduate civil engineering students: a collaborative European network (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, M. D., Smith, I., de Klerk, P. J., & Bierlaagh, G. J. (2009, July). Internationalisation of undergraduate civil engineering students: a collaborative European network. Presented at 37th Societe Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs Conference (SEFI)

Internationalisation in higher education can be defined as the process of integrating an international and
intercultural dimension to teaching. The need for preparing civil engineering graduates to work in an
increasingly international society comb... Read More about Internationalisation of undergraduate civil engineering students: a collaborative European network.