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Children and their capacity in Scots Law: medical decision-making (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Macfarlane, L. (2015, March). Children and their capacity in Scots Law: medical decision-making. Paper presented at Centre for Mental Health and Incapacity Law, Rights and Policy Conference

No abstract available.

Enlightened shareholder value: did directors deliver? (2014)
Journal Article
Grier, N. (2014). Enlightened shareholder value: did directors deliver?. Juridical Review, 95,

S.172 of the Companies Act 2006 was meant to encourage company directors to behave properly. The evidence is that the wording of s.172 was well intentioned but naive, and that market forces and simpler wording would be more effective.

Dignity in revolution. (2014)
Book Chapter
Moran, C. F. (2014). Dignity in revolution. In J. Carby-Hall (Ed.), Essays on human rights: a celebration of the life of Dr. Janusz Kochanowski. Ius et Lex Foundation

‘Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being,’ but the central responsibility in international human rights law is placed on the shoulders of the State to guarantee that freedom. Human rights law functions as a critical restraint on the po... Read More about Dignity in revolution..

Human trafficking and the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court. (2014)
Journal Article
Moran, C. F. (2014). Human trafficking and the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 3, 32-45

The case for extending the reach of the Rome Statute to the crime of human trafficking has not yet been made in detail. The brutality which occurs when human beings are trafficked by criminal gangs is of an equally egregious nature as the other crime... Read More about Human trafficking and the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court..

Trade-Based Money Laundering: Ever Increasing Threat with Little Regulation (2014)
Journal Article
Chhina, R. K. (2014). Trade-Based Money Laundering: Ever Increasing Threat with Little Regulation. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 29(11), 665-671

Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) represents an important channel of criminal activity. Given the high growth of international trade in recent years and lack of specific international standards to combat money laundering in global trade system, TBM... Read More about Trade-Based Money Laundering: Ever Increasing Threat with Little Regulation.

The ISP 98 and the URDG 758: A Comparative Analysis (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chhina, R. K. (2014, June). The ISP 98 and the URDG 758: A Comparative Analysis. Paper presented at International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law

No abstract available.

F v F: MMR vaccine - welfare need or welfare norm? (2014)
Journal Article
Macfarlane, L.-A. B. (2014). F v F: MMR vaccine - welfare need or welfare norm?. Edinburgh Law Review, 18(2), 284-289.

Notwithstanding extensive media coverage and commentary, the recent judgment of
the High Court Family Division in F v F1 is not one that tells us very much about
children’s rights or, indeed, their welfare. Instead, the case reveals the complexitie... Read More about F v F: MMR vaccine - welfare need or welfare norm?.

Uniform International Legal Regime for Multimodal Transport: Unarguable Need but No General Acceptance (2013)
Journal Article
Chhina, R. K. (2013). Uniform International Legal Regime for Multimodal Transport: Unarguable Need but No General Acceptance. Journal of International Maritime Law, 19(6), 516-524

Currently there is no set of uniform rules for multimodal transport that have received general acceptance and thus entered into force internationally. Following the growth of containerised transportation in the 1960s and the declared support for the... Read More about Uniform International Legal Regime for Multimodal Transport: Unarguable Need but No General Acceptance.

Mediazione dei conflitti e declinazioni della in-sicurezza urbana. L'esperienza fiorentina (Mediation and declinations of urban in-security. The Florence experience) (2013)
Book Chapter
Maglione, G. (2013). Mediazione dei conflitti e declinazioni della in-sicurezza urbana. L'esperienza fiorentina (Mediation and declinations of urban in-security. The Florence experience). In E. Urso (Ed.), Le ragioni degli altri. Mediazione e famiglia tra conflitto e dialogo (525-534). Firenze University Press

Elena Urso (a cura di), Le ragioni degli altri. Mediazione e famiglia tra conflitto e dialogo : una prospettiva comparatistica ed interdisciplinare, ISBN 978-88-6655-323-6 (print) ISBN 978-88-6655-324-3 (online PDF) ISBN 978-88-6655-465-3 (online EPU... Read More about Mediazione dei conflitti e declinazioni della in-sicurezza urbana. L'esperienza fiorentina (Mediation and declinations of urban in-security. The Florence experience).