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The use of artificial compressibility to improve partitioned semi-implicit FSI coupling within the classical Chorin–Témam projection framework (2018)
Journal Article
He, T., Wang, T., & Zhang, H. (2018). The use of artificial compressibility to improve partitioned semi-implicit FSI coupling within the classical Chorin–Témam projection framework. Computers and Fluids, 166, 64-77.

Over the last decade the classical Chorin–Témam projection method has been utilized to address fluid- structure interaction in a semi-implicit manner. In previous studies the fluid projection step is fully coupled with the structural motion due to th... Read More about The use of artificial compressibility to improve partitioned semi-implicit FSI coupling within the classical Chorin–Témam projection framework.

Computational Mechanics and the Finite Element Method (2018)
Book Chapter
Okereke, M., & Keates, S. (2018). Computational Mechanics and the Finite Element Method. In S.-B. Choi, H. Duan, Y. Fu, C. Guardiola, & J.-Q. Sun (Eds.), Finite Element Applications: A Practical Guide to the FEM Process (3-25). Springer.

This textbook demonstrates the application of the finite element philosophy to the solution of real-world problems and is aimed at graduate level students, but is also suitable for advanced undergraduate students. An essential part of an engineer?s t... Read More about Computational Mechanics and the Finite Element Method.

A smoothed finite element approach for computational fluid dynamics: applications to incompressible flows and fluid–structure interaction (2018)
Journal Article
He, T., Zhang, H., & Zhang, K. (2018). A smoothed finite element approach for computational fluid dynamics: applications to incompressible flows and fluid–structure interaction. Computational Mechanics,

In this paper the cell-based smoothed finite element method (CS-FEM) is introduced into two mainstream aspects of computational fluid dynamics: incompressible flows and fluid–structure interaction (FSI). The emphasis is placed on the fluid gradient s... Read More about A smoothed finite element approach for computational fluid dynamics: applications to incompressible flows and fluid–structure interaction.

Machine learning for voice recognition (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kinkiri, S., Melis, W. J., & Keates, S. (2017, June). Machine learning for voice recognition. Presented at 2nd Medway Engineering Converence on Systems 2017, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Verbal communication is very important to us humans, but using thisperforming verbal communication to communicateion with machines still faces particular challenges. Therefore, researchers are trying to find ways to make communication with a machine... Read More about Machine learning for voice recognition.

Reviewing the current state of machine learning for artificial intelligence with regards to the use of contextual information (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kinch, M. W., Melis, W. J., & Keates, S. (2017, June). Reviewing the current state of machine learning for artificial intelligence with regards to the use of contextual information. Presented at The Second Medway Engineering Conference on Systems: Efficiency, Sustainability and Modelling, Chatham Maritime, Kent

This paper will consider the current state of Machine Learning for Artificial Intelligence, more specifically for applications, such as: Speech Recognition, Game Playing and Image Processing. The artificial world tends to make limited use of context... Read More about Reviewing the current state of machine learning for artificial intelligence with regards to the use of contextual information.

Study of Photovoltaics (PV) Performance Degradation Analysis in Oman (2017)
Journal Article
Shaik, M., Gupta, N., Goh, K., Umar, T., & Nazeema, N. (2017). Study of Photovoltaics (PV) Performance Degradation Analysis in Oman. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Development, 6(2), 334-343.

The demand for electricity usage is increasing all around the globe. As an alternative and clean source to produce electricity there has been an emphasis on the usage of renewable energies. Sultanate of Oman has also taken an initiative by 2030 that... Read More about Study of Photovoltaics (PV) Performance Degradation Analysis in Oman.

Electrical cars: an option for the Gulf states? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saleh, W. (2017, November). Electrical cars: an option for the Gulf states?. Presented at International Energy and Environment Summit - 2017

Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Boix, D. M., Goh, K., & McWhinnie, J. (2017, October). Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions. Presented at 2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (RED-UAS)

This paper proposes a method to investigate into helicopter landing on uneven terrain by means of using a scaled articulated robotic landing gear. A mathematical model of an articulated robotic landing gear that adapts to uneven ground conditions is... Read More about Modelling and control of helicopter robotic landing gear for uneven ground conditions.

The generation of problem-focussed patent clusters: a comparative analysis of crowd intelligence with algorithmic and expert approaches (2017)
Journal Article
Wodehouse, A., Vasantha, G., Corney, J., Maclachlan, R., & Jagadeesan, A. (2017). The generation of problem-focussed patent clusters: a comparative analysis of crowd intelligence with algorithmic and expert approaches. Design Science: An International Journal, 3, Article e16.

This paper presents a new crowdsourcing approach to the construction of patent clusters, and systematically benchmarks it against previous expert and algorithmic approaches. Patent databases should be rich sources of inspiration which could lead engi... Read More about The generation of problem-focussed patent clusters: a comparative analysis of crowd intelligence with algorithmic and expert approaches.

