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Parallel genetic algorithms for optimised fuzzy modelling with application to a fermentation process (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soufian, M., & Soufian, M. (1997, September). Parallel genetic algorithms for optimised fuzzy modelling with application to a fermentation process. Presented at Second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems

This paper reports the construction and application of an evolution program to a computational intelligence system used as a software 'sensor' in state-estimation and prediction of biomass concentration in a fermentation process. A fuzzy logic system... Read More about Parallel genetic algorithms for optimised fuzzy modelling with application to a fermentation process.

A fuzzy neural network sensor for fermentation processes (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soufian, M., & Soufian, M. (1997, April). A fuzzy neural network sensor for fermentation processes. Presented at International Conference, 5th Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, Germany

In this paper computational intelligence has been considered as a tool (software sensor) in state- estimation and prediction of biomass concentration in a fermentation process. An optimised fuzzy system based on genetic algorithm, an artificial neura... Read More about A fuzzy neural network sensor for fermentation processes.