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On the Synthesis of Perturbative Heuristics for Multiple Combinatorial Optimisation Domains (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stone, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2018, September). On the Synthesis of Perturbative Heuristics for Multiple Combinatorial Optimisation Domains. Presented at Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XV), Coimbra, Portugal

Hyper-heuristic frameworks, although intended to be cross-domain at the highest level, rely on a set of domain-specific low-level heuristics at lower levels. For some domains, there is a lack of available heuristics, while for novel problems, no heur... Read More about On the Synthesis of Perturbative Heuristics for Multiple Combinatorial Optimisation Domains.

Automatic Generation of Constructive Heuristics for Multiple Types of Combinatorial Optimisation Problems with Grammatical Evolution and Geometric Graphs (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stone, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2018, April). Automatic Generation of Constructive Heuristics for Multiple Types of Combinatorial Optimisation Problems with Grammatical Evolution and Geometric Graphs. Presented at 21st International Conference, EvoApplications 2018, Parma, Italy

In many industrial problem domains, when faced with a combinatorial optimisation problem, a “good enough, quick enough” solution to a problem is often required. Simple heuristics often suffice in this case. However, for many domains, a simple heurist... Read More about Automatic Generation of Constructive Heuristics for Multiple Types of Combinatorial Optimisation Problems with Grammatical Evolution and Geometric Graphs.

Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks (2008)
Journal Article
López-Ibáñez, M., Prasad, T. D., & Paechter, B. (2008). Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134(4), 337-346.

Reducing energy consumption of water distribution networks has never had more significance than today. The greatest energy savings can be obtained by careful scheduling of operation of pumps. Schedules can be defined either implicitly, in terms of ot... Read More about Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control of Pumps in Water Distribution Networks.

Ensemble: embodied experiences in a sound and jewellery installation (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kettley, S., Smyth, M., Arvind, D. K., Greig, F., McGregor, I., & Paechter, B. (2007, December). Ensemble: embodied experiences in a sound and jewellery installation. Presented at Create 07

ensemble - an interactive collection of networked jewellery with gesturally determined, real time sonic output

Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lewis, R., Lewis, R. M. R., & Paechter, B. (2005, March). Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling. Presented at 5th European Conference in Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (EvoCop 2005), Lausanne, Swizerland

University Course Timetabling-Problems (UCTPs) involve the allocation of resources (such as rooms and timeslots) to all the events of a university, satisfying a set of hard-constraints and, as much as possible, some soft constraints. Here we work wit... Read More about Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling.

A comparison of the performance of different metaheuristics on the timetabling problem. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rossi-Doria, O., Sampels, M., Birattari, M., Chiarandini, M., Dorigo, M., Gambardella, L. M., Knowles, J., Manfrin, M., Mastrolilli, M., Paechter, B., Paquete, L., & Stutzle, T. (2002, August). A comparison of the performance of different metaheuristics on the timetabling problem

The main goal of this paper is to attempt an unbiased comparison of the performance of straightforward implementations of five different metaheuristics on a university course timetabling problem. In particular, the metaheuristics under consideration... Read More about A comparison of the performance of different metaheuristics on the timetabling problem..

A GA evolving instructions for a timetable builder. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blum, C., Correia, S., Dorigo, M., Paechter, B., Rossi-Doria, O., & Snoek, M. (2002, August). A GA evolving instructions for a timetable builder. Presented at PATAT 2002

In this work we present a Genetic Algorithm for tackling timetabling problems. Our approach uses an indirect solution representation, which denotes a number of instructions for a timetable builder on how to sequentially build a solution. These instru... Read More about A GA evolving instructions for a timetable builder..

A local search for the timetabling problem. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rossi-Doria, O., Blum, C., Knowles, J., Sampels, M., Socha, K., & Paechter, B. (2002, August). A local search for the timetabling problem. Presented at PATAT 2002

This work is part of the Metaheuristic Network, a European Commission project that seeks to empirically compare the performance of various metaheuristics on different combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper we define a representation, a ne... Read More about A local search for the timetabling problem..

Timetabling the classes of an entire university with an evolutionary algorithm. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B., Rankin, B., Cumming, A., & Fogarty, T. C. (1998, September). Timetabling the classes of an entire university with an evolutionary algorithm. Presented at 5th International Conference Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN V, Amsterdam

This paper describes extensions to an evolutionary algorithm that timetables classes for an entire University. A new method of dealing with multi-objectives is described along with a user interface designed for it. New results are given concerning re... Read More about Timetabling the classes of an entire university with an evolutionary algorithm..

Extensions to a memetic timetabling system. (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B., Cumming, A., Norman, M. G., & Luchian, H. (1995, August). Extensions to a memetic timetabling system. Presented at International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, Edinburgh

This paper describes work in progress to increase the performance of a memetic timetabling system. The features looked at are two directed mutation operators, targeted mutation and a structured population that facilitates parallel implementation. Exp... Read More about Extensions to a memetic timetabling system..

The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms. (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B., Cumming, A., & Luchian, H. (1995, April). The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms. Presented at AISB International Workshop on Evolutionary Computing 1996, Brighton, UK

This paper presents a new genetic representation for timetabling with evolutionary algorithms. The representation involves the use of suggestion lists for the placement of events into timeslots. A set of recombination operators is defined for the new... Read More about The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms..

Optimising a Presentation Timetable Using Evolutionary Algorithms (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B. (1994, April). Optimising a Presentation Timetable Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Presented at AISB EC: AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing, Leeds

This paper describes a solution to the problem of scheduling student presentations which uses evolutionary algorithms. The solution uses a permutation based approach with each candidate schedule being coded for by a genotype containing six chromosome... Read More about Optimising a Presentation Timetable Using Evolutionary Algorithms.

A general model for the answer-pertubation techniques. (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stamate, D., Luchian, H., & Paechter, B. (1994, September). A general model for the answer-pertubation techniques

Answer-perturbation techniques for the protection
of statistical databases were introduced in [7]; they
are flexible (perturbation kept under control),
modular (do not interact with the DBMS)
techniques, which compare fmorably to previous
protec... Read More about A general model for the answer-pertubation techniques..

An evolutionary approach to the general timetable problem. (1993)
Book Chapter
Paechter, B., Luchian, H., & Cumming, A. (1993). An evolutionary approach to the general timetable problem. In The Scientific Annals of the "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, special issue for the ROSYCS symposium 1993. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press