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Participation and inclusion: mental health service users' lived experience – an international study. (2017)
Book Chapter
McKay, E. A., Mahon, D., Donellan, G., Haracz, K., Sheldon, S., & Ryan, S. (2017). Participation and inclusion: mental health service users' lived experience – an international study. In A. H. Eide, S. Josephsson, & K. Vik (Eds.), Participation in health and welfare services: professional concepts and lived experience. Routledge

In the UK, progress has been made in terms of awareness of the barriers to participation and social inclusion that is experienced by people with severe and enduring mental health problems (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2004). Yet it is unclear... Read More about Participation and inclusion: mental health service users' lived experience – an international study..

Profile, practice and perspectives of occupational therapists in community mental health teams in Ireland (2010)
Journal Article
O'Connell, J. E., & McKay, E. A. (2010). Profile, practice and perspectives of occupational therapists in community mental health teams in Ireland. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(5), 219-228.

The Mental Health Commission (2006a) and the Department of Health and Children (2006) have identified a gap in the knowledge relating to the interventions carried out by mental health workers in community mental health teams (CMHTs) in Ireland. The p... Read More about Profile, practice and perspectives of occupational therapists in community mental health teams in Ireland.

‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness (2010)
Journal Article
McKay, E. A. (2010). ‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(3), 96-105.

The lives of women with an enduring mental illness have been little researched within occupational therapy. This study explored the experiences of five women living with enduring mental illness in their communities. The women were interviewed over a... Read More about ‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness.

The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking. (2010)
Journal Article
Bryant, W., Vacher, G., Beresford, P., & McKay, E. (2010). The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking. Mental Health Review Journal, 15(3), 11-21.

The modernisation of mental health day services has been shaped by concerns about the social exclusion of people with enduring mental health problems. Initiatives have emphasised the use of mainstream facilities and an individualised approach. In con... Read More about The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking..

Irish employers' attitudes to mental illness. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Foley, T., & McKay, E. A. (2009, April). Irish employers' attitudes to mental illness. Paper presented at Association of Occupational Therapist Ireland

Advancing occupational therapy in mental health practice. (2008)
McKay, E. A., Craik, C., Lim, K. H., & Richards, G. (Eds.). (2008). Advancing occupational therapy in mental health practice

Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice looks at the contribution that occupational therapists make to the lives of clients living with mental illness. It examines current practice developments and the innovative research that is sha... Read More about Advancing occupational therapy in mental health practice..