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Left in the dark about asthma: Older asthma patients are often unaware of their potentially fatal condition and how to manage it effectively until a severe attack strikes, say Elaine Carnegie and Angela Jones (2013)
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., & Jones, A. (2013). Left in the dark about asthma: Older asthma patients are often unaware of their potentially fatal condition and how to manage it effectively until a severe attack strikes, say Elaine Carnegie and Angela Jones. Nursing Older People, 25(9), 11-11.

THE PREVALENCE of asthma in older people in developed countries has been estimated at between 6 and 10 per cent of the population (Cardona et al 2011). The proportion of the overall number of asthma deaths in the over-65s remains high – 75 per cent;... Read More about Left in the dark about asthma: Older asthma patients are often unaware of their potentially fatal condition and how to manage it effectively until a severe attack strikes, say Elaine Carnegie and Angela Jones.

Improving the management of asthma in older adults (2013)
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., & Jones, A. (2013). Improving the management of asthma in older adults. Nursing Standard, 28(13), 50-58.

Older people with asthma are a discrete patient group that requires specialist nursing skills and knowledge. They have specific and sometimes hidden needs that will affect their quality of life unless these are addressed by caring and competent nurse... Read More about Improving the management of asthma in older adults.

Goal-setting intervention in patients with active asthma: Protocol for a pilot cluster-randomised controlled trial (2013)
Journal Article
Hoskins, G., Abhyankar, P., Taylor, A. D., Duncan, E., Sheikh, A., Pinnock, H., van der Pol, M., Donnan, P. T., & Williams, B. (2013). Goal-setting intervention in patients with active asthma: Protocol for a pilot cluster-randomised controlled trial. Trials, 14, Article 289.

Background: Supporting self-management behaviours is recommended guidance for people with asthma. Preliminary work suggests that a brief, intensive, patient-centred intervention may be successful in supporting people with asthma to participate in lif... Read More about Goal-setting intervention in patients with active asthma: Protocol for a pilot cluster-randomised controlled trial.