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Potential of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown for timber production in Great Britain (2018)
Gil-Moreno, D. Potential of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown for timber production in Great Britain. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The limited range of commercial timber species in Great Britain has led the forestry sector to consider wider planting of other species. This research addresses wood properties, particularly relevant to structural timber, of noble fir, Norway spruce,... Read More about Potential of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown for timber production in Great Britain.

A study of early colour change due to simulated accelerated sunlight exposure in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) (2009)
Journal Article
Kint, D. P., Hill, C. A., Sharratt, V., Hill, C. A. S., & Kint, D. (2009). A study of early colour change due to simulated accelerated sunlight exposure in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94(9), 1589-1594.

A detailed study of early colour change in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) due to accelerated simulated sunlight exposure was undertaken focusing on the 1st 24 hours of change. Colour changes were monitored with a Datacolor check spectrophotometer and... Read More about A study of early colour change due to simulated accelerated sunlight exposure in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).

Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack? (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S. (2009). Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack?. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 4(1-2), 37-45.

Three main mechanisms have been postulated for explaining why acetylation provides protection from wood against fungal decay, which can be divided into biochemical (substrate recognition) and physical (cell wall nanopore blocking or cell wall moistur... Read More about Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack?.

Decay resistance of acetylated and hexanoylated hardwood and softwood species exposed to Coniophora puteana (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S., Curling, S., Kwon, J., & Marty, V. (2009). Decay resistance of acetylated and hexanoylated hardwood and softwood species exposed to Coniophora puteana. Holzforschung, 63(5), 619-625.

The effect of chemical modification with acetic or hexanoic anhydride upon the decay resistance of wood was studied. Both sapwoods and heartwoods of the following trees were investigated: Japanese larch, Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière; Korean pine,... Read More about Decay resistance of acetylated and hexanoylated hardwood and softwood species exposed to Coniophora puteana.

The reduction in the fibre saturation point of wood due to chemical modification using anhydride reagents: A reappraisal. (2008)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S. (2008). The reduction in the fibre saturation point of wood due to chemical modification using anhydride reagents: A reappraisal. Holzforschung, 62, 423-428.

The data from a previous study of the moisture adsorption of Corsican pine modified with linear chain carboxylic acid anhydrides, (acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, hexanoic), has been reanalysed so that moisture content is reported as a percentag... Read More about The reduction in the fibre saturation point of wood due to chemical modification using anhydride reagents: A reappraisal..

Promoting the science and engineering of timber to children. (2008)
Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2008). Promoting the science and engineering of timber to children. Timber Engineering,

The UK’s young people are generally very poorly informed about the opportunities that exist for them in wood science and timber engineering, and commonly perceive the sector to be old-fashioned, unrewarding, environmentally damaging, and requiring of... Read More about Promoting the science and engineering of timber to children..

Do people grow on trees? Guidance for employers in the Scottish forest and timber industries. (2008)
Bond, S., Thomson, E., MacPherson, S., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2008). Do people grow on trees? Guidance for employers in the Scottish forest and timber industries

The final report for the Forest Industries Recruitment and Retention (FIRRS) project.

Forests and their products are hugely important to the economic and environmental sustainability of Scotland’s economy and influence many aspects of Scottish soc... Read More about Do people grow on trees? Guidance for employers in the Scottish forest and timber industries..

A digital photographic method for 3D reconstruction of standing tree shape. (2007)
Journal Article
Hapca, A. I., Mothe, F., & Leban, J.-M. (2007). A digital photographic method for 3D reconstruction of standing tree shape. Annals of Forest Science, 64(6), 631-637.

A digital photographic method is presented which is able to reconstruct the profile of the stem on standing trees up to a height of 12 m and to provide a fine level of detail. The method uses two digital photographs taken at 90° to each other and doe... Read More about A digital photographic method for 3D reconstruction of standing tree shape..

Modelling environmental variation in Young’s modulus for Pinus radiata and implications for determination of critical buckling height. (2006)
Journal Article
Watt, M. S., Moore, J. R., Facon, J.-P., Downes, G. M., Clinton, P. W., Coker, G., Davis, M. R., Simcock, R., Parfitt, R. L., Dando, J., Mason, E. G., & Bown, H. E. (2006). Modelling environmental variation in Young’s modulus for Pinus radiata and implications for determination of critical buckling height. Annals of Botany, 98, 765-775.

Background and Aims: Although density-specific stiffness, E/, (where E is Young's modulus and is wood density) is often assumed constant by the elastic similarity model, and in determination of critical buckling height (Hcrit), few studies have test... Read More about Modelling environmental variation in Young’s modulus for Pinus radiata and implications for determination of critical buckling height..

An inexpensive instrument to measure the dynamic response of standing trees to wind loading (2005)
Journal Article
Moore, J. R., Gardiner, B. A., Blackburn, G. R. A., Brickman, A., & Maguire, D. A. (2005). An inexpensive instrument to measure the dynamic response of standing trees to wind loading. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 132(1-2), 78-83.

A relatively inexpensive caliper type strain-gauge transducer was developed for measuring the dynamic behavior of tree stems and branches subjected to wind loading. Laboratory and field tests showed that the voltage signal produced by the transducer... Read More about An inexpensive instrument to measure the dynamic response of standing trees to wind loading.

An investigation of cell wall micropore blocking as a possible mechanism for the decay resistance of anhydride modified wood (2005)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S., Forster, S. C., Farahani, M. R. M., Hale, M. D. C., Ormondroyd, G. A., & Williams, G. R. (2005). An investigation of cell wall micropore blocking as a possible mechanism for the decay resistance of anhydride modified wood. International biodeterioration & biodegradation, 55(1), 69-76.

Corsican pine (Pinus nigra) sapwood was chemically modified with acetic, or hexanoic anhydride to a variety of weight percentage gains. The cell wall microporosity of the wood before and after chemical modification was determined using the technique... Read More about An investigation of cell wall micropore blocking as a possible mechanism for the decay resistance of anhydride modified wood.

Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: influence of crown structure (2004)
Journal Article
Moore, J. R., & Maguire, D. A. (2005). Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: influence of crown structure. Trees - Structure and Function, 19(4), 363-373.

Natural frequency and damping ratio were measured for nine plantation-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) trees from the Oregon Coast Range under different levels of crown removal. Natural frequency of trees, in both their unpruned... Read More about Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: influence of crown structure.

Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: concepts, review and synthesis of previous studies (2004)
Journal Article
Moore, J. R., & Maguire, D. A. (2004). Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: concepts, review and synthesis of previous studies. Trees - Structure and Function, 18(2), 195-203.

Previous studies that measured the natural frequencies and damping ratios of conifer trees were reviewed and results synthesized. Analysis of natural frequency measurements from 602 trees, belonging to eight different species, showed that natural fre... Read More about Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: concepts, review and synthesis of previous studies.

An industrial evaluation of a stand level grading system for Pinus patula. (2001)
Journal Article
Turner, P., Megown, K. A., Grzeskowiak, V., Megown, R. A., Pauck, J., & Alborough, D. (2001). An industrial evaluation of a stand level grading system for Pinus patula. Southern African forestry journal, 190(1), 105-114.

This paper reports on progress made in the development and implementation of a stand level wood quality grading system for P. patula identified for processing in Mondi Merebank's stone ground wood and thermo-mechanical pulp lines. The grading system... Read More about An industrial evaluation of a stand level grading system for Pinus patula..