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Robot companions for citizens: roadmapping the potential for future robots In empowering older people. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Prescott, T. J., Epton, T., Evers, V., McKee, K., Hawley, M., Webb, T., Benyon, D., Conran, S., Strand, R., Buning, M. D. C., Verschure, P., & Dario, P. (2012, May). Robot companions for citizens: roadmapping the potential for future robots In empowering older people

The Future Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Candi- date "Robot Companions for Citizens" (RCC) proposes a transformative initiative, addressing a cross-domain grand scientific and technological challenge, to develop a new class of machines and emb... Read More about Robot companions for citizens: roadmapping the potential for future robots In empowering older people..

How Was Your Day? evaluating a conversational companion (2012)
Journal Article
Benyon, D., Gambäck, B., Hansen, P., Mival, O., & Webb, N. (2012). How Was Your Day? evaluating a conversational companion. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 4, 299-311.

The “How Was Your Day” (HWYD) Companion is an embodied conversational agent that can discuss work-related issues, entering free-form dialogues that lack any clearly defined tasks and goals. The development of this type of Companion technology require... Read More about How Was Your Day? evaluating a conversational companion.