Who wants to be in rational love?
Journal Article
Neill, C. (2009). Who wants to be in rational love?. Annual review of critical psychology : action research, 7, 140-150
Intersubjectivity and the (im)possibility of connection (2008)
(2008). D. Hook, & C. Neill (Eds.), Intersubjectivity and the (im)possibility of connection. Palgrave MacMillan
Severality: Beyond the Compression of the Cogito (2008)
Journal Article
Neill, C. (2008). Severality: Beyond the Compression of the Cogito. Subjectivity, 24(1), 325-339. https://doi.org/10.1057/sub.2008.21This paper explores a Lacanian approach towards inter-subjectivity and a consideration of how such an approach might impact constructively on social psychology. Drawing largely on the work of Bracha Ettinger, the paper will consider questions of alte... Read More about Severality: Beyond the Compression of the Cogito.