Optimal actuator\sensor placement and controller design for large flexible space structures and robotics (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soufian, M., & Borairi, M. (2017, June). Optimal actuator\sensor placement and controller design for large flexible space structures and robotics. Presented at 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)

This paper emphasizes the characterization of the dynamic motions of large flexible space structures (LFSS) and robotic arms in terms of poles and zeros, in order to develops a computational scheme for optimization of actuator and sensor locations. T... Read More about Optimal actuator\sensor placement and controller design for large flexible space structures and robotics.

Fault detection observer of a pilot plant papermaking machine (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soufian, M., Borairi, M., & Yu, D. L. (2017, June). Fault detection observer of a pilot plant papermaking machine. Presented at 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)

This paper presents the development of a bilinear system model and the application of a bilinear fault detection observer to a papermaking machine to detect various simulated faults. First a suitable MIMO bilinear model representation of the wet end... Read More about Fault detection observer of a pilot plant papermaking machine.

Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust (2017)
Journal Article
Dimitriadi, V., Bouckovalas, G., & Papadimitriou, A. (2017). Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 100, 396-409.

Modern seismic codes dictate that the use of shallow foundations on liquefiable soils may be considered only after appropriate ground improvement. No further instructions are given regarding the improvement depth, or what changes if the surface layer... Read More about Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust.

Recent developments in integrated platforms (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerrouche, A. (2017, May). Recent developments in integrated platforms. Presented at International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This session will review and discuss the increase role of automated rapid and molecular methods for pathogen detection in drinking water and attempt to reach a consensus on the future role of such methods for routine use. The session will start with... Read More about Recent developments in integrated platforms.

The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials (2017)
Journal Article
Xie, Y. H., Yang, Z. X., Barreto, D., & Jiang, M. D. (2017). The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials. Granular Matter, 19(2), 34-48.

The behavior of granular materials is very complex in nature and depends on particle shape, stress path, fabric, density, particle size distribution, amongst others. This paper presents a study of the effect of particle geometry (aspect ratio) on the... Read More about The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials.

Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vasantha, G. A., Ramesh, H. P., Sugavanam, C. M., Chakrabarti, A., Corney, J., & Wodehouse, A. (2017, January). Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design. Presented at International Conference on Research into Design ICoRD 2017: Research into Design for Communities, Guwahati, India

Interactions (i.e. modes of operations through which product development knowledge is generated and externalized in the design process) play a vital role in knowledge processes of product development. Intentional or unintentional changes in interacti... Read More about Interactional Differences and Effects Between Collocated and Distributed Design.

Native architecture for artificial intelligence (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Balisson, D., Melis, W. J., & Keates, S. (2017, February). Native architecture for artificial intelligence. Paper presented at 1st HBP Student Conference: Transdisciplinary Reserach Linking Neuroscience, Brain Medicine and Computer Science., Vienna, Austria

The brain is a complex organ and even to this date, very little is known about how it works. Through the years, replicating the intelligence of the brain has puzzled many scientists, and most of this work can be broadly classified into... Read More about Native architecture for artificial intelligence.

Creating patterns for machine learning using multiple alignment (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kinkiri, S., Melis, W. J., & Keates, S. (2017, February). Creating patterns for machine learning using multiple alignment. Poster presented at First HBP (Human Brain Project) Student Conference: Transdisciplinary Research Linking Neuroscience, Brain Medicine and Computer Science, Vienna, Austria

No abstract available.

Fibre Grating-based Sensor Design for Humidity Measurement in Chemically Harsh Environment (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alwis, L. S. M., Sun, T., & Grattan, K. T. V. (2016, September). Fibre Grating-based Sensor Design for Humidity Measurement in Chemically Harsh Environment. Presented at 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference – Eurosensors 2016, Budapest, Hungary

A temperature compensated Relative Humidity (RH) sensor incorporating Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) has been developed to be tested in extremely harsh gaseous acidic environment. One FBG is coated with moisture sensitive polymer while the other was use... Read More about Fibre Grating-based Sensor Design for Humidity Measurement in Chemically Harsh Environment.

Numerical analysis of liquefaction affected shallow foundations performance on improved ground. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dimitriadi, V., Bouckovalas, G., & Chaloulos, Y. (2015, September). Numerical analysis of liquefaction affected shallow foundations performance on improved ground. Presented at XVI ECSMGE Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

A novel numerical methodology is presented and used to simulate the seismic response of footings on liquefiable ground, locally improved in order to reduce settlements and increase the bearing capacity of the foundation. The numerical simulation adop... Read More about Numerical analysis of liquefaction affected shallow foundations performance on improved ground..

Analysis of strip foundation performance on liquefied ground with limited ground improvement (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dimitriadi, V., & Bouckovalas, G. (2015, September). Analysis of strip foundation performance on liquefied ground with limited ground improvement. Presented at XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

According to modern seismic codes, the use of shallow foundations on liquefiable soils is only acceptable after proper ground improvement underneath and around the foundation. Still, there are no widely acceptable guidelines for choosing the required... Read More about Analysis of strip foundation performance on liquefied ground with limited ground improvement.