Towards causal ordering based on dimensional analysis.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shen, Q., & Peng, T. (1998, August). Towards causal ordering based on dimensional analysis
Some observations about GA-based exam timetabling. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ross, P., Hart, E., & Corne, D. (1997, August). Some observations about GA-based exam timetabling. Presented at Second International Conference, PATAT’97, Toronto, CanadaAlthough many people have tried using genetic algorithms (GAs) for exam timetabling, far fewer have done systematic investigations to try to determine whether a GA is a good choice of method or not. We have extensively studied GAs that use one partic... Read More about Some observations about GA-based exam timetabling..
Improving a lecture timetabling system for university wide use (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B., Rankin, B., & Cumming, A. (1997, August). Improving a lecture timetabling system for university wide use. Presented at Second International Conference, PATAT’97, Toronto, CanadaDuring the academic year 1996/97 the authors were commissioned by their institution to produce an automated timetabling system for use by all departments within the Faculty of Science. The system had to cater for the varying requirements of all the d... Read More about Improving a lecture timetabling system for university wide use.
A comparison of dominance mechanisms and simple mutation on non-stationary problems. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lewis, J., Hart, E., & Ritchie, G. (1998, September). A comparison of dominance mechanisms and simple mutation on non-stationary problems. Presented at 5th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN 1998, AmsterdamIt is sometimes claimed that genetic algorithms using diploid representations will be more suitable for problems in which the environment changes from time to time, as the additional information stored in the double chromosome will ensure diversity,... Read More about A comparison of dominance mechanisms and simple mutation on non-stationary problems..
Producing robust schedules via an artificial immune system. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., Ross, P., & Nelson, J. (1998, May). Producing robust schedules via an artificial immune systemThis paper describes an artificial immune system (AIS) approach
to producing robust schedules for a dynamic jobshop
scheduling problem in which jobs arrive continually,
and the environment is subject to change due to practical
reasons. We investi... Read More about Producing robust schedules via an artificial immune system..
Solving a real-world problem using an evolving heuristically driven schedule builder. (1998)
Journal Article
Hart, E., Ross, P., & Nelson, J. (1998). Solving a real-world problem using an evolving heuristically driven schedule builder. Evolutionary Computation, 6(1), 61-80. work addresses the real-life scheduling problem of a Scottish company that must produce daily schedules for the catching and transportation of large numbers of live chickens. The problem is complex and highly constrained. We show that it can be... Read More about Solving a real-world problem using an evolving heuristically driven schedule builder..
Commentary cognitive engineering as the development of information spaces (1998)
Journal Article
Benyon, D. (1998). Commentary cognitive engineering as the development of information spaces. Ergonomics, 41(2), 153-156.