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Dementia Palliative Care Needs Assessment: A Focus On Spiritual Care (2005)
Journal Article
Smith, S. (2005). Dementia Palliative Care Needs Assessment: A Focus On Spiritual Care. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 8(1), 13-19.

Palliative and dementia care have a focus on holism and follow a person centred approach. Although these values could be described as core, they have arisen from differing perspectives of health and social care and as a result have different foci and... Read More about Dementia Palliative Care Needs Assessment: A Focus On Spiritual Care.

Efficacy and tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs compared with placebo for treatment of depression in primary care: A meta-analysis (2005)
Journal Article
Arroll, B., Macgillivray, S., Ogston, S., Reid, I., Sullivan, F., Williams, B., & Crombie, I. (2005). Efficacy and tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs compared with placebo for treatment of depression in primary care: A meta-analysis. Annals of Family Medicine, 3(5), 449-456.

PURPOSE Depression is common in primary care. There are no systematic reviews of depression treatment comparing antidepressants with placebo; hence, we do not know whether these medications are effective in primary care.

METHODS We searched the Co... Read More about Efficacy and tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs compared with placebo for treatment of depression in primary care: A meta-analysis.

Global cognitive impairment should be taken into account in SPECT–neuropsychology correlations: the example of verbal memory in very mild Alzheimer’s disease. (2005)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, G., Morbelli, S., Brugnolo, A., Calvini, P., Girtler, N., Piccardo, A., Dougall, N., Ebmeier, K. P., Baron, J. C., & Nobili, F. (2005). Global cognitive impairment should be taken into account in SPECT–neuropsychology correlations: the example of verbal memory in very mild Alzheimer’s disease. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 32(10), 1186-1192.

Purpose: To examine the impact of severity of global cognitive impairment on SPECT-neuropsychology correlations, we correlated a verbal memory test with brain perfusion in patients with very mild Alzheimer's disease (AD), taking into account the Mini... Read More about Global cognitive impairment should be taken into account in SPECT–neuropsychology correlations: the example of verbal memory in very mild Alzheimer’s disease..

Bipolar Affective Disorder - A national clinical guideline (2005)
Ebmeier, K., Baig, B., Brown, A., Cavanagh, J., Clark, S., Davidson, K., Dougall, N., Fraser, K., Lawton, K., Mitchell, F., Nightingale, A., Power, M., Reid, I., Service, D., Shawcross, M., Topalian, J., Wade, A., & Wilson, L. (2005). Bipolar Affective Disorder - A national clinical guideline. Edinburgh: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)

A national clinical guideline - SIGN.