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Engineered Nanomaterial Impact in the Liver following Exposure via an Intravenous Route–The Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes and Gene Expression in the Organ (2012)
Journal Article
Kermanizadeh, A., Brown, D. M., Hutchison, G. R., & Stone, V. (2012). Engineered Nanomaterial Impact in the Liver following Exposure via an Intravenous Route–The Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes and Gene Expression in the Organ. Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology, 4, 157.

Background and methods: Following exposure via a number of routes (inhalation, ingestion or injection), some
Nanomaterials (NMs) translocate to secondary tissues, prominently the liver. This study investigated the effects of an
array of NMs, varyin... Read More about Engineered Nanomaterial Impact in the Liver following Exposure via an Intravenous Route–The Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes and Gene Expression in the Organ.

Relationship between Androgen Action in the “Male Programming Window,” Fetal Sertoli Cell Number, and Adult Testis Size in the Rat (2008)
Journal Article
Scott, H. M., Hutchison, G. R., Jobling, M. S., McKinnell, C., Drake, A. J., & Sharpe, R. M. (2008). Relationship between Androgen Action in the “Male Programming Window,” Fetal Sertoli Cell Number, and Adult Testis Size in the Rat. Endocrinology, 149, 5280-5287.

Fetal androgen action is an important determinant of Sertoli cell (SC) number at birth. Androgens “program” reproductive tract development in rats between embryonic d (e) 15.5 and e17.5 (“male programming window”), and this is reflected for life by a... Read More about Relationship between Androgen Action in the “Male Programming Window,” Fetal Sertoli Cell Number, and Adult Testis Size in the Rat.

Identification in rats of a programming window for reproductive tract masculinization, disruption of which leads to hypospadias and cryptorchidism (2008)
Journal Article
Welsh, M., Saunders, P. T. K., Fisken, M., Scott, H. M., Hutchison, G. R., Smith, L. B., & Sharpe, R. M. (2008). Identification in rats of a programming window for reproductive tract masculinization, disruption of which leads to hypospadias and cryptorchidism. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 118(4), 1479-1490.

Becoming a phenotypic male is ultimately determined by androgen-induced masculinization. Disorders of fetal masculinization, resulting in hypospadias or cryptorchidism, are common, but their cause remains unclear. Together with the adult-onset disord... Read More about Identification in rats of a programming window for reproductive tract masculinization, disruption of which leads to hypospadias and cryptorchidism.

The influence of particle composition and size on in vitro and in vivo biological models. (2003)
Lightbody, J., Hutchison, G. R., Donaldson, K., & Stone, V. (2003). The influence of particle composition and size on in vitro and in vivo biological models

Particulate air pollution has been consistently linked with an increase in morbidity and mortality due to respiratory complications and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate which components of PM10 are important in driving... Read More about The influence of particle composition and size on in vitro and in vivo biological models..