Thoughts on the wider implications of the rejection of the City of Edinburgh's proposals.
Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (2005). Thoughts on the wider implications of the rejection of the City of Edinburgh's proposals. Scotregen, 7
Public private partnership - comparative issues in the UK, Germany and Austria (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McQuaid, R. W., & Scherrer, W. (2005, May). Public private partnership - comparative issues in the UK, Germany and Austria. Presented at 11th International Public Private Partnerships ConferenceWhile the UK has been a leader in the large-scale introduction of public private partnerships (PPPs) across the economy, both Austria and Germany have been relative latecomers within the recent move towards PPPs. This paper analyses the issues drivin... Read More about Public private partnership - comparative issues in the UK, Germany and Austria.