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A novel teaching program for inter-surface radiation exchange (2016)
Journal Article
Muneer, T., & Ivanova, S. (2016). A novel teaching program for inter-surface radiation exchange. Educational Alternatives, 14, 357-366

The present article describes a possible pedagogical approach for delivering a module in inter-surface radiation exchange that will encompass the following applications and will also lend to other potential applications which may be identified by the... Read More about A novel teaching program for inter-surface radiation exchange.

Review on recent trend of solar photovoltaic technology (2016)
Journal Article
Gul, M., Kotak, Y., & Muneer, T. (2016). Review on recent trend of solar photovoltaic technology. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 34(4), 485-526.

Solar photovoltaic technology is one of the renewable technologies, which has a potential to shape a clean, reliable, scalable and affordable electricity system for the future. This article provides a comprehensive review of solar photovoltaic techno... Read More about Review on recent trend of solar photovoltaic technology.

Developing multiple regression models from the manufacturer's ground-source heat pump catalogue data. (2016)
Journal Article
Ordoñez, J., Girard, A., Simon, F., Reddy, T., & Muneer, T. (2016). Developing multiple regression models from the manufacturer's ground-source heat pump catalogue data. Renewable Energy, 95, 413-421.

The performance of ground-source heat pumps (GSHP), often expressed as Power drawn and/or the COP,
depends on several operating parameters. Manufacturers usually publish such data in tables for certain
discrete values of the operating fluid tempera... Read More about Developing multiple regression models from the manufacturer's ground-source heat pump catalogue data..

Spain's energy outlook: A review of PV potential and energy export (2016)
Journal Article
Gago, E., Girard, A., Ordoñez, J., & Muneer, T. (2016). Spain's energy outlook: A review of PV potential and energy export. Renewable Energy, 86, 703-715.

Spain must reduce its energy consumption by 23% and achieve 100% renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030. This paper presents the current energy scenario en Spain, and the outlooks for different renewable options, with special focus on pho... Read More about Spain's energy outlook: A review of PV potential and energy export.

Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting. (2016)
Journal Article
Ivanova, S. M., & Muneer, T. (2016). Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 8(1), 15102.

Radiation heat transfer has very many applications in building physics. In such studies, one has to deal with radiant energy exchanges between surfaces of different orientation and aspects. Two principal cases that may be cited here are exchanges bet... Read More about Finite-element heat-transfer computations for parallel surfaces with uniform or non-uniform emitting..